These scholarships and grants were given by generous donors to help students pursue a Moody education. If one of the scholarships or grants particularly speaks to you, please consider contributing. You'll help train the next generation of mission workers and ministry leaders to impact the world for Christ.
Abba Father Ministries Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded through a generous gift from Abba Father Ministries to continue the mission of caring for the needs of persecuted Christians around the world. This scholarship is intended to assist students originating from or preparing for ministry in regions recognized for severe persecution of Christians.

In 2010, Dr. Matthew and Grace Soeter and Ron and Linda Storm partnered to found Abba Father Ministries with the goal to come alongside persecuted Christian leaders and their families worldwide by providing a safe haven for their children with Christ-following families in the United States. Although Abba Father Ministries is no longer active, the legacy continues through this endowment.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate International student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. Qualifying candidates must originate from or be intending to serve in Christian ministry in one of the countries listed on the current Open Doors Annual International’s Christian Persecution World Watch List.
Adolph and Emma Hermann Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous legacy gift from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Jean Hansen, to honor her parents, Adolph and Emma Hermann and their years of faithful Christian service as missionaries in China in the early twentieth century. This scholarship was funded to provide financial assistance to students of the Institute intending to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in future Christian service outside the North American continent.
Adolph and Emma Hermann served the Lord as missionaries in China for over twenty years. Mr. Hermann was a graduate of Glasgow Bible Institute and went out from England under the China Inland Mission (now OMF International). Ms. Emma Hicks was a student of Moody Bible Institute's class of 1904, and went from the USA under the Presbyterian Board. The two met and were married in China. Two sons and a daughter were born to the couple while they served in China.
Their work in China was itinerant evangelism and support services in a mission hospital. Mr. Hermann developed a love for and skill with flowers that were native to that part of China while also forming lasting friendships and witnessing opportunities.
During one of the political uprisings in north China in the mid-1920's, Mrs. Hermann and their children were sent to the USA with the expectation that she and their daughter would return to China after the boys were settled in school. Mrs. Emma Hicks Hermann was quoted in the Moody Alumni News during this time, "I have been a missionary in the homeland since '24. My husband returned to evangelistic work in Chen Chou, China, January '26, while I remain with the children, who are all in school" (March 1927). Following events during in their area of ministry in China, Mr. Hermann eventually joined his family in the USA in 1927. For the next sixteen years, they lived in Missouri and served in a Christian college before coming to Wheaton to provide a home for their daughter who was attending college.
Adolph and Emma Hermann were faithful, prayerful members of their church and of the CIM-OMF prayer fellowship in Wheaton. They supported themselves by their gardening, housework, childcare and as a railroad crossing watchman. Both friends and family knew this couple to be loving, simple living, and generous servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Emma Hermann went home to be with the Lord in 1964 at the age of 85 years. Adolph Hermann joined her in 1967 at the age of 87 years. To the ends of their lives here on earth, they demonstrated their concern for people both near and as far as the "corners" of the world.
Recipients of this scholarship must be preparing for Christian service outside the North American continent following completion of their studies. Additionally, all recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, able to show proof of financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and show definite promise of usefulness in future ministry.
Agnes Olness Christian Radio Broadcast Training Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Hakon and Karen Torjesen to honor the memory of her mother, Agnes Gunderson Olness. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to needy and deserving students studying in the Institute's Communications (Broadcasting) Major in preparation for service in radio broadcasting ministry.

Norman and Agnes Olness
Agnes Gunderson Olness (1908-1993) was the child of Norwegian parents who had immigrated to La Crosse, Wisconsin. Following her marriage to Norman Olness during the Great Depression, she moved to a farm near Peterson in southeastern Minnesota. Always a committed Christian, she taught Sunday school in both La Crosse and Peterson. She read Bible stories to her five children each evening, encouraged them to memorize long Bible passages, and taught them many hymns.

Agnes Olness and her daughter, Elisabeth
Life on the farm was hard for Agnes. During her first five years on the farm there was no electricity. She washed clothing by hand, using a washboard, and she canned vegetables and meats because there was no freezer. However, she always had a battery operated radio. She listened to Christian radio every day as she worked. Although she and her family were poor, she tithed regularly and much of her tithes went to Christian radio programs.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody’s Communications (Broadcasting) Major and be actively serving with Moody Campus Radio as Station Manager or Assistant Station Manager, with the intent to continue in vocational Christian service the following completion of their studies.
Albert E. Faust Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Harold M. Faust to honor the lasting memory of his brother, Albert E. Faust. Albert was a longtime friend and supporter of Moody Bible Institute and a faithful and committed servant to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen of Moody's Missionary Aviation program who are training for service in the field of missionary aviation.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an upperclassman enrolled in full-time studies in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and demonstrate promise of usefulness in future aviation ministry. Each recipient must also demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and have proven financial need.
Alexander and Myrtle Meade Varney Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Herbert E. Varney and Mary Lou Colburn to honor the memory of their parents, Alexander and Myrtle Varney. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students as they study and grow in preparation for missionary service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, manifest an exemplary Christian life, shows definite promise of usefulness in future ministry, maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and demonstrate financial need.
Alex and Joyce Gray Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by Alex and Joyce Gray in commitment to advance the cause of Jesus Christ. This endowed scholarship is intended to encourage Moody students studying in preparation for Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, with proven financial need and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Alice C. and William E. Brown Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was endowed to honor the memory of William E. and Alice C. Brown. This endowment is intended to provide assistance to Moody students who are preparing for vocational missionary service in the fields of medicine or education.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school a minimum of 6 credit hours, and be preparing for or currently serving in medical or teaching missions.
Arthur and Alma Bengtson Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Kenneth and Connie Bengtson to honor the rich legacy of his parents, Arthur and Alma Bengtson, and their years of faithful service to their family and the Lord. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students intending to serve the Lord as a mission worker overseas.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate Missions major in good academic and disciplinary standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have proven financial need. All applicants must have expressed interest in serving the Lord through foreign missions upon completion of their education.
Asaph Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Linda Ridenour in gratitude to God for His faithfulness in their own lives and their commitment to the continued advancement of the Gospel. It is this couple's desire to encourage and assist others as the Lord had done in their own lives by providing financial assistance to students of the Institute preparing for vocational Christian ministry, with preference given to those preparing for vocational Christian music ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student, demonstrate promise of usefulness in future ministry, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and have proven financial need. Special consideration will be given to all candidates enrolled in Moody's Music program who are intending to serve in the Institute's Symphonic Band through completion of their undergraduate studies.
Aubie E. Riddle Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by his widow in loving memory of Mr. Aubie E. Riddle, a Christian layman who served Christ, His church, his family and his community. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving graduate students of Moody Theological Seminary preparing to serve Christ in vocational ministry to extend His kingdom.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a graduate student in good standing with approved Christian character and evidence of usefulness in future ministry. Each recipient must demonstrate an intent to engage in vocational ministry and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Ballard Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the Dr. and Mrs. LaMonte Ballard and their family to honor the Lord and His faithfulness. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students as they study and grow in preparation for vocational Christian ministry outside the continental United States.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, be intending to serve the Lord through vocational missionary service outside the continental United States, and exhibit an exemplary Christian character.
Barbara Parmentier Polk Scholarship Endowment
This endowed scholarship is funded with a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Barbara Polk, and is intended to financially assist and encourage deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute who are committed to serving the Lord in Christian ministry through the advocacy and restoration of victims of abuse or neglect.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All applicants must be preparing for a life of Christian service to victims of abuse or neglect, with special consideration to be given to individuals intending to work with children and youth affected by the childhood trauma of abuse or neglect.
Barnabas Fund III Scholarship
This scholarship was funded with a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. and Catherine Pinckard with the intent being to alleviate the pressure on Moody students to work during class sessions. The Pinckards were committed to subsidizing the cost of schooling for needy and deserving students studying God's Word who would otherwise have to work a significant number of hours to pay for their education. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's Seminary students preparing for service in missions or the pastorate.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All applicants must be intending to service in Christian missions or in pastoral ministry upon completion of their studies.
Bellchambers Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Mrs. Beatrice Bellchambers. It is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's International students attending from one of the qualifying countries.
Beatrice was born in the United Kingdom and married a US serviceman serving in Europe during World War II. At the close of the war Beatrice and her husband returned to the United States where they settled in Chicago. It was during her time in Chicago that Beatrice became familiar with Moody Bible Institute as a listener through Moody Radio.
After Beatrice's first husband passed, she returned to the UK where she married Mr. Bellchambers.
Then in 2001 at the time of Beatrice's passing, it was made know that she had remembered Moody Bible Institute with a generous legacy gift. This gift was realized through the founding of the Bellchambers Scholarship, whereby students from qualifying countries, primarily within the British Commonwealth, were eligible for financial assistance to help alleviate the cost of their education and lodging for the duration of their studies at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
To date, over 200 Moody students have attended from India, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong , Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa and various countries in Europe. Most of those would not have been able to study at MBI were it not for Mrs. Bellchambers' incredible gift.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student of the Institute holding citizenship from one of the qualifying countries, including all 27 member states of the European Union, the countries recognized as members of the British Commonwealth, as well as Kosovo, Ukraine, and Switzerland. Additionally, all recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be able to show proof of financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Berg Family Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Dr. and Mrs. Howard and Sharon Berg to encourage others as the Lord had encouraged and helped their own family by providing financial assistance to students of the Institute who are preparing to serve Christ through Christian ministry and is either a child of Christian missionaries or an International student.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student and be a child of Christian missionaries preparing for vocational ministry or an undergraduate or graduate International student preparing to serve Christ in the student’s country of origin upon completion of their studies. Recipients must be able to prove financial need and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.3.
Bergen Tom Lawrence Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by friends and family of Bergen Tom Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence was a Moody graduate. He served faithfully as a missionary committed to reaching the Chinese people for Christ. This scholarship is intended to honor Mr. Bergen's legacy through offering financial assistance to Moody's Chinese students who are studying in preparation of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Chinese community.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, and be preparing for a life of Christian ministry to the Chinese people upon completion of their studies.
Betty & Bill Wieneke Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established to Trust to honor Betty Wieneke. This scholarship is established to be awarded to Moody Bible Institute’s Undergraduate and Graduate students who exemplify Christ-like attitudes who are preparing for global missions in various academic majors including but not limited to Music and Communications.
Betty Wieneke
Betty was Salutatorian of her 1952 High School Senior Class in Shipman, IL and missed Valedictorian by only 1 point, something she mentioned as a disappointment even in the last year of her life. She earned a scholarship, but because our family was very poor, she went to work immediately out of high school and although she did not attend college, education was very important to her. She contributed money toward the college education or technical training of her children and several of her grandchildren who are now all adults. She worked very hard to accumulate the money in her estate and was very thrifty when it came to herself, but very generous when it came to others. She faithfully tithed her 10% and much more. She was a member of Willow Creek Church in South Barrington, which was near her home in Bartlett, and worked in the campus bookstore, the tapes ministry, and other volunteer positions. Her husband, Bill, worked for the car ministry. They housed many Willow Creek guests and students who came in for various conferences and events. Betty was also a strong supporter of Moody Bible Institute as well as other religious organizations.
Betty survived cancer, a stroke and brain surgery. She had a portion of her brain removed that was damaged when she had her stroke and we were told that if she survived the brain surgery (and the odds were stacked against her), she would probably have paralysis and memory loss, but she made it through the brain surgery and had no great ill effects. Our family and friends formed a prayer circle, and our prayers were answered and she lived for an additional 16 years after brain surgery and 35 years after removal of a portion of her colon from cancer. She was born with a small hole in her heart that was not discovered until a year before she passed at the age of 87. She was just so remarkable, so resilient and such a survivor. Her faith got her through all the tough times and music helped heal her soul. Our family was so blessed to have her in our lives. I hope that gives you some insight into what an incredible woman my sister, Betty, was. She passed away on January 31, 2022. Her husband, Bill, preceded her in death on February 9, 2019.
Recipients of the award should be enrolled at Moody Bible Institute and be able to demonstrate financial need. Additionally, all recipients must remain in good academic, disciplinary standing and preparing for a live of Christian service in their field of study.
Beverly Taylor Mathis Scholarship
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Handmaiden Beverly Taylor Mathis Scholarship
This scholarship, funded through the generosity of Ms. Caryl Cusick and the Christian Workers Foundation of Alabama, honors the lasting legacy of a faithful Christian servant, Ms. Beverly Taylor Mathis. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute's Communications major who are preparing for ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Institute's Communications major. All recipients must be able to prove financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Bible Translation Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship was established by a generous legacy gift from an anonymous donor and is intended to encourage students studying linguistics in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world.
This scholarship is available to full-time undergraduate and graduate students preparing for ministry utilizing Bible translation or linguistics. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
Bill and Jean Snell Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is established by Mrs. Paula (Snell) Popenfoose and Mrs. Martha (Snell) Miller to honor their loving parents Mr. Williams and Mrs. Jean Snell.
William Harrison Snell was born February 5, 1932 in Arkport, New York, the son of Stanley H. Snell and Dorotha (Acomb) Snell. He married Helen Jean (Swallen) on August 14, 1954 and they shared 62 years of marriage. Helen Jean (Swallen) Snell was born in Alliance, OH on February 10, 1931 to Eugene Emerson and Helen Elizabeth (Anthony) Swallen. She was a graduate of Alliance High School (1949) and Moody Bible Institute (1953).
Bill and Jean are survived by daughters Paula Jean (G. Stephen) Popenfoose, and Martha Snell (Craig) Miller, son, Mark Alan (Kathy) Snell, grandchildren, Jon Paul Popenfoose, Joel Mark (Jessica) Popenfoose, Crystal Snell (Jamison) Lett, John Henry (Elizabeth) Eichelberger III, and Amber (Snell) and Sloan Le, great grandchildren, Noble, Henning and Augustne Lett, Hunter and Harrison Popenfoose, and Avery Jean, Cameron, Weston, and Wyatt Popenfoose and John Henry Eichelberger IV They were preceded in death by a grandson, David William Snell.
After finishing high school in Arkport, New York, Bill went on to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, graduating in 1954 in the Pastor’s Course. Bill was part of the cafeteria crew and smiled warmly at Jean when she brought her dirty dishes to his station. Jean worked in the MBI library, sang in Moody Chorale and graduated in the Christan Educaton Major.
After marrying, Bill went on to receive a B.A. degree in Bible & Greek from Grace College in 1955 and graduated from Grace Theological Seminary in 1958 with a Master’s of Divinity.
Their next 62 years were spent in Christan service. They pastored churches in Needham Heights, Massachusetts and Meyersdale, Pennsylvania before spending 22 years as the senior pastor of Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania. Bill served as conference moderator for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren churches from 1992-1993 and as Eastern Field Director of Church Plantng for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches from 1990 to 1998. His last 21 years of ministry were spent at Grace Polaris Church in Westerville, Ohio from 1998 to 2019 as a member of the pastoral care staff. He was given the prestigious Pastor of the Year Award in 1999 From Moody Bible Institute.
He is remembered for his dramatic preaching, his daily meditations on WKMC, his hosting of groups touring Israel, and his Daily Devotion published in various Brethren publications. He loved to lead Junior Camp and Junior High & Senior High campers at Camp Mantowagan in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
His other interests included playing many rounds of golf at the Iron Masters course in Ore Hill, Pennsylvania, Penn State football, and Pittsburgh Pirates baseball. He enjoyed grouse and deer hunting and playing practical jokes on family and friends. His ping pong skills were legendary. Bill and Jean traveled overseas in Europe and visited Israel several times. One of their greatest travel joys was visiting grandchildren and great-grandchildren in many states.
Moving to Warsaw, IN in 1990, Bill served Grace Brethren North American Missions and Jeanie cared for her bed-bound mother. While in Warsaw, Jeanie served as author and editor of Serving My Master (SMM) notebooks and lessons for girls ages 5-18.
In 2000, they moved to Columbus, OH where Bill served on the pastoral care team of Grace at Polaris.
Jean spent her life serving others as wife and mother, church secretary, vacation Bible school director, junior church and Sunday school master teacher, church organist and pianist. She gave private piano lessons to hundreds of students. She was a gifted seamstress and well known for her gracious and unique hospitality to friends and family. She made homemade meals and decorated cookies. Her hospitality and care extended to hundreds of friends from all over the United States, and many countries of the world.
Helen Jean (Swallen) Snell, beloved wife of William Harrison Snell, went to be with her Lord on February 10, 2015.
Bill lived his last years as a resident of Celebration Villa in Duncansville, Pennsylvania. William Harrison Snell went to be with his Heavenly Father on August 25, 2023.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled at Moody Bible Institute Graduate and Undergraduate programs and exemplify Christ-like attitude. Awardees must be preparing for a life of Christian service in their field of study. Additionally, all applicants must be in a good academic standing and show a genuine financial need.
Bill Thrasher Spiritual Formation and Discipleship Tuition Scholarship
This generous scholarship was funded by an anonymous donor who was also a former student, graduate, and alumni of MBI to honor the ongoing work and ministry of Moody's Professor of Spiritual Formation, Dr. William Thrasher. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving graduate students of Moody Theological Seminary's Spiritual Formation and Discipleship program.
Dr. William Thrasher
Dr. William Thrasher (B.S., Auburn University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) has served on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute since 1980 and on the graduate school faculty since 1990, where he oversees the Master's Program in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship.
He is a frequent speaker in churches and retreats across the country. He has written numerous articles on a variety of subjects related to Christian living. His books include God as He Wants You to Know Him, Living the Life God has Planned, A Journey to Victorious Praying, Believing God for His Best, and Putting God Back into the Holidays published by Moody Publishers and he has also written How to be a Soul Physician, The Attributes of God in Pauline Theology, Experiencing the Pleasure of Believing God and Principles of Christian Living from Romans 5-8. He has written "Jonah" in the Moody Bible Commentary and has authored two online courses: Biblical Spiritual Formation and Biblical Spiritual Formation Lab 1. He also hosts a website A Journey to Victorious Praying that seeks to encourage Christians in their own spiritual walk with the Lord.
He is married to Penny and they have three sons: Will, Michael, and David. (Special thanks to Dr. Thrasher for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of his biography originally located on his website, A Journey to Victorious Praying. This document may also be viewed in its entirety at
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled a minimum of 6 credit hours in Moody Theological Seminary's Masters of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship Program, demonstrate financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Black and Minority Student Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, established through the gifts of generous donors, is intended to provide financial assistance to qualifying Moody minority students entering into their freshman year of studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be entering into their freshman year of studies at the Institute and have proven identity as belonging to a racial or ethnic minority group.
Block Scholarship for Youth Ministry
This endowed scholarship was funded through the efforts of former students of Grace Church in Minnesota to honor the over 30 years of ministry of Moody Bible Institute alumni, Tim and Jerenne Block (class of 1977). This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen enrolled in Moody's BA in Youth Ministry.
Good friends during their time at Moody, Tim Block and Jerenne (Jeri) Barr dated during their senior year. During their years at Moody, Jeri was involved with the Women's Glee Club and Tim was a part of the Men's Glee Club.
Months before graduation and their planned wedding, Tim was involved in a near-fatal automobile accident that left Tim in a coma. After Tim came out of the coma, he needed live-in care during his Rehabilitation so the couple moved their wedding date up so Jeri could be with Tim full-time and nurse him back to health.
After graduating from Moody, Tim completed his Bachelor's at Trinity International University. The couple then moved to Tempe, Arizona where Tim served as the junior high pastor of a church for twelve years, before returning to the Midwest in 1991 so Tim could serve as the junior high pastor at Grace Church in Edina MN. Jeri served alongside her husband and together the couple proved to be influential for Christ in the lives of young people in this community.
When the Blocks arrived at Grace Church they inherited a strong, dynamic youth group in a rapidly growing mega-church with a rich heritage of ministry to students. Tim and Jerenne took a ministry that was already effective and made it even better.
As a former member of the youth group recounted, "I was a part of their junior high ministry at Grace Church in Minnesota. I will never forget being with them at summer camp before my freshman year in high school. Tim and Jerenne challenged me (and everyone else) to be a 'world changer' and move from just doing the normal Christian thing to really making a difference for Christ. They challenged me to study the Bible, be devoted to prayer, and be bold in sharing my faith. It was because of their genuine love for Christ that I took up that challenge. I admired and trusted them and was truly inspired by their godly example. They got me started on a path toward trusting Christ and I am forever grateful. I grew up thinking that this was just the way every youth group operated, and that the authentic commitment I saw out of Tim and Jerenne was just the norm. But as I've gotten older, I've realized they are exceptionally rare, and I thank the Lord for my time in their ministry."
Another young woman shared her experience in the junior high youth group and recalled, "I admired their passion for the Lord and for their students. Now, years later, I admire them more and more as I have worked alongside them and watched them face life’s challenges with courage and character."
During their years of service to youth of Grace Church, the Blocks showed great wisdom in regards to what did or did not work when ministering to youth. Tim was careful to develop a committed volunteer staff and partner with parents in building a God-honored and effective ministry. Tim's unique way of offering wisdom, admonition, and affirmation continues to be deeply valued by staff and fellow pastors. He is a leader who values the reproduction of new leaders.
In 1999, the Blocks returned to Arizona where they continue to stay involved in ministry and have also partnered in planting and growing of churches in the Phoenix Valley area.
Recipients of this scholarship must be entering their junior or senior year of studies in Moody's Youth Ministry major and have expressed a commitment to serve in vocational youth ministry. Recipients must come at the recommendation of the department head of the Youth Ministry program. Special consideration will be given to those preparing for vocational service as a youth pastor.
Bob and Alma Young Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Dr. Damaris Wright Knobler and her husband, Mr. Donald Knobler, to honor the rich legacy of her parents, Moody alumni Bob and Alma Young, and their years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate, graduate, and Missionary Aviation Technology programs and who are intending to serve the Lord through foreign missions upon completion of their studies.
Bob and Alma Young
Robert (Bob) Young and his beloved wife, Alma Young (nee Gimpel) graduated from Moody in 1939. During their years of service as husband and wife, Bob Young pastored four churches throughout Oklahoma and Texas. His final ministry was to senior citizens and to people who were unable to physically attend church services. Alma Young enjoyed teaching and being a servant to young married couples. Through their ministries many were saved and thirty couples were sent to foreign mission fields to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Class of 1939
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, or Missionary Aviation Technology programs and in good academic and disciplinary standing. All recipients must be intending to serve the Lord through foreign missions upon completion of their education.
Brower-Rutherford Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Dr. and Mrs. Andy and Ruth Rutherford to honor the rich Christian legacies left by their parents, Angus (Moody class of 1932) and Emma Brower and Harley and Elma Rutherford (Moody class of 1936). This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students preparing for Christian missionary service.
Harley and Elma Rutherford
Dr. Andy Rutherford's parents, Harley and Elma Rutherford (nee Kitchen) graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1936 and followed the Lord's leading to California where they ministered to migrant workers. During their time in California, their son James Andrew (Andy) was born on June 17, 1942. The couple then felt called to go to Ethiopia under Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) as teachers to waifs at a boarding school for boys. They sent their son Andy back to the United States to finish high school and college attending Wheaton for two years and graduated from Western Michigan University while they continued serving on the mission field.
Angus and Emma Brower
Mrs. Ruth Rutherford's grandparents, Anton and Viola Andersen, graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1917. Ruth's mother, Emma, was born to the couple and soon afterwards, the young family set sail on a ship to serve the Lord as missionaries in East Africa. A book titled "A Gleam of Light in Congo's Night" written by Viola Andersen tells of the first 7 years of Emma's life out there.
In 1932 Emma was 16 years old and her family returned to the Congo, having finished two years of furlough stateside. Angus Brower was a young graduate of Moody Bible Institute and joined the Andersen family on their return to the Congo, desiring to be a trail blazer for God. Angus and Emma were married in 1937 after Angus spent four years working in the surrounding villages. A book called "Grandpa's Story" tells of their forty years working out there together and some of the stories of Angus traveling out to the villages. Ruth Emma, was born in the Congo in March of 1945, the middle of five children born to Browers.
Dr. Andy and Ruth Rutherford
When Ruth was of the appropriate age, she finished high school in the states, then went on to attend nurses training at Bronson Methodist Hospital School of Nursing in Kalamazoo, MI from 1963 through 1966. She met her future husband, Andy Rutherford, while training at the hospital. Andy worked at the hospital on weekends and the two quickly realized they shared similar backgrounds, as well as a passion for serving God through medicine. The two married in 1966 following Ruth's graduation from the nursing program.
After two years of serving in the army at Fort Bragg, NC and earning a master's in Hospital Administration, Andy was accepted into medical school in Little Rock, AR. After graduation, God took them to the United Arab Emirates to serve at Oasis Hospital under The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). The couple served here from 1976 through 1990. The Rutherford's returned to the United States with a passion for caring for children the Lord blessed Dr. Rutherford with a position as a pediatrician with South Western Medical Clinic until the Lord called him to his eternal home in April of 2004. Ruth has continued to serve on short-term mission trips.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and be preparing for Christian service as a missionary, with special consideration to be given to students that are children of missionaries. All qualifying applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and have proven financial need.
Bruce R. Twiest Memorial Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Bruce R. Twiest, this endowed scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students of the Institute who desire to serve the Lord upon completion of their studies at Moody, with preference given to students attending from the state of Michigan.
Bruce and Patricia Twiest
Bruce R. Twiest grew up in Grand Rapids and was a 1953 graduate of Union High School. Following graduation, Bruce attended Moody Bible Institute for one year before transferring to Western Michigan University where he met the love of his life, Patricia.
It was during this time that he met the love of his life, Patricia. The two met while she was attending the Berean Baptist Church, where Bruce was the volunteer choir director. A two-year long-distance courtship ensued, and they married after college graduation in 1959.
In 1962, Bruce and Patricia moved back to the Grand Rapids area where Bruce accepted a position with Sparta High School as a ‘Shop’ teacher. He was also an active member of Sparta Baptist Church, teaching both children and adults, and used his carpentry skills to help maintain and upgrade the church buildings for many years. He had a passion for missions, and for many years led work groups of Sparta Baptist teens to Camp Evangel in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, erecting new buildings and doing maintenance to prepare for the summer camp season. Bruce loved nature and camping, and his family enjoyed many trips to National and State Parks throughout the U.S. and Canada.
After nearly 30 years with the high school, Bruce retired from teaching and worked full time as a carpenter; remodeling the Sparta Village offices and downtown Rockford buildings, and helping his children and grandchildren build their own homes.
In the late 1990s, Bruce retired from carpentry as well so he could care for his wife when Pat’s health declined. Bruce spent the final years of Pat's life lovingly caring for her at their home until she passed away in 2012. Bruce followed his wife home to glory in 2019 and is greatly missed by family and friends, but they rejoice in the knowledge that they will be reunited with him in heaven one day.
Recipients of this scholarship may be studying in Moody’s undergraduate, graduate, Aviation, or Distance-Learning (online) schools and be intending to serve the Lord through vocational Christian ministry upon completion of their studies. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. Preference will be given to residents of the state of Michigan.
Bunny Wells Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by generous donors to honor the lasting legacy of Moody Alumnus, Reverend Kenneth D. Wells (Moody class of 1955) and his beloved wife, Myrtle Katharine (Bunny) Wells (Moody class of 1953). This couple shared a passion for music and were involved in Moody's Sacred Music program before entering into service for the Lord as missionaries in the United States and Portugal. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving female undergraduate students of Moody Bible Institute who are either enrolled in the Institute's Sacred Music program or are actively serving in music ministry.
Kenneth and Bunny Wells with family
Each recipient of this scholarship must be a female undergraduate student currently enrolled in the Institute's Sacred Music program or actively serving in music ministry. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be able to prove financial need, and manifest an exemplary Christian life.
Cecil and Joyce Bedford Aviation Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given to honor the rich legacy of retired Moody Aviation program manager, Cecil Bedford and his wife, Joyce, for their years of faithful service and commitment to training of the next generations of missionary pilots and mechanics. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students enrolled in the Missionary Aviation program.
Cecil Bedford
Cecil Bedford, a 1978 alumnus of Moody Aviation, devoted 38 years to building Moody's aviation program. During his tenure, Cecil worked in the avionics department, taught maintenance and other courses, and oversaw the transition of Moody Aviation from Elizabethton, Tenn., to Spokane, Wash., in 2003.
Under his leadership, strong partnerships were formed with mission organizations to expand the program to meet the needs of a changing world, training more mission aviators than any other organization, and considered the gold standard in missionary aviation training.
Cecil and Joyce, also class of 1978, currently reside in the state of Washington and continue to be actively involved with the Institute's Missionary Aviation program.
Recipients of this scholarship must be studying in Moody's Missionary Aviation program in preparation of service with a Christian mission agency. All recipients must also be able to prove financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Charles A. Doolittle, Jr. Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Mrs. Patricia Doolittle in loving memory of her husband, Charles A. Doolittle, Jr., a faithful servant of Christ, who lived his life evangelizing and honoring the efforts of his father, Charles A. Doolittle, Sr. a Moody alumni who planted churches during the Great Depression. Charles A. Doolittle, Jr. lived his life to show others that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, through the faithful preaching of the Gospel.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody Theological Seminary's MA of Ministry Leadership program, currently ministering within the United States, and be actively preaching the Gospel as a pastor of a conservative, Bible-believing church or actively involved in a church-planting ministry.
Charles and Eleanor Hood Grant
This grant was funded by a generous gift from Dr. Carole Gould on behalf of her late parents, Charles and Eleanor Hood. It is Dr. Gould's pleasure to make available this award to Moody students with preference given to those preparing for ministry service to the elderly.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in the Moody Bible Institute's undergraduate and graduate schools, with preference for awarding to those preparing for Christian service in geriatric / elderly care ministry. All qualifying applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and be able to prove financial need for such assistance.
Chauncey B. and Emily S. Nordland Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded In honor of Chauncey B. Nordland, former Vice President of Moody Bible Institute, and his wife, Emily. This scholarship is awarded to a married undergraduate student who is preparing for pastoral ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be married and enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, with intent to enter into pastoral ministry upon completion of studies.
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle Scholarship
This endowed scholarship established through a generous final gift given by The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle at the time of the church's dissolution. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students attending the Institute who grew up in inner-city Chicago.
The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle was established by the Reverend Paul Rader, former pastor of the Dwight L. Moody Memorial Church, following an evangelistic campaign led by Reverend Rader in 1922. World Missions remained central for the church, as was evangelization, with the Tabernacle producing a vast amount of evangelistic publications and airing to thousands over its broadcasting ministry.
This endowed scholarship is uniquely set-up to provide half of all earned income for the purpose of training men and women for Christian service through the Institute's donor-funded Tuition-Paid Model. The remaining half of earned income is awarded through direct scholarship awardings to qualifying Moody students from inner-city Chicago who have financial need.
Clarence Depner Aviation Scholarship
This scholarship honors the memory of Mr. Clarence Depner, a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ who was committed to seeing the Gospel proclaimed around the globe. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute's Missionary Aviation program.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's Missionary Aviation program with proven financial need. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Cornell-Radlek Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by generous donors to honor the faithful legacies of both sets of grandparents. This scholarship was founded to assist Moody's undergraduate and graduate students who are married and raising dependent children.
Recipients of this fund must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be married and the parent of dependent children. All recipients must be intending to enter into vocational Christian ministry upon completion of their academic studies.
Cutrona Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, established through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Sarah Cutrona, is intended to provide financial assistance to qualifying Moody students in their junior or senior year of studies in preparation for foreign missionary ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be preparing for foreign Christian missions upon completion of their studies. Additionally, they must model an exemplary spiritual life, show promise of useful Christian service in foreign missions ministry, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and prove financial need.
Dan Williams Mills, Jr. Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by family and friends to honor the lasting memory of Dan William Mills, Jr. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute's Missionary Aviation Technology major who are preparing for vocational ministry in missionary aviation.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their junior or senior year of enrollment in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and intending to enter into vocational ministry in missionary aviation upon completion of their studies. Recipients must also demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3, demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service through missionary aviation.
Daniel L. and Sarah A. (Dunker) Calvin Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Mrs. Sarah Ann Calvin (alumna, class of 1952) to honor the memory of her beloved husband, Daniel L. Calvin, with "praise to God and appreciation for the life changing experience of attending Moody Bible Institute." This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to "worthy students who are dedicated to service for the Lord Jesus Christ in fields of teaching, writing, and the effective communication of the Gospel of Christ."
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, demonstrate financial need, be an effective communicator of the Gospel of Christ, and be dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ in the fields of teaching or writing.
David J. Lennox Aviation Forgivable Loan Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given in memory of David Lennox by his loving family, Dr. Tom Cornman, former Dean of MBI's Undergraduate School, and his wife, Susan (Lennox) Cornman. Intended to honor David J. Lennox for his outstanding Christian life, devotion to the Lord, and passion for Missionary Aviation, this annual scholarship is awarded to deserving students of Moody Aviation through the Moody Aviation's Forgivable Loan Program for Students (FLAPS).
David J. Lennox
David was born June 14, 1941 in Philadelphia, PA, and lived all of his life in southeastern Pennsylvania. He placed his faith and trust in Jesus Christ in his late teenage years. While his vocation was in the business world — working for Unisys Corporation before retiring in 2001—his passion was for the advancement of the Gospel through missions. David was a serious and self-taught student of God's Word, and was a regular listener to Moody Radio programming. He faithfully shared his testimony of faith throughout the daily activities of life and business, and was a member of Davisville Church, Southampton, PA.
David loved to attend air shows, visit aviation museums, and occasionally wished that he had learned to fly an airplane. The Missionary Aviation program at Moody Bible Institute is a fitting tribute to a gentle servant of Christ who was serious about the furtherance of the Gospel. David Lennox went to be with the Lord on June 23, 2013 at the age of 72.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's Missionary Aviation program and meet the established distribution guidelines as stated by the FLAPS program. All candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need and be intending to enter into Christian service in Missionary Aviation upon completion of their studies.
David and Grace Smart Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the family and congregation of Grace Lutheran Church in Bensenville, Illinois to honor the rich legacy of Moody Alumnus, professor, and composer, David Smart (class of 1948) and his wife, Grace. This scholarship is intended to honor Mr. Smart's sixty years of service in church music ministry through providing financial assistance to students enrolled in Moody's Music major.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student of the Music program, with preference given to those focusing on music composition, and secondary preference given to applicants exhibiting a creative spirit and proven promise in music theory. All applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and demonstrate financial need.
Dawn M. Kelch Scholarship
This grant was founded by Mr. Gary Kelch in the loving memory of his late wife Dawn Kelch. The two met as students at Moody Bible Institute and graduated in 1990- with Dawn graduating from the communications department. Her time at Moody and the education she received shaped who she was while working as a counselor at a Christian camp, her time working as a production assistant at Tyndale House Publishers and being involved in various bible study groups at her church. She found the most satisfaction and fulfillment in being a wife and mother, and her walk with Christ especially guided her in those areas. Family and friends would tell you Dawn was intentional and thoughtful, caring for others, patient and understanding, valued what was eternal above material things, loved to read and learn continuously, was an example to pray and not be anxious, and trusted that God would work everything out.
The recipients of this award must be deserving female students in the communications department who show genuine financial need and are in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Diamond Missions Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is funded by the generosity of Ms. Gail Diamond, and is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute who are committed to serving the Lord through Christian missions and evangelism to the lost.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need. All applicants must be intending to serve the Lord through vocational Christian missions and evangelism upon completion of their studies.
Donald and Katie Ann MacKay Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Barbara MacKay, to honor the rich legacy of his Scottish immigrant parents, Donald and Katie Ann MacKay, and their years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ through ministry to family, the workplace, church, and the community. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing to serve the Lord through vocational Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in their final year of studies in preparation to serve the Lord through vocational Christian ministry. All recipients must demonstrate promise of usefulness in future ministry, be able to prove financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and manifest an exemplary Christian life.
Donald Schorr Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Mrs. Gladys A. Schorr in loving memory of her son, Donald Schorr. This scholarship is intended to assist deserving Moody students as they study and grow in preparation for Christian service in their chosen field of study.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be able to prove financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Doris K. Nye and Marie Sandvik Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous legacy gift from an anonymous donor and honors the lasting memories of Doris Nye and Marie Sandvik and their years of faithful Christian service to the oppressed in urban Minneapolis. This scholarship was endowed to provide financial assistance to Moody’s undergraduate and graduate students called to inner-city ministry.
In 1940 Marie Sandvik, a determined Norwegian immigrant, rented a bankrupted bar on Washington Avenue, cleaned it up, put up a sign saying "Minneapolis Revival Mission", and standing by the bar on opening night announced, "I have come to offer you a new life."
The mission was moved to historic Nicollet Island and continued to minister to the then "skid row" population. Doris Nye from Trinity Lutheran Church of Minnehaha Falls joined her in 1944 and served as the director of the mission until her death in April 2005.
As the years passed the ministry continued to grow so a permanent home was needed. The mission moved to their present location where the ministry changed to include more families and children. Here Sandvik and Nye created programs to help the needy of the neighborhood telling the children and adults that they are valuable because God values them.
Marie Sandvik died in 1992 and her work was carried on by Doris Nye until her death April 2005, and the work now continues under the faithful leaders, workers and volunteers of the Marie Sandvik Center in inner-city Minneapolis. (Special Thanks to Ms. Kristen Hink, and the Marie Sandvik Center for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of this biography on Ms. Marie Sandvik and Ms. Doris Nye for purposes related to the Institute's Doris K. Nye and Marie Sandvik Scholarship. Additional information regarding the Marie Sandvik Center and it's early history may be found at
This scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate students preparing for service or currently serving in inner-city ministry. Additionally, recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need.
Dorothy Symonds Music Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by Ms. Dorothy Symonds, a Moody alumna from the class of 1955. This endowed scholarship is to be awarded to qualifying students enrolled in the Institute's Music program.
This endowed scholarship is uniquely set-up to provide half of all earned income for the purpose of training men and women for Christian service through the Institute's donor-funded Tuition-Paid Model. The remaining half of earned income is awarded through direct scholarship awardings to qualifying Moody Music majors.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's Music program, with special consideration given to students pursuing Music major with Voice emphases. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and able to prove financial need.
Dr. Arthur W. Kac Memorial Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by the Hebrew Christian Approach to Israel, Inc. to honor the lasting legacy of Jewish scholar and author, Dr. Arthur W. Kac. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to upper divisional students of the Institute preparing for ministry as a pastor or teacher of religion.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled as an upper divisional student of Moody's undergraduate program and be preparing for Christian service as a pastor or teacher of religion. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.37, and submit an essay for consideration addressing the topic of "The Messiah of Israel."
Dr. Berlean Miller Burris Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the generosity of Dr. Berlean Burris, Moody alumna from the class of 1999, in gratitude to God for His faithfulness in her own life and ministry. It is Dr. Burris' desire to encourage and financially assist Black American students attending Moody Theological Seminary as the Lord had done for her.
Dr. Berlean Miller Burris
Recipients of this scholarship must be a student of Moody's graduate school and enrolled in a minimum of 3 credit hours and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. All candidates must be of Black-American descent, and have financial need.
Dr. Charles Caldwell Ryrie Scholarship
This endowed scholarship honors the lasting legacy of Dr. Charles Ryrie and his years of faithful and committed service to the Lord and His people as an author, theologian, and Bible teacher. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute as they prepare for ministry.
Dr. Charles Ryrie
"Theology is for everyone," Dr. Charles Ryrie was fond of saying, usually followed by the personal application: "And everyone needs to be a theologian."
Despite his two earned doctorates and a long career as a seminary professor, Ryrie never viewed himself as an "ivory tower" academic. His teaching ministry was aimed squarely at everyday people. To reach them, he would train a generation of Bible teachers with influential ideas about Bible interpretation. But he reminded his ministerial students that good theology would also change lives.
"Healthy theology is expressed not only in creed but faithful living, and holy living must be based on healthy theology," he said in his introduction to Basic Theology.
When Ryrie submitted a slim volume on Neo-orthodoxy to Moody Publishers in 1956, he had just completed a PhD at the University of Edinburgh. Having earned a ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1949, his second doctorate was deliberately planned to study the nuances of theological liberalism. He emerged with a new conviction, that churches needed to understand these contemporary challenges to biblical authority.
His connection to Dallas stretched back to childhood, when seminary president Lewis Sperry Chafer would visit Ryrie's parents and grandfather in their Alton, Ill., home. Chafer would sit at the piano, playing gospel songs and telling stories of his early years as music director for Moody Bible Conferences in Northfield, Mass. Young Charles, also a pianist, was enthralled, but the two would bond over theology as well as music. Chafer led some local Bible studies and left a few pamphlets at the house, but he was also passing along influential ideas.
After high school Ryrie spent a semester studying with Frank E. Gaebelein at the Stony Brook School, then earned an undergraduate degree from Haverford College. Intending to follow his father into a banking career, Ryrie was redirected by a conversation with Chafer, who suggested seminary instead.
A gifted scholar, Ryrie thrived at Dallas and would eventually join the faculty, where he became chair of the Systematic Theology department and dean of doctoral studies. Many of his students would become professors at Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary. And his Dallas years were marked by regular releases from Moody Publishers, nearly one a year, on a remarkable range of topics.
For those who asked, Charles Ryrie explained his primary teaching emphasis as a literal, normal, plain approach to Bible interpretation, with an emphasis on expository preaching and teaching. Meanwhile, his scholarly reputation was growing for another reason, his fresh defense of dispensationalism.Though happy to talk about the term, Ryrie zealously lectured about its priority. The larger issue was Bible interpretation; dispensationalism was the natural result.
In 1965 Ryrie's friends convinced him that it was time for a contemporary scholar to mount a book-length defense. He chose Dispensationalism Today as the title, and explained why the "Today" part was important. Previous eras of dispensational thought had been mischaracterized and misunderstood. Ryrie offered a positive presentation of dispensationalism as it was being taught in the latter part of the twentieth century. His new book included a concise description that became known as Ryrie's sine qua non. All future authors, whether they agreed or disagreed, were expected to interact with Ryrie's definition. Enormously successful, the book was updated as Dispensationalism in 1995.
Although, Charles Ryrie wrote many books, he will always be remembered for the study Bible that bears his name, a project that came to Moody Publishers almost by accident. After signing a contract with a different publisher, Ryrie learned of the publisher's pending purchase by a larger corporation. They were backing out.
When Moody Publishers was approached by Dr. Ryrie to pose the question, "Would you be interested," it didn't take long to make a decision. A contract was signed in the VIP lounge at O'Hare Airport in Chicago.
As Moody's first-ever Bible project, the venture required immense resources and preparation. Ryrie was pleased when Moody was able to secure rights to the New American Standard Bible, his favorite translation. He returned to the Moody campus for a release event in 1978, where customers lined up outside the Chicago Avenue bookstore to purchase the first copies.
The resulting project was eventually released in six English translations and several other languages, selling nearly three million copies to date.
"I really don't like to parade those figures," Ryrie said in a 2008 Baptist Bulletin interview, always ambivalent about his status as "best-selling author."
Charles Ryrie would tell you what was really important, if you asked, as he did in his interview:
"When I was working on the study Bible, I thought of people in home Bible classes, and I would sometimes ask, 'Would they want to read a note on this verse or a simple explanation of this doctrine?' These people were my make-believe audience. Actually, they weren't make-believe. They were real people. And if you want them to learn something, you have to put it at their level."
Ryrie's last visit to the Moody campus was in 2009, marking a warm relationship with the Moody Bible Institute for 60 years. Dr. Charles Ryrie passed on to Glory in February of 2016, just a few days short of his 91st birthday.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools in preparation for vocational Christian service in their field of study, be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
Dr. George Sweeting World Evangelism Scholarship
Established with a generous gift from an anonymous donor to honor the rich legacy of Moody Bible Institute's sixth President (1971-1987) and chancellor for his years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing for service in Christian ministry to evangelize the lost for Christ around the globe.
Dr. George Sweeting
Dr. George Sweeting (Moody class of 1945), renowned pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher, speaker, artist, radio host, and author, was born in October 1924 to Scottish immigrant parents, William and Mary Sweeting. The lives of his parents were changed dramatically after they were saved through the influence of several ministries that had come into existence as a result of D. L. Moody's evangelistic campaigns in Scotland in the late 1800s.
In 1940, George Sweeting committed his life to Jesus Christ and in 1942 he began his studies at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Eventually, he would add to the diploma from Moody Bible Institute (class of 1945) with a B.A. from Gordon College and a Doctor of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
In 1945, George was ordained as a pastor at Hawthorne Gospel Church. He promptly began traveling and speaking to audiences in the East, Midwest and South as a traveling artist-evangelist.
In June of 1947, George married Margaret Hildegard Schnell. Together they raised four sons, George, James, Donald and Robert, and served the Lord together faithfully in ministry, with George continuing to serve as pastor in several churches in the East.
Dr. George Sweeting, Moody Radio
In 1966, Dr. Sweeting joined the Moody Church as the senior pastor and in 1970, he became the sixth president of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. He would return years later to also serve as chancellor of the Institute.
In total, Dr. Sweeting pastored multiple churches, served as host of Christian radio programming, and authored numerous books, including The Joys of Successful Aging, Too Soon to Quit, Lessons from the Life of Moody, and Don't Doubt in the Dark. He also spent over nine years traveling the world spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the hopes that many lost souls would accept the gift of salvation. (Special thanks to John Wagner of and Sunlight Images for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of information posted on his website for purposes related to the Institute's Dr. George Sweeting World Evangelism Scholarship. Additional information regarding Dr. George Sweeting, his life and influence, may be found at
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All candidates must demonstrate a commitment to serve in Christian ministry to evangelize the lost, within the U.S. or Internationally.
Dr. Isaac Adams and Dr. Joel D. John Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded with a generous gift from Mrs. Clara S. John in loving memory of her husband, Dr. Joel D. John, and her father, Dr. Isaac Adams. This scholarship is intended to assist students from foreign countries intending to take the Good News of Jesus back to their homeland.
Both men honored through this generous fund were committed to Jesus and well acquainted with the Lord's work through Moody. Dr. John enjoyed close and lengthy relationships with many of the leaders and staff of the Institute and Dr. Adams was a student attending during the school's early years, completing his studies in 1890.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an International student enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, with proven financial need. All candidates must be preparing for future vocational ministry as a pastor or missionary, with preference given to students intending to return for service in their country of origin.
Dr. J. Allen Blair Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mrs. Elva Blair (class of 1938) to honor the lasting memory of her husband, pastor, author, conference speaker, and Moody alumnus, Dr. J. Allen Blair (class of 1938). This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody’s undergraduate and graduate students.
Dr. J. Allen Blair
Dr. J. Allen Blair's family remembers him for his loving commitment to his wife and for his consistent testimony of what God can do in a life, even in the life of a young boy raised in an abusive, alcoholic home. His life was spent not in self-pity, but rather in devotion to God and in teaching the principles of the Word of God to his family and others.
Dr. Blair and his wife, Elva, co-founded and directed the Glad Tidings Radio ministry, celebrating over 50 years of producing daily 15 minute program. The stated mission of the ministry was "to introduce people to Jesus Christ as Savior, being the Son of God, the Creator of the universe in which we live, and to help Christians mature in their faith and relationship to God." Many local pastors in Charlotte remember him for his mentoring skills as well as they sat under his teaching in special sessions at the Glad Tidings offices.
During their 69 years of ministry together, Dr. Blair pastored churches in Savannah IL, Peoria IL, LeRoy MN, Flushing NY, St. Louis Mo, and Charlotte, NC. Dr. Blair also ministered in churches, conferences, and camps across the USA, as well as in Canada, Panama, Central America, and Bermuda. Believing that Scripture memory was vital to the Christian life, Dr. Blair memorized and quoted the Bible extensively and used no notes in public speaking.
Dr. Blair also authored a total of twelve books, the majority of those based on books of the Old and New Testament and one emphasizing a pattern for a healthy Christian life. His chief aim in life was to Shine the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all he did, this was reflected in the title of his autobiography, "Shining The Light."
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and show definite potential in their field of study. Additionally, applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need.
Dr. Louis Goldberg Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Ms. Stephanie Goldberg to honor the memory of her father, Dr. Louis Goldberg. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students in the Institute's Jewish Studies program.
Dr. Louis Goldberg
Dr. Goldberg was born January 28, 1923 in Los Angeles, to Nathan and Minnie Goldberg. He married Claire Berman July 14, 1944. In January, 1948, Louis came to faith in Jesus.
Louis was a graduate of the University of Southern California, with a B.E. While working as an engineer, Louis's technician assistant challenged him to consider Y'shua as the Messiah. He addressed Louis's objections one by one, until Louis finally said, "You know what Judaism teaches. The Messiah who will come can be more than a man, perhaps a superman, but never God!" Louis tells the story, "At this, my technician friend fell silent and then spoke in words which I have never forgotten: 'If you truly want to know who the real Jesus is, then you must read the New Covenant record for yourself, very intently. I don't want to argue about who the real Jesus is. He Himself will speak to your heart.'" And He did. Two months after Louis received the Lord, Claire did likewise.
To Louis and Claire, one child, Stephanie, was born. They had two special grandchildren: Elasheva and Aaron Ariel Anderson.
Louis furthered his education with an M.A. from Roosevelt University, a B.D. and Th.M. from Northern Baptist Seminary and a Th.D. from Grace Theological Seminary.
He pastored several churches and taught at Tennessee Temple Schools and Moody Bible Institute from 1965-1993. While at Moody he headed the Jewish studies department and mentored many of the Jews for Jesus staff who were in that program. Among the Jews for Jesus who benefitted from his tutelage is David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus. David, in his eulogy for Dr. Goldberg, said, "My life and ministry to this day is indelibly imprinted, not just with the depth of his teaching but with the grace I observed in him, and by which he lived and served others. I well remember the many hours spent in the Goldberg family apartment, celebrating Jewish holidays or celebrating for no specific reason at all. His home and his heart were open to all his students."
Jews for Jesus founder Moishe Rosen says, "The thing I loved about him was his amazing ability to stay neutral in making himself available to various Jewish ministries. He was a man of peace who never got caught up in the tensions that sometimes exist in our field. He also bore more than most people know for the faith, as his father blamed the death of his mother on a 'broken heart' which he said was caused by Louis and his brother's belief in Jesus."
Louis Goldberg never purchased a home of his own, though he understood why many friends and colleagues advised him to do so. He had chosen to rent as a reminder that this earth was not his permanent home.
Dr. Goldberg served on the Jews for Jesus board of directors for many years and became scholar-in-residence with Jews for Jesus in 1994-2000. As such, he lived in their New York center. He not only had a part in mentoring all missionary staff who trained with Jews for Jesus during those years, but he was a father (or grandfather) figure to many.
Louis Goldberg's teaching is world renowned and includes over 30 summers teaching in Israel and two extended periods in Odessa, Ukraine teaching the Bible to new Jewish believers.
Dr. Goldberg wrote numerous books, including Bible study commentaries. He was part of the Old Testament translation team for the NIV and NKJV Bibles. He also contributed articles to Wycliffe Commentary; Theological Word Study; Tyndale Family Bible Encyclopedia and the Bible Expositor and Illuminator. Most recently in May, 2002, he edited and completed Counterpoints: Two Views on Messianic Movements.
Louis Goldberg touched the lives of thousands of students and his legacy of scholarship and evangelism will remain alive in those students' service to the Lord until Jesus returns.
Dr. Louis Goldberg passed away into the Lord’s presence on October 22, 2002. He was preceded by his beloved Claire. Rich will be his reward for faithful service.
He will be missed more than you could know by reading this simple tribute. Dr. Goldberg is one of the last (if not the last) of what might be described as "Fundamentalist Hebraists" – one who could study in the original languages and who was steeped in the traditions of our people; one who was well acquainted with Jewish scholarship material and who held to a strict interpretation of inerrancy. Fifty years ago there were dozens of believers who could serve as authorities on Jewish teachings and the Bible. Sadly, that is no longer the case.
There is no doubt that this was God’s time to call Louis Goldberg home, but the great work that he did can go forward if we but realize the value of it and care to see it continue. (Special Thanks to Mr. David Brickner and Jews for Jesus for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of this biography on Dr. Louis Goldberg for purposes related to the Institute's Dr. Louis Goldberg Memorial Scholarship. This document may also be viewed in its entirety at
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate Jewish Studies Program, demonstrate financial need, and be currently serving in Jewish ministry with the intent to continue in service to the Jewish people following completion of their studies.
Dr. Marvin E. Mayer Grant
This grant is made possible through the generous gifts given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Kathleen Boyd to honor the rich Christian legacy of Dr. Marvin E. Mayer. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students currently enrolled in the BA in Theology major.
Dr. Marvin Mayer and Shirley
Dr. Marvin E. Mayer served the Lord faithfully as a faculty member for over 35 years, joining the Institute in 1965. During his time shaping MBI students' minds, Dr. Mayer taught Bible, theology, evangelism, and pastoral training, as well as a senior instructor for Moody Correspondence School.
Dr. Marvin and Shirley
Prior to joining Moody, Dr. Mayer served as associate pastor of Grace Evangelical United Brethren Church of Bloomington, Illinois. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, he held a Master of Theology and a Doctor of Theology from this highly esteemed school.
Dr. Marvin E. Mayer
A brief letter from Dr. Mayer is below:
I taught at Moody for 35 years, from 1965 to 2000, retiring at the age of 70. For the first five years, I taught as a Senior Instructor in our Correspondent School. This involved overseeing the grading of our college courses, course development, and my grading our two ASP courses, in the Gospels and Acts, which involved about 200 students. At the same time, I taught one night a week in our Evening School, which involved 6 Bible Doctrine courses on a rotating basis, lasting over 20 years.
In 1970, I was asked to come on faculty in Moody’s Day School, in our Bible and Theology Department. I taught in three areas: Bible, Theology, and Evangelism. In the area Bible study, I taught primarily the New Testament, including 27 times in Romans, 28 times in Corinthians, and 46 times in John. In the area of Theology, I taught Christology and Soteriology 54 times and Theology Proper 70 times, and I taught Evangelism 33 times throughout the years.
I also had the privilege to co-lead Moody Bible Lands Tours To Israel twice. I was Teacher of The Year once, was a dedicatee of the Year Book twice, was briefly Theology Chair, and was made Professor Emeritus at retirement. I cannot thank the Lord enough, for the life He privileged me to have, in using me to spiritually change the lives of so many at Moody, for His glory.
I would also like to share how I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Savior. While living in Lombard, Illinois, in my teens, I attended a liberal Congregational church, where I never heard that to go to heaven, I needed to believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for my sins. Instead, I was told to be good, kind, and charitable towards others.
After finishing my first year of college, my older brother Bob visited me. He had been radically saved from an immoral life while serving in the Navy Air Force in Corpus Christi TX. His purpose in coming was to get me "saved." After arguing, I said, "I don't believe in any of this soul saving business.” With tears coming down his cheeks, Bob said, “I'll pray for you."
In January of 1950, at the age of 19, I found myself unexpectedly hitch hiking to Chattanooga, TN., from Urbana, IL. in the dead of winter, to see my brother. He was studying at Tennessee Temple College, preparing to be a missionary. As God would have it, an elderly man picked me up in Indiana, on his way to Florida, and dropped me right off at the door of the school. Later, I thought of what Jesus said, "No man can come to me except God who sent me draws him." And I was being drawn.
After attending some classes and church, Bob suggested we consider dating some of the young ladies on campus, so we went to the women’s dorm. Little did I know, he had planned this with the house mother, Momma Lynn. She spoke with me about Christ and it was then that I understood and believed that Jesus died to pay the penalty for my sins.
There is one other major spiritual experience that I would like to share which is when I surrendered my life, once and for all to God, in obedience to the apostle Paul’s exhortation, “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” (Rom. 12:1).
After finishing two and a half years of college, I enlisted in a Marine Reserve Squadron to avoid the draft during the Korean War. As it turned out, they activated the outfit, and 9 months later, we were staging at base near Santa Anna, CA. preparing to go overseas to Korea.
One Saturday afternoon in Santa Anna, while in uniform, I went to buy a Bible. As I waited for the bus to return to the base, an elderly man gave me a card for a servicemen's center at an Evangelical church. That card led to a change in my life forever, for after about six weeks of attending, one night in my bunk, I was so miserable over something in my life, that I said to the Lord," if you want to change my life, I'm yours." From that point on, He began to totally lead in my life, even to this day. That man gave me more than a cup of cold water that day!
After serving in Korea, I knew God wanted me in ministry, so I transferred to Westmont College in California, where I majored in Bible. It was here that I first studied Bible, Theology, and Greek.
I then attended Dallas Theological Seminary for my master's, majoring in Bible based on the Greek text. I graduated in 1958 with high honors. My thesis was on Greek Words Presenting Believers Spiritual Growth. When it comes to my doctorate, I finished my class room work in 1961, but did not graduate until 1970. My dissertation was An Exegetical Study On The N. T. Elder.
Through the years I have been blessed to serve as an Associate Pastor at the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Bloomington, IL., as well as teaching Bible at a school in Romania. I have also been privileged to serve as an interpreter and travel to the Ukraine, Philippines, and Central Siberia, Russia.
I also maintain an ongoing ministry at College Church, my home church since 1952. Here, included in the chairmanships I held were 12 years as an elder, 4 years as chair, and 9 years on the Mission Board, 6 of those years as chair, in addition to teaching several Bible classes.
Finally, I share with you some things about my family. I shared 62 years of marriage with my wife, Shirley, who is now with the Lord, as of April 4, 2021. We were blessed with 4 daughters and a son, in that order. They are all married and we have 16 grandchildren (one in heaven, born weighing only 2 pounds, 2 ounces, and living only 8 days), and 15 great grandchildren. Of the grandchildren, I believe, all but 2 are born again.
Well this has been quite a journey. But, I cannot close without saying, "By the grace of God, I am what I am." And," why should He choose me, out of so many others, continue to use me, and lead me down that path of righteous for the sake of His name," I'm not sure I know.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student currently enrolled in the Institute's Theology major in preparation for future ministry service. All candidates must have proven financial need, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Dr. Paul and Carol Nevin Bible and Theology Endowment
This endowed scholarship is given by Carol Nevin in loving memory of her beloved husband, Dr. Paul Nevin. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in a Bible or Theology major.
Dr. Paul and Carol Nevin
"The only truly fulfilling life is found in a personal relationship to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Death is but a transition to an infinitely more wonderful life with Him!" - Paul D. Nevin
Paul Nevin was born Nov. 30, 1932, in Pomona, California, to George and Viola Nevin. Paul's father passed away when Paul was only 4 years old. This unexpected passing of his father left his young mother, herself handicapped with a cleft palate, to raise five sons with no visible means of support. She was a sincere Christian, but struggled mightily to rear her sons.
Paul was led to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior by his mother at the age of 5. Beginning with his sophomore year in high school, Paul took his commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord of his life very seriously, and felt divinely called to vocational Christian ministry. The family's financial crunch was softened when Paul's mother received inheritances after the passing of her father and mother in McPherson, Kan. This relief came just in time to provide an excellent education for Paul, who earned degrees at Azusa Pacific University, Talbot School of Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary and Wheaton Graduate School.
Paul was also active in teaching Sunday school, preaching in a prison ministry and in leading Bible classes of many kinds. He was a member of the huge Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, when Dr. J. Vernon McGee was pastor. For a year, Paul taught the Maranatha class at that church, where 200 to 300 people attended each Sunday. He was also a faculty member at the Los Angeles Bible Training School in the Watts section of Los Angeles.
The couple during their engagement, 1965
In 1963, Paul began teaching at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, where he would serve until 1995 as a professor of Bible study methods, theology, and Hermeneutics. During his teaching career at Moody, he ministered to some 10,000 students in the day, evening, and summer schools. Paul delighted in the diligent teaching of God's Word so that it could go forth. Most of his students are now serving our Lord in every part of the world right now. "These were the best years of my life!" reported Paul. He would later go on to write an autobiography titled, "My Moody Memoirs" after he retired to share his experiences of campus life (available on Amazon).
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Nevin, 1965
Paul married one of his former Moody students, Carol Ann Ashby, from Modesto, Ill., on July 31, 1965, at the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. In their 47 years of marriage, Paul and Carol raised three children, Timothy, Ruth Ann, and Joy Elizabeth, and were blessed by 6 precious grandchildren. They served the Lord faithfully in ministry through Moody, as well as in their local church, having been members at various times of Calvary Memorial Church, Oak Park, Ill., Pleasant Hill Community Church, Wheaton, Ill., Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, Ill. and The Orchard Evangelical Free Church of Arlington Heights, Ill.
Dr. Nevin passed on into the presence of the Lord in March, 2012, at 79 years of age. Mrs. Carol Nevin continues to serve the Lord in a variety of roles, including as a Certified Life Coach, a Career Direct Consultant, a driving instructor for Top Driver, and a Senior Care giver.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled in a Bible or Theology major, have proven financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Dr. P. B. Fitzwater Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous legacy gift from Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzwater to honor the lasting memory of Dr. P. B. Fitzwater. Dr. Fitzwater was an esteemed pastor, scholar, author, and beloved alumnus (class of 1899), professor and director of the Pastor’s course at the Moody. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving undergraduate students of the Moody Bible Institute enrolled in the Pastoral Ministry or Pastoral Ministry (Pre-Seminary) majors.
P. B. Fitzwater
Perry Braxton (P. B.) Fitzwater was born in West Virginia in 1871. He received an excellent education that included studying at Moody Bible Institute (class of 1899), Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary and served as a teacher in public schools, a pastor of a church and as the dean of the Bible department of Manchester College prior to his serving at Moody. Reverend Fitzwater was ordained in 1900.
He returned to Moody Bible Institute in 1913, initially joining faculty to teach Bible classes and later as the director of Moody's Pastor's Course for seventeen years. He also served as the dean of the Institute from 1926-1929. Dr. Fitzwater's teachings placed great emphasis on practicing what one preached. Dr. Fitzwater was also Moody's very first Alumnus of the Year in 1951.
Dr. Fitzwater wrote many books, many of which are still published today, including: The Church and Modern Problems, God's Code of Morals, Why God Became Man, Woman: Her Mission, Position, and Ministry, The Doctrines of the Christian Faith, Christian Theology, Preaching the Bible, and Preaching and Teaching the New Testament. He also wrote Bible lessons that were published in over 2,000 newspapers, as well as Sunday school lessons for the Moody Monthly magazine.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's Pastoral Ministry or Pastoral Ministry (Pre-Seminary) majors and be able to demonstrate financial need.
Dr. Richard Epps Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by friends and family to honor the ongoing legacy of Dr. Richard Epps, alumnus class of 1964. Dr. Epps devoted many years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ during his time at Moody Bible Institute, beginning with his years as a student and then later in service through Moody’s Alumni and Stewardship Departments. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving International students preparing for Youth Ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an International student enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school and preparing for Christian service in International Youth Ministry. All candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and be able to demonstrate financial need.
Elisabeth Elliot Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mrs. Dorothy Schnabel to honor the legacy of a well-known missionary and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mrs. Elisabeth Elliot. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing to serve the Lord in Christian ministry.
Elisabeth Elliot
Mrs. Elisabeth Elliot continued the work of her martyred husband, Jim Elliot, in the successful efforts to bring the Gospel to the Waorani (Huaorani) Indians of Ecuador. An accomplished author and radio show host of "Gateway To Joy," Mrs. Elliot was considered one of the most influential and inspirational Christian women of the twentieth century.
This scholarship is available to all students of the Institute regardless of their status as a U.S. citizen. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need.
Ella Jean Bush Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Mr. Vernon C. Bush in loving memory of Ms. Ella Jean Bush and as an expression of his deep gratitude to and love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His faithfulness through the years. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to the descendants of Christian missionaries now studying at the Moody Bible Institute.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be able to prove financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Additionally, all recipients must be able to prove Christian missionary service within their lineage.
Elmer W. Palmer Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by friends and family to honor the lasting memory of the Reverend Dr. Elmer W. Palmer, Moody alumnus class of 1917. Reverend Palmer devoted many years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ as he pastored the congregation of Judson Baptist Church in Oak Park, Illinois, then later serving as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Eaton, Colorado. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving undergraduate students enrolled in Moody's Intercultural Ministries major.
Reverend Palmer giving radio message
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their senior year of studies in Moody’s Intercultural Ministries major and be able to demonstrate financial need. Recipients must also maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, show definite promise of usefulness in Christian service, and exemplify a Christ-like attitude and spiritual life.
Endowment for the Glory of Our Lord
This scholarship was given by Lou Venema and his wife, Pamela, in gratitude to God for His faithfulness in their own lives and their commitment to the continued advancement for the cause of Christ. It is this couple's desire to encourage and assist others in their pursuit to glorify the Lord through their studies and future ministry by providing financial assistance to students of the Institute's Missionary Aviation program preparing for service in Christian missions.
Lou and Pam Venema and their dog, Jazzy
Moody has been a part of Lou Venema's life since as far back as he could remember.
Growing up, Lou was part of the Dutch community, born in Englewood on the south side of Chicago. Even though he was born in a Catholic hospital, he states he was "was pure Dutch and that meant Christian Reformed Church of America." He was baptized at the new Auburn Park CRC as one of the first babies.
As members of the CRC churches his family sponsored The Back to God Hour program on Sunday morning. It was broadcast on WMBI. As far back as he could remember it was always playing on the radio as his family got ready for church. As time has passed Back to God Ministries has continued to grow. It is now known as Back to God Ministries International and has moved from the south side of Chicago to CRC Headquarters in Grand Rapids, MI. (
As Lou grew older he was more attuned to what was being heard on the radio. When he came home from school there was sound coming from his mother’s radio again. He asked what it was and she said that's Aunt Teresa. He had to know more as he didn't have an Aunt Teresa. So, young Lou began listening. He soon learned this was a children's program that talked about the same God as his church taught in Sunday School class and at Evergreen Park Christian School where he was a student. The studio this was broadcast from is still at the Moody complex in Chicago.
Lou's choice in music and radio also changed as he matured, preferring WLS and rock and roll. His life was changing and his graduation from Chicago Christian High School in Palos Heights released his "tether" from school and his parents. He soon found his attitude changed and he drifted away from the faith and stopped listening to Moody radio altogether.
It wasn't long before he was drafted into the Army. Being sent off to a foreign land opened his eyes, exposing him to so many people and cultures that were so different from what he was familiar with. During his time serving he met Buddhist monks that he knew nothing about and soldiers from across the US who were so different from him in both thoughts and actions. It was a confusing time and Lou realized he had little reference to keep him on the path he should have been taking.
Lou shares about this season of life "As bad as Vietnam was, it was better than Chicago. You see, I went through some of the biggest changes in my life and the life of Chicago in the 1960s and in to the 1970s. Moody was still there but I barely was. I caught it a little here and there and not for very long."
When he moved to Phoenix he lost access to Moody radio and had nothing to fill the void it left. Even though Moody wasn’t there God was and He let Lou know it. As Lou puts it, "When I had finally stretched my tether to God to the maximum it would go. Either it would break and I was gone or God had to act. I got a hard tug on the tether and God let me know in no uncertain terms it was time to straighten out."
It was in Phoenix that he met his wonderful wife, Pam, and he credits her with helping him find his way "back." How did he know it was God's plan? Simple. He was from the Chicago area and Pam was from the Indianapolis area and they met in Phoenix! They were both going through some trials and felt strengthened when together.
Lou and Pamela were married soon after they met in a Christian Reformed Church and they attended faithfully. They moved to Chicago and found their lives together continued to improve.
He began listening to Moody again, and Pam later joined him as they both had lengthy drives to work. Then he found out that Moody played Christmas songs non-stop around Christmas. Now he had another reason to be happy at Christmas!
When Lou's mother died in early 2003, he was handling the thank you notes for those who had given gifts in her memory. It was then he decided that he would also like to gift gives to those places that had meant so much to his mother. After giving it some thought, he chose several special organizations, of which Moody was one of his top choices.
Lou and Pamela Venema have been blessed by the Lord and it is their desire to share the gifts God has entrusted to them. It is their desire to give back to God what is His through this generous endowed scholarship, passing along these gifts to Moody students with the realization and hope that it will continue to award to worthy students until Jesus returns.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an Aviation student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All candidates must be preparing for a life of service in Christian missions.
Eric Bates Memorial Scholarship
This grant was founded to honor and remember the life of Mr. Eric Bates. Moody Bible Institute holds a special place in the heart of the Bates family. There are four generations of George Bates, all four of whom are Moody alumni. Eric Bates was the son of Mr. George Bates III and attended MBI for one year. Although Eric did not spend his life in vocational ministry, he walked with God throughout his endeavors in the marketplace. He lived by one of his favorite verses, 1 John 1 :9 which says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us out sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
This scholarship is to benefit those who intend to use their education at Moody in the marketplace or in a field outside of vocational ministry. It is the intent of the family and friends that these students would be able to impact the world and touch the lives of individuals that can be outside of the reach of the church.
Esther Mitch Scholarship
This scholarship honors the lasting legacy of Mrs. Esther Mitch, beloved wife of Mr. Raymond Mitch, and faithful servant of the Lord. In her years of faithful service as a Bible teacher in New Jersey, she touched many lives and was always available to provide comfort, encouragement, and kindness towards those she ministered to. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving female students of the Moody Bible Institute and who are preparing to teach the Bible upon completion of academic studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their junior or senior year of studies in Moody's undergraduate school, and pursuing a degree in one of the following academic majors: Biblical Languages, Biblical Studies, Biblical Studies-Music, Theology, Bible Secondary Education with ASCI, Children's Ministry, Elementary Education with ASCI, Pre-Counseling, or Youth Ministry. Recipients must maintain a minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.0, be able to prove financial need, and be preparing for future service through the teaching of the Bible in any educational level or setting.
Eugene and Elsie Weyler Scholarship
This endowed scholarship honors the lasting legacy of faithful saints, Eugene Weyler and his wife, Elsie, and is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students showing an interest and willingness to serve in programs, projects, and organizations on the MBI campus and the neighboring communities.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student who is actively involved in one or more of the programs, projects, or organizations serving on the Institute's campus or within the neighboring communities. They must demonstrate a compassionate attitude towards others and model an exemplary Christian life, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be able to prove financial need.
Faith Bible Church Scholarship Endowment
This endowed scholarship was funded by the congregation of Faith Bible Church, previously of Des Plaines, Illinois. This scholarship is intended to continue the legacy begun by the Lord through this church and the faithful Saints who served Him there by providing financial assistance to deserving students preparing for ministry to the Asian community.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody's Undergraduate or Graduate schools, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. All candidates must be preparing for ministry to the Asian community and provide an essay upon application explaining how the Lord is leading them into future Christian ministry to the Asian community for review and acceptance.
Flightner Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by family and friends to honor the lasting memory of Raymond David Flightner and his wife, Opal Hartsell Flightner, This couple spent their lives serving their Saviour and Lord through pastoral ministry in the local church. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute who are preparing for Christian service through pastoral ministry or evangelism.
Recipients of this scholarship must be entering their junior or senior year of studies at the Institute and have expressed a commitment to serve in future pastoral or evangelism ministry with a focus on continued expansion of the church of Jesus Christ. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3, and demonstrate promise of usefulness in Christian service in future ministry.
Follow Your Calling Ellis Aviation Scholarship
This scholarship has been generously funded by Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ellis. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving aviation students of Moody Bible Institute in Spokane who are intending to serve in international missions to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those abroad.
Pat and Sharon Ellis are both from families with aviation history. Sharon's father was a bush pilot in Alaska from the early 1950s to the late 1960s. He flew from an early age until he was in his 70s. He owned and flew a number of airplanes throughout his life.
Pat's mother's family were known as the flying Smith's. They once owned and operated two small airfields over the years. Pat's father was also a licensed pilot who flew from an aircraft carrier during World War II.
The Ellis’s have been married for 51 years at the founding of this scholarship. They have given their hearts to the Lord over 40 years ago. They have 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren, one of which is now a pilot. They believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Salvation and forgiveness of sins is through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Over the years, they have learned that God is looking for us to not only know His word, but to actively walk by faith according to His Word. James 1:22 says, "Do not merely listen to the Word of God, do what it says." In other words, act on the Word. God's answer to prayers is oftentimes directly connected to the obedience of others as they produce fruit to further the Kingdom of God. By creating this scholarship, the Ellis’s believe they are acting on James 1:22. To hear, believe and act. They have been called to invest in the future generation of believers, to go out and follow their calling from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and create a legacy for the generations to come.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in the Missionary Aviation Technology program in Spokane and have future ministry intent to serve in international missions.
Frederick W. Haberer, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by family to honor the lasting memory of Frederick W. Haberer, Sr., Moody alumnus class of 1928. Reverend Haberer pastored Alpha Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan, and served as a Chaplain in France and Germany with the Infantry Regiment during World War II, then in the United States and Japan in the years that followed. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute who have financial need.
Moody Class of 1928
Recipients of this scholarship must have proven financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Gary and Barbara Canaday Scholarship
This scholarship was established through generous gifts given by Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Barbara Canaday and Mr. and Mrs. D. Linden and Allison Barber. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students of the Institute preparing to serve the Lord in the spreading of the Gospel and the strengthening of the Church through radio broadcasting ministry.
"I will sing of the mercies of my Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing."
Music has always provided a strong spiritual connection for the Canaday family. The seed for Christian music and Moody Radio was planted two generations ago by Barbara’s grandmother. An Assyrian immigrant, Abagail Warda loved listening to Moody radio. As a young girl, Barbara adopted the same behavior and grew up enjoying the music and teachings of Moody Radio.
In 1960 Barbara and Gary were married. Within a few years, Gary committed his life to Christ and the couple set out on their spiritual journey together. Attending church, raising two daughters in Christian schools and always enjoying the ministry of Moody radio in the car and in their home.
In 1972, a representative of Moody Bible Institute invited Gary to join the team and become the Director of Physical Plant. It was a wonderful opportunity to work for the Institute since the ministry had blessed him and his family for years.
For 15 years, Gary and his team oversaw the construction of Culbertson Hall, the Dining Hall, a remodel of Smith Hall, the new parking structure, and several radio stations around the country.
Throughout Gary's tenure, Barbara and the family took advantage of all of the musical productions at the Institute and Moody Church. Although now relocated in Indianapolis, they still enjoy Moody radio on WGNR, the local Moody station.
It is because of the Canaday family's love of Christian music, biblical teaching, and their belief in the importance of helping develop the future generation that Gary and Barbara are pleased to support Moody Bible Institute Communication students with this scholarship.
Each recipient of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student currently enrolled in the Institute’s Communications (Broadcasting) program in preparation for a life of Christan service in the field of Broadcasting with the intent to present the Gospel and strengthen the body of Christ. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and be able to prove financial need.
Gary T. Cowles Memorial Student Fund
This endowed scholarship was funded by Reverend Thomas Murray and his wife, Carolyn, at the request of her parents, Harry and Helen Cowles. This scholarship is intended to assist deserving Moody undergraduate students as they prepare for vocational Christian service.
Gary T. Cowles
The fund is named in memory of a beloved son and brother, Gary T. Cowles. Gary was a United States Marine who, in 1967 at the age of twenty-one, gave the ultimate sacrifice of his own life while serving in Vietnam. His parents desired to see his legacy remembered through this generous annual award.
It was important to Mrs. Murray that her parents, Harry and Helen Cowles, also be honored through this generous scholarship.
Harry and Helen Cowles
Harry Cowles was born in 1912, one of thirteen children. He grew up in a two-room log cabin in Arkansas. Due to serious illness, he quit school after the 6th grade and went to work at whatever local/farm employment he could find.
When Harry was eighteen years of age, while working in a corn field, he felt God calling him to become a minister of the Gospel. So he accepted Christ and went back to school to continue his education.
In 1943 he married Helen Twyman, and the couple had the joy of becoming parents to Carolyn Kay Cowles and Gary Twyman Cowles.
Harry graduated from William Jewell College in Liberty, MO, in 1948, and then from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, KS, in 1950, having earned a Bachelor of Divinity degree. In 1970, he also earned a Master of Divinity degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary.
Times were difficult for Harry and Helen during those years of studying. While attending William Jewell College, he milked cows by hand to earn money to help support him and his family. While in school at Central Baptist Theological Seminary, he served various churches as a student pastor and doing evangelistic work, holding week-long revival meetings. He also started churches in Missouri and Kansas before moving to Beatrice, NE, where he was pastor of the First Baptist Church. Then in 1954, Harry, Helen, and their two children moved to Hastings, NE, where he served as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hastings for nineteen years.
In 1981 Harry organized Touchstone Enterprises to help youth work through their struggles and help others with drug and alcohol abuse issues. He was the Protestant chaplain at the Hastings Regional Center for five years.
From 1973-1990, he also served a series of interim pastorates in Lincoln, Oxford, Wayne, Wilsonville, Mason City, and Ansley, all in Nebraska, and also in Lead/Deadwood, South Dakota.
Harry and Helen were members of the First Baptist Church and Lions Club in Hastings, NE from 1954 until the time of Harry's death. Harry served as vice-president and president of the Nebraska Baptist State Convention, moderator of the Southern Union Association, and Chairman of Evangelism for the American Baptist Churches of Nebraska. He was president of the Hastings-Adams County Ministerial Association, and served in various capacities on the Hastings Council of Churches.
Harry and Helen Cowles had to overcome many difficulties at the beginning of their ministry, but were able to make a significant impact in the lives of many, many people who came in contact with them during their sixty years as faithful servants of Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, be able to prove financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Additionally, all recipients must be preparing for vocational service in Christian ministry, with special consideration to be given to those intending to serve in Youth ministry.
George H. Cutter Jr. Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, funded through the generosity of Mrs. Helen Cutter, honors the lasting legacy of her husband and faithful Christian servant, Mr. George H. Cutter, Jr. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute's Missionary Aviation Technology major who are preparing for missionary service upon completion of their studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their junior or senior year of enrollment in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and intending to enter into Christian missionary service upon completion of their studies. Recipients must also demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service through missionary aviation.
Gerald L. Raquet Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by friends and family of Gerald L. Raquet, Moody alumnus class of 1956. Mr. Raquet was a faithful servant of the Lord and long-time professor and director of the Sacred Music department of Moody Bible Institute. This scholarship is intended to honor his legacy through offering financial assistance to the Institute's Music major students as they prepare for Christian ministry.
Gerald (Jerry) L. Raquet
Gerald (Jerry) Raquet took an interest in music and piano while growing up. He accepted Christ as his personal Savior while attending a Youth for Christ Rally and began using his musical gifts in the church, playing the piano for church services and youth groups. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1956 with a Bachelor's Degree in Music, then went on to earn a Master's degree from the American Conservatory of Music in 1965.
Gerald Raquet playing the piano
Jerry taught piano and lead worship at his church in Illinois while initially serving as part-time faculty at Moody Bible Institute. Eventually the part-time faculty position led to full-time faculty role and his eventual serving in the role of the Director of Moody's Sacred Music department. In all, He served over 34 years at Moody Bible Institute with 17 of those years as Director of the Sacred Music department. He was also responsible for MBI Music department's accreditation with the National Association of School Musicians.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an Instrumental or Composition student enrolled in Moody's Music major.
Good Things Happen to Good People Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Roger and Donna Bozarth as a wonderful reminder to others that it is true... The Lord does bless those who do good! This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing to serve the Lord through vocational foreign Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student of the Institute preparing for service in foreign missions. All recipients must have proven financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Gospel for South Asia
This scholarship was funded to support International students from South Asia. There are many unique challenges for international students, however the opportunity to study at MBI will equip those students to bring the gospel to South Asia. This scholarship was funded by a donor who was born and raised in India in a Hindu context. As the only Christian in his family, he has a passion to see the gospel of Christ be spread throughout South Asia. His desire is to bless international students so that more student's from South Asia will have access to Biblical education that can be shared in their home context. This grant is to be awarded to deserving International students of Moody Bible institutes’ Undergraduate and Graduate schools originating from South Asian* countries.
*Countries in South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Grace University Legacy Scholarship
Funded with generous gifts from Grace University (1943-2018), previously located in Omaha, Nebraska. This scholarship is intended to leave a lasting legacy through the provision of financial aid for former Grace University students and the children of Grace University Alumni who have chosen to continue their Christian higher education in the Moody Bible Institute’s undergraduate or graduate programs, including Moody Aviation and online Distance-Learning programs.
Founded in 1943, the school was originally intended as an interdenominational Bible institute where Christian men and women might further their theological training. The ten ministers and leaders counted as Grace's founders were August Ewert, Albert Ewert, Albert Schultz, Peter Kliewer, Paul Kuhlmann, Harold Burkholder, John Barkman, C.H. Suckau, Solomon Mouttet, and John Tieszen.
Originally called Grace Bible Institute, the school opened in the Fall of 1943 with a grand total of 23 students and six professors. Founding President Dr. C.H. Suckau envisioned the school as primarily focused on training missionaries as he had been a missionary to China. Student enrollment grew rapidly so that in 1949 it had reached 331. A significant number of graduates became missionaries.
Academic programs were expanded and upgraded and most significantly, the University remained vigilant in upholding the fundamentals of the faith maintaining, without reservation, that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. In 1976 when a name change was considered, “Grace Bible Institute” became “Grace College of the Bible.” On July 1, 1995, the school changed its name to Grace University, emphasizing the school's new academic identity under which it would continue to train men and women until its closing in 2018. Over its lifetime, more than 10,000 students studied at Grace in both graduate and undergraduate programs.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody Bible Institute’s undergraduate, graduate, mission aviation, or online Distance-Learning schools, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. All candidates must be either a former Grace University student, a child of a Grace University Alumni, or a resident of the state of Nebraska.
Harold C. and Gladys L. Freundt Memorial Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Freundt, this endowed scholarship is intended to assist undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute as they prepare for vocational Christian service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.7, and have proven financial need. All qualifying applicants must be intending to serve in domestic or foreign Christian ministry upon completion of their studies.
Hartley Gratitude Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is a token of gratitude for the invaluable investment made by Moody Bible Institute in the lives of Marty and Heidy Hartley, equipping them for future ministry endeavors. It is designated for full-time married students aged over 30 pursuing an undergraduate and graduate degree at MBI to enhance their readiness for emerging ministry roles.
Recipients of this scholarship must demonstrate strong academic and disciplinary standing, coupled with genuine financial need. Moreover, they should be actively preparing for a life dedicated to Christian service within their chosen field of study.
Helene French Rogers Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, funded by Ms. Helene French Rogers in gratitude for God’s provision, is intended to assist qualifying students enrolled in Moody Bible Institute's Undergraduate or Graduate schools who are committed to and preparing for Christian ministry to the people of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, or the Netherlands.
Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate definite promise of usefulness in Christian service in current and future ministry. Recipients must be one of the following:
- A Graduate student affiliated with a mission agency that holds membership with the accredited mission agency, Missio Nexus (previously known as CrossGlobal Link, Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America or IFMA, The Mission Exchange, and The Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies or EFMA) and currently serving or preparing for service to the people of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, or the Netherlands, or
- an Undergraduate or Graduate student currently accepted by a mission agency that holds membership with Missio Nexus and is intending to enter into future Christian service to the countries of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, or the Netherlands.
Helen Zwiep Shults International Student Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Helen Zwiep Shults, this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to Moody's International students preparing to serve the Lord and others through Bible translation or Linguistics.
Qualifying applicants must be International students enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and preparing for ministry service utilizing Bible translation or Linguistics. All candidates must have proven financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Henry Fischer Memorial Grant
This generous grant was given by Mr. and Mrs. Lansing and Sherry Dusek funded to honor the Christian legacy of a faithful Saint, Henry Fischer, is to be awarded to deserving Undergraduate students enrolled in Moody Bible Institute's Jewish Studies major.
Henry Fischer
Born in 1913 in Akron, Ohio to Frank and Margaret Fischer, Henry Fischer served in the Army as a combat engineer and company cook. He was also a drill press operator at Tecumseh Refrigeration Manufacturing.
Mr. Fischer lived in Chicago, Illinois, for a number of years and actively served the Lord through street ministry, handing out Gospel tracts from Moody Bible Institute. He was also committed to evangelizing the Jewish community in Chicago. Mr. Fischer was known by his church family to be a good humored and humble servant of the Lord, always wanting to give practically all that he had toward increasing God's Kingdom.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate Jewish Studies Program, demonstrate financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Qualifying applicants must be preparing for Christian ministry service to the Jewish people.
Herrmann G. Braunlin Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by family and friends of Hawthorne Gospel Church to honor the lasting memory of its founder and longtime pastor, Hermann G. Braunlin. Reverend Braunlin spent his life serving his Saviour and Lord and many lives were influenced by his faithful ministering of the Word of God. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving male students of the Moody Bible Institute who are preparing for Christian service through pastoral ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student entering their final year of studies at the Institute in preparation for pastoral ministry and be gifted in expository preaching. Additionally, recipients must have a burden for reaching the lost through evangelism, show a definite promise of usefulness in their future ministry, and manifest an exemplary Christian life of consistency and integrity.
Howard L. Willett and Gerrit Wit Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by the Howard L. Willett Foundation to honor the rich legacies of former Moody Bible Institute Trustees, Mr. Howard Willett and Mr. Gerrit Wit, and their years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute who have financial need and exemplify Christ-like character.
Recipients of this scholarship must have proven financial need, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and manifest exemplary Christian character.
Ho-Wah and Julia Hui Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ho-Wah and Julia Hui, in gratitude to God for His faithfulness in their own lives and their commitment to the continued advancement for the cause of Christ. Having experienced the Lord’s blessings through his own study of the Bible at Moody Bible Institute, it is the desire of Mr. and Mrs. Hui to provide financial assistance to other Moody Theological Seminary students studying the Word of God.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a Seminary student enrolled in the Master of Divinity program and preparing to serve Christ in vocational Christian ministry upon completion of studies. Recipients must be able to prove financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Hubert R. and Mary Alice Bates Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given to honor the rich legacy of former Moody Bible Institute Stewardship Field Representative Hubert R. Bates and his wife Mary Alice, for their years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute who exemplify Christ-like character.
Moody Class of 1948
Hubert R. Bates was born in Hope, Michigan, and served in the United States Air Force for three years in the South Pacific during World War II. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1948, his Bachelor of Arts in Greek from Wheaton College in 1951, and his Master of Theology degree from Wheaton College in 1956. He joined Moody Bible Institute in 1954, serving as the Assistant to the Dean of Men until he joined the Stewardship Department as a Regional Stewardship Representative in 1960. Together, he and his wife, Mary Alice, faithfully served the Lord through service here at the Institute, within their church, and to their family and friends.
Recipients of this scholarship must be able to prove financial need, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and manifest exemplary Christian character.
Ivan T. Brown Scholarship
This scholarship honors the memory of Ivan Thompson Brown. Reverend Brown was a Moody alumnus from the class of 1941. Following his studies, he went on to serve the Lord with his wife, Lily, as a pastor and then a missionary in Asia. Later, following his wife’s passing, Ivan Brown continued to serve faithfully as a missionary to Ghana and as an elementary school teacher in the States. This endowed scholarship is intended to provide assistance to Moody students who are preparing for Christian service with a missions emphasis, with preference given to those preparing for Bible translation ministry.
Moody Class of 1941
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school in preparation for Christian missionary service. They must also be able to demonstrate financial need, an exemplary spiritual life, and promise of useful Christian service in their field of study. Special consideration will be given to all candidates meeting the above criteria, and are intending to serve in Bible translation ministry.
Jack Snook Memorial Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Mr. Jack W. Snook, this endowed scholarship is intended to assist undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute as they prepare for vocational Christian service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5, and have proven financial need.
James C. Dunbar, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Gay Stoner to honor the lasting memory of her father, James Crawford Dunbar, Sr. and his years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody Theological Seminary's deserving graduate students currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership degree and preparing for Christian service in church ministry upon completion of their studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a graduate student enrolled in the Institutes MA in Ministry Leadership degree, have successfully completed their first year of studies (minimum of 6 credit hours) in the program, and have manifested leadership skills appropriate for future ministry. All recipients must have expressed a commitment to serve in future church ministry, be able to prove financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and exhibit an exemplary Christian life.
James L. and Mary W. Leeper, Jr. Medical Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of James L. and Mary W. Leeper, Jr., this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to students of the Institute who desire to serve the Lord and others through medical missions.
Recipients of this scholarship must be preparing for vocational Christian service through medical missions, including both mental and physical medical care, and show proven financial need.
James M. and Betty L. Steel Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is given by the family to honor the lives of James and Betty Steel, faithful servants of the Lord and loving parents. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving undergraduate and graduate students with proven leadership skills who are intending to serve the Lord overseas.
James McLeod Steel was born in Greensburg, PA on December 5, 1929, the son of Joseph and Laura McClure Steel. Jim attended Geneva College from 1947-1950 and Penn State University from 1952-1956, where he ran cross country. He received his teaching certificate and his Masters degree in Chemistry, met Betty Engle, fell in love and was married in the year of 1956. Jim was a professor of Chemistry and Physics at Russell Sage College in NY as well as Malone College in Canton, OH. He taught at Jackson High School until 1979. Before retiring in 1995, Jim worked at the Hoover Company in N. Canton, OH. Jim was a veteran of the US Army having served during the Korean Conflict. He enjoyed running, attending to his garden, and always learning new things. He appreciated science, the world of photography and had the gift of teaching. Jim also loved the water whether it be swimming or skiing. Jim was an active member of the Chapel in N. Canton for a number of years before moving to Indianapolis. In addition to his parents, Jim was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Betty Engle Steel; brothers, Joseph, John and William Steel and sister, Jane Steel Crawford. Jim was a teacher, servant, giver, and had a gentle and kind hearted spirit.
Betty was born in Sunbury, PA on Feb 15, 1923 the daughter of Ira and Berninna Mae Engle. She was the 2nd and youngest daughter. After high school, she worked at the Ford Motor Company in Sunbury as a bookkeeper, attended Moody Bible Institute and earned an Associates' degree, continued her studies at the Pennsylvania State University and worked for the President for a few years before meeting Jim. They were married in State College. They moved to Loundonville, NY for 5 years before moving to Canton, Ohio to raise their children Amy and Heidi. Betty continued to work as a bookkeeper at Stern & Mann's for several years and then finished her career at the Medical Clinic Center in N. Canton, Ohio where she worked many years for a radiologist. Betty was a woman with a quiet and gentle spirit, who loved the Lord.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student currently preparing for future ministry service overseas. All candidates must exhibit leadership ability, have proven financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Preference will be given to applicants who consider The Chapel of North Canton, Ohio, their home church.
Jason Dieringer Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded in loving memory by the family of Jason Dieringer. It was this family's desire to assist students and honor Jason's legacy of love by providing financial assistance through this endowment to students of the Institute preparing for pastoral ministry with an emphasis on reaching young people.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a student of the Institute's undergraduate or graduate schools who are preparing for pastoral ministry with a special emphasis in working with young people. All recipients must demonstrate an exemplary spiritual life, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5, be able to prove financial need, and show definite promise of usefulness in future service to Christ, His church, and His children.
Jim and Susan Sabiston Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Susan Sabiston to encourage Moody students studying the Word of God in preparation for Christian ministry service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a student enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All recipients must have proven potential in their chosen field of study.
Joe and Lois Cannady Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous legacy gift from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Lois Cannady. This scholarship was funded to provide financial assistance to students of the Institute intending to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in future Christian service.
Lois Duvall Cannady, affectionately known as the "Queen of Cedar Hill" was born August 6, 1926 in Roscoe, Texas, the daughter of Raymond & Flora (Dalton) Duvall. Raised in Sardis, TX, she graduated from Midlothian Schools then went on to study at North Texas State. She became a Land Supervisor with Thompson Oil Co. and retired from there. Lois and her husband Joe were devoted citizens of Cedar Hill for a combined total of over 60 years, with Lois serving on the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Main Street Board. She was also a founding member and President of Bridges Safehouse.
Joe passed onto Glory in 1999 and his beloved wife, Lois, went home to be with the Lord in 2019. They shared life and served the Lord together for almost 50 years.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
John & Bobbi Erbey Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established through a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. John & Barbara (Bobbi) Erbey and is intended to financially assist and encourage deserving students at the Moody Bible Institute.
John and Bobbi Erbey met in church in 1958 and remained friends until Bobbi graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and John graduated from Vanderbilt Law School. They were married in 1966 when Bobbi was working as a Kindergarten teacher in Pittsburgh and John was serving as a JAG officer in the U.S. Air Force at Dover AFB.
Shortly after their daughter was born, they were transferred to Japan where Bobbi established a kindergarten for the DOD and had a closed-circuit children's TV show for the Far East Network. They loved their experience in Japan and as a result were bitten by the travel bug. After their children graduated, they traveled to all the continents and had many exciting experiences, but also gained a greater appreciation for the benefits of being an American. They have always had a heart for children, especially those who have not had the privilege of growing up in a loving home or suffered medical challenges. Thus, Christian education and serving underprivileged youth, both local and international, have been the foci of the Erbey's philanthropy.
Among other things, John and Bobbi funded the construction of The Erbey Center in which approximately 350 elementary and middle school students participate at Trinity Christian School in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Bobbi was instrumental in the design of the building and formation of the school. Most recently they and their family Foundation provided the funding for the Place of Hope campus in Stuart, Florida that will serve and house more than 60 aged-out foster and homeless youth, single mothers with dependent children and human trafficking survivors.
They have been extraordinarily blessed and are honored to share God's riches with deserving servants of God at Moody Bible Institute.
Recipients of this scholarship must be undergraduate students with good academic and disciplinary standing with genuine financial need. All applicants must be preparing for a life of Christian service in their field of study.
John B. Willis Memorial Scholarship for Foreign Missions
This scholarship was established by friends and family to honor the memory of John B. Willis, a humble and godly man who sacrificed his life in service to the Lord. It is intended that this scholarship should be used to assist Moody students desiring to share the Gospel as missionaries to people in foreign lands.
As a child, John B. Willis immigrated to the United States from Finland with his parents and younger siblings, eventually settling in Duluth, Minnesota. Following high school, the family moved to Chicago and he became active in Bethel Baptist Church, building an active lay ministry, and serving as the Sunday school superintendent. He worked for the post office and never married, taking care of his elderly parents until their death.
John Willis was an artist, and he designed and published Gospel tracts in the basement of the home he shared with his family. He would often conduct evangelistic street meetings in downtown Chicago, using his skills as a chalk artist, and handing out his tracts. Every Sunday he would pick up neighborhood children in his old Ford and take them to Sunday school. He always had room for one more child. This man was always hungry for and searching to know more of God, and he took several correspondence courses at Moody Bible Institute. During his adult life he was able to take several missionary trips east with Youth for Christ, and he fell in love with and had a burden for the people there.
Following the passing of his parents and his retirement from the postal service in 1966, John Willis went to Singapore with Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission (CNEC). He began leading a Bible study with a few young college students. Over a period of 37 years, the Lord blessed his obedience and burden for people to know Christ, and those few students have grown to Bartley Christian Church which conducts five church services every Sunday morning and has sent out numerous missionaries.
Until a few years before his passing, John Willis lived in a small room in Bartley Christian Church with a twin bed, a desk, and his beloved books. He did not even have a private bathroom, instead choosing to use the church facilities so that he might be available to anyone who came by the church seeking help. He loved the Lord above all else and was a great champion of Christian education and missions. John B. Willis was a man who was truly not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
John Willis was, and continues to be (even following his death at the age of 99), a much loved and respected founder of the Bartley Christian Church.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, Mission Aviation, or the online Distance Learning schools, be in good academic standing, and demonstrate financial need. Qualifying applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be committed to serving the Lord in foreign missions.
John and Joan Emblen Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Mrs. Julia Emblen to honor the memories of her beloved husband, John Emblen, and his sister, Joan Emblen. These faithful Saints were called to glory, leaving a legacy of Christian love and service that influenced many souls for eternity. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students preparing for overseas missions.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools in preparation for vocational foreign (overseas) missions. All applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and demonstrate financial need.
John and Joyce Stuart Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by a generous legacy gift from the Estate of John Leroy Stuart in remembrance of the love shared with his wife, Joyce, as well as an expression of gratitude to and love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His faithfulness in ministry through the years. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students preparing for Christian ministry.
This scholarship is available to full-time undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be able to demonstrate financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Joseph M. Stowell Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given to honor the rich legacy of former Moody Bible Institute's seventh President for his years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute who exemplify Christ-like character.
Dr. Joseph Stowell
Dr. Joseph Stowell served the Lord faithfully as the seventh president of Moody Bible Institute from 1987 through 2005. Committed to keeping the Institute "relevant in a rapidly changing world," following his inauguration, Stowell promptly set to work increasing the influence and impact of the educational, broadcasting, and publishing ministries. Dr. Stowell was also the visionary for broader diversification of Moody's student body and additional majors that trained students to meet the growing needs of the culture while also staying true to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Prior to Moody, Dr. Stowell served as senior pastor of Southgate Baptist Church in Southgate, Ohio, Bible Baptist Church in Kokomo, Indiana, and Highland Park Baptist Church in Southfield, Michigan. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, he was honored with a Doctor of Divinity degree from The Master's College in 1987.
Dr. Stowell is also an internationally recognized conference speaker and has written more than 20 books, including The Trouble with Jesus, Following Christ, Simply Jesus and You, and The Upside of Down. He and his wife, Martie, currently live in Michigan, where he serves as the eleventh president of Cornerstone University.
Recipients of this scholarship must be able to prove financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Karin E. Karlstrom Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous legacy gift from the estate of Ms. Eleanor K. Harris, to honor the memory of her mother, Karin E. Karlstrom, whose strong and living faith in her Lord and Savior led her daughter to know the Jesus Christ personally.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
Kelley-Lawson Scholarship
The Holland Andrew and Evelyn Mary Ring Kelley-John Verlin and Marguerite Geneva Clark Lawson Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Del and Joyce Lawson, to honor the lasting memories of both sets of parents. This scholarship was funded to provide financial assistance to students of the Institute intending to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in future Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, demonstrate financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Additionally, all candidates must be currently serving in or preparing for service in Christian ministry.
Ken Wells Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by generous donors to honor the lasting legacy of Moody Alumnus, Reverend Kenneth D. Wells (Moody class of 1955) and his beloved wife, Myrtle Katharine (Bunny) Wells (Moody class of 1953). This couple shared a passion for music and were involved in Moody's Sacred Music program before entering into service for the Lord as missionaries in the United States and Portugal. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving male undergraduate students of Moody Bible Institute who are either enrolled in the Institute's Sacred Music program or are actively serving in music ministry.
Kenneth and Bunny Wells with family
Kenneth Wells playing the trumpet
Each recipient of this scholarship must be a male undergraduate student currently enrolled in the Institute's Sacred Music program or actively serving in music ministry. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be able to prove financial need, and manifest an exemplary Christian life.
Kenneth S. Wuest Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Dorothy Brodsky to honor the lasting memory of Dr. Kenneth S. Wuest, beloved professor at the Moody Bible Institute and respected Christian New Testament Greek scholar and author. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving undergraduate students of the Moody Bible Institute enrolled as a senior in the Pastoral Ministry or Pastoral Ministry (Pre-Seminary) majors and studying their second year of Greek.
Dr. Kenneth Samuel Wuest
Kenneth S. Wuest was born on the north side of Chicago in 1893. Prior to his birth, his mother dedicated him to Christian service. He graduated from high school in 1916 and went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, having majored in History and minored in Greek. It was while working at a soda fountain in Chicago at the corner of LaSalle and Adams, that he felt the call to Christian work. He enrolled at Moody Bible Institute in September of 1922 and graduated in July of 1924. In September of 1924 he began a year of teaching at the Freewill Baptist Seminary in Ayden, North Carolina and in December of 1924 he married Moody alumna Jeannette Irene Scholl (class of 1924).
Beginning in 1925, Kenneth Wuest began teaching at the Brookes Bible Institute of St. Louis, Missouri, where he taught until he joined the faculty of the Moody Bible Institute in 1929. He was on staff with the Institute until his retirement in 1958.
Dr. Kenneth Wuest published over a dozen books on the New Testament and was widely recognized as a scholar of influence as relates to New Testament Greek, assisting in the translation of the original New American Standard Bible. He then went on to create his own English translation of the New Testament, the Wuest Expanded Translation (WET), in which he made it his goal to make the original Greek more accessible to the lay leader by drawing out (in translation) the full variety of possible meanings and translations of the underlying Greek words.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their senior year of enrollment in Moody's Pastoral Ministry or Pastoral Ministry (Pre-Seminary) majors and studying their second year of Greek. Recipients must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing, be able to demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, demonstrate an exemplary spiritual and devotional Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service.
Kenneth R. Hanna, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by friends and family of Reverend Kenneth R. Hanna, Moody alumnus class of 1964. Reverend Hanna was a faithful servant of the Lord and former missionary in Mexico. This scholarship is intended to honor his legacy through offering financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students as they study and grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
Moody Class of 1964
Kenneth Hanna was born in Traverse City, Michigan to spiritistic parents. He accepted Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 14 and immediately became active in the local church and related ministries. Two years later, he responded to the Lord's call to missions.
In 1964, Kenneth R. Hanna graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a diploma in Missions with a Biblical Languages emphasis. Shortly after graduation, Ken married Beth E. Phillips (Moody class of 1965), and they immediately stepped into ministry, with Ken traveling as an evangelist and Bible teacher before taking on the position of associate pastor of a church in Lafayette, NJ. In 1966, he stepped out in faith and started the Gonzales Gardens Bible Church of Columbia, SC. In 1967, Ken was ordained into ministry and the couple joined CAM International, serving for over twenty-five years in Central America and Mexico planting churches and conducting leadership training. Ken also chaired and directed the creation committee of the Spanish hymnal, Celebramos su Gloria, a formal hymnal with 652 entries broadly distributed throughout Latin America and Spain. During this time, Kenneth Hanna also earned an MA in Cross Cultural Communications from Wheaton Graduate School, a BA in Bible Education and an MA in Bible from Columbia Bible College, and began a doctoral program at Northern Illinois University in the field of education.
Kenneth Hanna joined Moody Bible Institute in 1992 as professor of Missions and in 1998 was chosen as chairman of the Missions Department, where he served until the Lord called him home. During his time a Moody, he also continued his evangelistic work to the people of Latin America, serving writing many tracts, booklets, studies, and evangelistic resources especially for use by laymen in Spanish-speaking churches.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, and have financial need.
Kunmu Guo Scholarship Endowment Fund
This endowed scholarship is funded with a generous gift by Ms. Yuhfeei Guo in honor of her late-grandfather Kunmu Guo to continue his legacy. Kunmu Guo was born in Taiwan in 1888. He financially invested in the lives of many other young people, to equip them with a good education to return home to become positive and productive members of their community, country, and society- a legacy and lesson from which his granddaughter learned and gleaned.
Recipients of this endowment must be an undergraduate student pursuing Pastoral Studies, Biblical Studies, Biblical Preaching, lntercultural Studies, Urban Studies, Youth Ministry, Missionary Aviation Technology (flight or maintenance), Theology & Cultural Engagement, or other pastoral/missionary preparatory program, and enrolled per MBl's scholarship policy. Additionally, recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need.
Leamon Riley Sowell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Dr. Zenobia Sowell-Bianchi and her husband, Reverend Tony Bianchi, to honor the rich legacy of her father, Moody alumnus class of 1949, Leamon Riley Sowell, Sr. Reverend Sowell and his beloved wife, Luessie, devoted many years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ as he pastored the flock of Bethel Mennonite Community Church in Chicago. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate and graduate programs and who are intending to serve the Lord through urban or intercultural ministries upon completion of their studies.
Moody Class of 1949
Born in Tennessee, LeamonRiley Sowell moved to Battle Creek, Michigan at an early age. It was in Battle Creek that he began participating in Christian service for many years. Later he served three years in the Armed Forces as a medical technician with nineteen months service overseas in Europe. He was presented with the good conduct medal and four battle stars.
While still a G.I., Mr. Sowell began his preaching ministry in Merriott, England. Encouraged to continue his Christian service by his superior officer, his chaplain, and a friend, Leamon Sowell came to the Moody Bible Institute to complete his studies. He became active in school affairs as chairman of various committees in the Missionary Union. He graduated from the Institute's Missionary course in 1949 and then went on to post-graduate studies in the Pastor’s course. He also earned a teacher’s diploma from the Evangelical Teacher Training Association.
Reverend Sowell served as an agent with the Majestic Life Insurance Company before joining Moody Bible Institute's Film Department to show the gospel-science films produced by the Institute. The Lord eventually led Reverend Sowell to pastor the Bethel Mennonite Community Church in Chicago, where he served the Lord faithfully with his wife, Barbara 'Luessie' (nee Mitchell) for many years.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate program in the Urban Ministries or Intercultural Studies majors, or as a graduate student enrolled in the Master of Arts in Intercultural and Urban Studies degree. All recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, model an exemplary spiritual life, and be committed to serving in an urban ministry context upon completion of their education.
Life In Messiah International Scholarship
This grant is made possible through the generous gifts given by Mr. and Mrs. Levi and Stephanie Hazen. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students enrolled in the Institute's Jewish Studies major and preparing for ministry to the Jewish people.
As the current Executive Director of Life in Messiah, Levi, and his wife Stephanie share the values of the organization as stated on the website, "Life in Messiah is committed to seeing God's purpose for the Church fulfilled as Jews and Gentiles are made one through faith in Messiah Jesus. This is accomplished by means of evangelism, discipleship, and equipping believers for effective ministry – all with the priority "to the Jew first."
Since 1887, Life in Messiah has helped Christians understand the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and God's ongoing commitment to His people. It is committed to teaching that anti-Semitism is inconsistent with biblical faith. Life in Messiah "prays for the peace of Jerusalem" which includes her spiritual renewal as well as physical safety. In all this ministry does, its priority is to share the gospel message. Today Life in Messiah has a ministry to Jewish people in Israel, France, The Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, and the United States. Like Blackstone, the continuing desire of this organization is to "share God's heart for the Jewish people."
(Special Thanks to Life In Messiah ministry for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of the information above for purposes related to the Institute's Life In Messiah International Scholarship. Additional information regarding the ministry and history may be found at
Recipients must be enrolled in the Institute's Jewish Studies major and be preparing for ministry to the Jewish people. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and submit an essay of explanation regarding the applicant's divine calling to Jewish ministry.
Lucile Davis Oellerich Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was given by family to honor the lasting memory of Lucile Oellerich, a devoted wife, mother, business woman, and servant of Christ in the home, community, and church. This scholarship is to be awarded to Moody's deserving upperclassmen preparing for Christian ministry service.
Recipients must be an upperclassman in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools. All candidates must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service in their chosen field of study.
Longsdorf Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is funded by the generosity of Miss Joan E. Longsdorf, and is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's International students who are preparing to take the good news of Jesus Christ back to their homeland following completion of their academics.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate International student in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need. All applicants must be intending to return to their homeland for ministry following completion of their studies, with special consideration to be given to students from the countries of the former USSR (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan).
L. Vern and Faye E. Trueblood Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, established through the generosity of Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, Missouri, honors the lasting legacy of its founder, Reverend L. Vern Trueblood and his wife, Faye. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students in their junior or senior of study who are preparing for vocational Christian service as a Pastor, Evangelist, or Missionary.
Qualifying applicants must be in their junior or senior year of studies and be preparing for full-time Christian service as a Pastor, Evangelist, or Missionary. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate exemplary spiritual lives, and show promise of usefulness in the Lord's work.
Malan Ministries Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by the generosity of donors through the Malan Ministries, a private organization committed to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people through medical missions. This endowed scholarship provides students of Moody Bible Institute that have been called to serve the Lord and others with compassion and love through Christian foreign missions, with special emphasis on students committed to providing and improving health care, including both physical and mental health care services (e.g., counseling/psychology), through medical missions.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody's Undergraduate or Graduate schools, demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and be in good academic standing. Additionally, all candidates must be currently serving in or preparing for service within a Christian ministry context to people of a foreign country. Special consideration will be given to students intending to serve the Lord through medical missions, including the provision of both physical or mental health services (e.g., counseling/psychology). Additionally, each applicant must read and sign a copy of Moody Bible Institute's Doctrinal Statement, and provide an explanation regarding "Biblical gratitude" in essay format to the scholarship committee for review and acceptance.
Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was made possible through a generous partnership between Moody Bible Institute and generous donors of Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. Founded on the same mission and vision that guides that ministry, this scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance as a means of encouragement for Moody students as they pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through their studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and have proven financial need. All candidates must be preparing for future Christian service through the teaching of the Bible in any capacity OR through foreign or domestic missions. Preference will be given to applicants who are a resident or attendee of the Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center in Muskegon, Michigan.
Mark 12:31 Foundation Grant
This scholarship has been founded with the intention to provide financial support to children of missionaries (MKs) studying in the Institute's undergraduate school.
Mark 12:31 Foundation was established in 2017 with a mission statement "to provide assistance to widows, orphans, low-income families, and churches following the Scripture to love your neighbor as yourself." Joong and Seong Choi, the founders of Mark 12:31 Foundation were both born in Christian families and always believed it is not a choice but the duty of Christians to share the love of God. They truly feel blessed in many ways and have a passion to share some of their financial blessings with less-fortunate neighbors, as well as a passion to support the missionaries and small churches. They have been supporting missionaries both privately and with other organizations, and this scholarship is founded as an extension of supporting missionaries and to support in raising the next generation Christian leaders that this world desperately needs.
Members of Mark 12:31 feel honored to have an opportunity to be a small part of Moody Bible Institute's great mission of education and training of Christian workers to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Martha A. Brokaw Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by family to honor the lasting memory of Martha A. Brokaw, faithful servant to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to assist needy and deserving students of Moody Bible Institute as they prepare for service in Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate programs and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Marvin and Sharon Beckman Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Eric and Jill Beckman to honor his parents, Marvin and Sharon Beckman. The annual award is to be granted to deserving undergraduate and graduate students preparing for Christian ministry to the Asian community within North America or specified countries of the continent of Asia.
Marvin and Sharon Beckman
Marvin and Sharon Beckman served together in ministry at Moody for over forty years. Marvin served as the General Counsel and Senior VP of Operations. Sharon volunteered, serving in Married Students Fellowship and various women’s ministries. They shared a passion for assisting Moody students, particularly those that have experienced unique challenges, including those who have come to Moody to study from foreign countries.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, and demonstrate financial need. Additionally, recipients must be preparing for a life of Christian ministry to the Asian community in North America or one of the following specified countries of the continent of Asia: China, Vietnam, India, Syria, Japan, North and South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Iran, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Maldives, Israel, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Yemen, Taiwan, Cambodia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Lebanon, Nepal, Kuwait, Bhutan, Laos, Oman, Bahrain, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Brunei, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, State of Palestine, British Indian Ocean Territory, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, or Turkey.
Mary Burton Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by Mrs. Mary Burton, Moody alumna from the class of 1994, in gratitude to God's faithfulness, guidance, and enablement throughout more than four decades of serving Christ, His church, and advancing His cause in her community. This endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to students of the Institute who preparing to serve Christ vocationally in an urban context.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, or external studies programs and be preparing to serve the Lord in vocational Christian ministry in an urban context. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, be in good academic standing, and demonstrate definite traits and skills appropriate to effectiveness in future ministry service.
Mary Gann Garver Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship honors the lasting memory of Mrs. Mary Gann Garver, beloved wife of Mr. Howard Garver, and faithful servant to the Lord.; This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen of Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program who are preparing for future service in missionary aviation ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their junior or senior year of studies in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and intending to enter into vocational Christian service in missionary aviation upon completion of their studies. Each recipient must also demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service through missionary aviation.
Mary McLeod Bethune Alumni Legacy Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was founded by Moody’s Alumni Association to honor the lasting memory and legacy of Mary McLeod Bethune, class of 1895. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Institute who are attending from an urban or inner-city residence.
Portrait of Bethune in her early years, about 1904.
Mary Jane McLeod was born in a little log cabin in rural Sumter County, South Carolina, on May 10, 1875. She was the 15th child and the first freeborn child among 17 siblings, and she was destined to make the most of her freedom.
Among her siblings and many other children in the village of her upbringing, Bethune was selected to attend a Presbyterian mission school in the nearby town of Mayesville. Later she wrote: “God helped me then, by sending into our little community the Presbyterian missionary, who came to the little village school and taught me to read the Bible.… I promised that if God would open up to me the wonderful messages of this book, I would teach my family and all who would come in contact with me to know them, and to understand them and try to live by them.” It was with the learning acquired at this Presbyterian school that Bethune first demonstrated the missionary spirit that later led her to Moody Bible Institute.
Portrait of Bethune in her early years, about 1904.
A similar opportunity occurred when Mary was selected by her Mayesville schoolteacher to receive a faraway benefactor’s scholarship to attend Scotia Seminary, in Concord, North Carolina. After some years at Scotia, in 1894 she applied to and was admitted by Moody Bible Institute. This acceptance was in in part due to her application letter, which stated, “It is my purpose and my greatest desire to enter your Institute for the purpose of receiving Biblical training in order that I may be fully prepared for the great work which I trust I may be called to do in dark Africa.”
With this yearning to be a missionary nurtured during her Scotia years, Bethune entered Moody for missionary training. Her hands-on experiences included setting up Sunday schools in neglected areas of Chicago, working among prisoners in the city jails, and helping at the Pacific Garden Mission.
It was during Mary’s time at Moody that she experienced a spiritual breakthrough. One evening Dwight Moody called the students into the Institute’s great assembly room and asked who among them felt the need for baptism of the Spirit. The purpose of this earnest desire was to be Spirit-empowered for service in the Great Commission for God’s glory. Recollecting the joy she felt, Bethune wrote: “I was so happy. I was there and could kneel in that great presence with open heart and mind awaiting the realization within my own life and the baptism of the Holy Spirit of the service.”
Bethune’s missionary spirit was evident not only in the mission work she did while at Moody but in the way she conducted herself with her classmates. The only black student at the Institute, she was not only an anomaly but, for her roommate named Anna, “quite a study.” Bethune had a different texture of hair that Anna wanted to touch and brush, and Anna found the soles of her feet to be of particular interest: “Oh, Mary, I didn’t know that colored people were fair on the bottom of their feet. Why is the bottom different from the rest of them?” Bethune went on to develop a lasting friendship with Anna, recalling, “With no chip on my shoulder but as a student with an open mind I entered and was received by all most graciously.”
After completing two years of training at Moody, Bethune applied to the Presbyterian Board of Missions in New York for a chance to go to Africa. The Presbyterian Missions Board denied her request and instead sent her to Haines Institute in Augusta, Georgia.
At Haines, a girl’s school founded by an African American named Lucy Laney, Mary made use of the missionary skill and zeal she’d anticipated applying in Africa. After a year at Haines, she taught in Sumter, South Carolina, where she met and married fellow teacher Albert Bethune, with whom she moved to Savannah, Georgia, and bore her only child.
From Savannah, Bethune and family went to Palatka, Florida, where she taught children at another school supported by the Presbyterian Church. While in Palatka, upon hearing of the horrible conditions in which Negroes in Daytona Beach lived, she set out on a tour of investigation that led to her founding the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Girls in 1903. This was the start of the institution that eventually became the renowned Bethune-Cookman College (University).
Bethune with Bible, leading her Daytona Beach girls‘ school in 1905.
Over her years serving as president of her college and interacting with some of its students from West Africa, and also having mission experiences that took her briefly to Haiti and Liberia, Mary Bethune relinquished her traditional view of missions as one-way service. Her matured view saw missions as two-way reciprocation in consideration of the “rich values to be gained from interchange between countries through visitation.”
The foundation of Mary Bethune’s growth in the mission spirit began with her parents and her early upbringing. Undeniable however is the profound influence of her training at Moody Bible Institute and the lecture she never forgot Dwight Moody giving on power and its attainment: “Perhaps this was a part of the apex or the highest point of my religious life,” she recalled. “For I believe that this lecture, solidified with my whole period of training at Moody Institute, has had a profound influence upon my life and teaching.”
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody Bible Institute’s undergraduate, graduate, mission aviation, or online schools, and must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. All candidates must have proven financial need and be able to show proof of residency from an urban or inner-city region.
Matilda Robinson Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was founded by Dr. Carl Michael Robinson, to honor the memory of his aunt Ms. Matilda Robinson.
“Matilda “Tillie” Robinson, 93, of Huntington, died March 24, 2022, in Madison Park Healthcare. She was born October 23, 1928, in Huntington, daughter of the late William and Alta Cooper Robinson. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by a sister, Marylee Robinson, and by 3 brothers, Charles, Carl, and Randal Robinson. She was a graduate of Marshall University with a teaching BA degree and had numerous advanced study certificates from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Ms. Robinson started her first teaching job in Logan and would travel back to Huntington on weekends. Her memberships include the Cabell County Teachers Association; and the Seventh Avenue Baptist Church since 1947 where she taught the Ladies Friendly Class for 40 years; she was active in church camps, and a choir member; attended a number of years at Union Missionary Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Ohio. Tillie had extended years of missionary service in Cleveland, Ohio with the Hebrew Mission. She often said it was the most rewarding period of her life. She had many friends in the Cleveland area and will be remembered as a biblical scholar and server of God’s will. Additionally, she visited hundreds of shut-ins, patients in hospitals, and persons in need. She demonstrated on a continuous basis the love of her Maker and service to humanity.
Recipients of this scholarship must be undergraduate or graduate students in good academic and disciplinary standing. Recipients should show a genuine financial need and be pursuing a degree in elementary education, TESOL, Jewish Studies, Theology, Global Missions, and Human Services.
Maxine Bauer Missions Scholarship
This scholarship is given by Mr. Paul Bauer to honor the memory and lasting Christian legacy of his mother, Maxine Bauer. It is the donor's intent that this scholarship should be an encouragement to Moody students preparing to serve in foreign missions.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled full time in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, or aviation programs and be preparing for service overseas in Christian ministry. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
MBI Black and Minority Student Grant Fund
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving Minority students.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's Minority students enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate programs in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Canadian Student Grant
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available in a spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving students attending from Canada.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students originating from Canada who are currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Communications Grant
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available through a spend-down account for awarding to the Institute’s deserving students enrolled in the Communication's major.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody undergraduate students currently enrolled in the Institute's Communication's major. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI International Student Grant Fund
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving International students.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's International students enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate programs in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Missionary Aviation Grant
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available in a spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving Missionary Aviation students.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody Aviation students currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world through Missionary Aviation. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Missionary Aviation Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the endowment. Gifts given are applied to the fund's principal and remain intact, while the investment income is then awarded to deserving students, allowing this scholarship to continue awarding in perpetuity.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody Aviation students currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world through Missionary Aviation. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Prison Missions Grant
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available through a spend-down account for awarding to Moody students previously incarcerated or students desiring to bring the Gospel to inmates through Prison Ministry.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, Mission Aviation, and online Distance Learning schools. All applicants must have be currently or previously incarcerated or preparing for Christian ministry to those incarcerated. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Student Grant Fund
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the fund. Gifts given are immediately made available in a spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving undergraduate and graduate students.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
MBI Student Scholarship Fund
This endowed scholarship was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors that have given financially to the endowment. Gifts given are applied to the fund’s principal and remain intact, while the investment income is then awarded to deserving students, allowing this scholarship to continue awarding in perpetuity.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students currently studying in preparation to take the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
Merl Smucker Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by Mr. Merl R. Smucker in gratitude to God’s faithfulness in his life and ministry. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen of Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program who are preparing for future service in missionary aviation ministry.
Merl R. Smucker was born on March 7, 1911, in Orrville, Ohio, to Amandus Y. and Fanny Smucker. Following high school, he attended Ontario Bible College in Canada before marrying his wife, Grace, in 1946. He and Grace raised a family and ran a successful potato and dairy farm for many years in the same home he was born in.
Merl and his wife loved the Lord and were committed members of the Smithville Mennonite Church, where they served the Lord faithfully, with Merl contributing as a Sunday school teacher, a building treasurer, and as a member of the visitation team.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an upperclassman enrolled full-time in Moody's Missionary Aviation major, demonstrate promise of usefulness in future aviation ministry, and have proven financial need.
M. Gene and Marjorie Ladley Kimmel Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is given by family to honor the memory of M. Gene Kimmel and his wife, Marjorie Ladley Kimmel and honor their legacy of love and commitment to each other and the Lord Jesus. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students in their junior or senior year who have demonstrated an active involvement in evangelism.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student in their junior or senior year of studies, be actively participating in evangelism for the cause of Christ, model an exemplary spiritual life, and exhibit definite promise of usefulness in service to Christ and His church. Recipients must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need.
Norma R. and Robert F. Pint Annual Seminary Scholarship
This grant was funded by a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Norma Pint. It is their belief that men and women of all means and backgrounds who desire the Lord's equipping through seminary training should have the opportunity to attend Moody Theological Seminary.
Recipients of this scholarship must graduate students currently studying at Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago. All qualifying applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. Preference will be given to those preparing to serve in pastoral ministry.
Norma R. and Robert F. Pint Missionary Aviation Scholarship
This grant was funded by a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Norma Pint. It is their belief that men and women of all means and backgrounds who desire to serve the Lord through Missionary Aviation should have the opportunity to receive training through Moody Bible Institute’s Missionary Aviation program.
Recipients of this scholarship must current students of Moody's Missionary Aviation program. All qualifying applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need.
Orril L. Newland Bible Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Orril L. Newland, Jr. It was Mr. Newland's desire to continue the work of sharing the kingdom of God with others even after his time here on earth had ended. This endowed scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to "worthy young men or women in making preparation for the ministry or the mission field."
Recipients of this scholarship must be preparing for Christian service through ministry or missions and show proven financial need.
Orville D. and Ruth A. Merillat Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by the Orville D. and Ruth A. Merillat Foundation and is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving graduates of the Lenawee Christian School in Michigan now enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school.
In 1977, Orville and Ruth Merillat founded Trenton Hills Christian School as a way of giving back to the community that had supported them so well. Their desire was to prepare students spiritually and academically while working in partnership with the families and churches. It was Orville and Ruth's belief that a quality education will produce active and strong leaders in our nation's families, communities, ministries, governments, and businesses.
By the mid-1980's, after seeing consistent growth in the school, the Merillat family purchased a 75-acre farm with the intention to provide a Christian education that would serve the spiritual needs of students from many area churches, as an interdenominational school. That new campus, called Lenawee Christian School, opened in October of 1986 thanks to the Merillat’s deep love for the Lord and a desire for students to have a world-class Christian education. (Special thanks to Lenawee Christian School for approving the use by Moody Bible Institute of information posted on the organization's website for purposes related to the Institute's Orville D. and Ruth A. Merillat Scholarship. Additional information may be found at
Recipients of this scholarship must be a graduate of Lenawee Christian School, enrolled full-time in Moody' s undergraduate school, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. All candidates must have a desire and be intending to invest back into the Lenawee County, Michigan.
Otto and Dorothy Reinisch Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the family of Otto and Dorothy Reinisch, faithful servants of the Lord Jesus Christ who were married for 40 years. This scholarship is intended to honor their legacy of Christian service through the provision of financial assistance to a female minority student enrolled in Moody Bible Institute's Undergraduate school who is preparing for and shows definite promise of usefulness in Christian service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be female and have identified as having origins from one or more minority groups (African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Asian American, or Native American). She must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, have an exemplary spiritual life, and show definite promise of her usefulness of Christian service in her field of study.
Pastoral Studies Grant
This grant was established in partnership between Moody Bible Institute and the generous donors of the Institute. Gifts given are immediately made available through a spend-down account for awarding to the Institute's deserving freshman students preparing for pastoral ministry.
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody undergraduate students in their freshman year who are enrolled full-time in the Pastoral Studies Program. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need.
Patti Bastian Memorial Children's Ministry Scholarship
This scholarship was given by founder, Karl Bastian (Moody alumnus class of 1993) to honor the lasting memory of his mother and Moody alumna, Patti Bastian (Leibforth) (class of 1964). Patti Bastian loved the Lord and had a passion for ministering to women and children. It was the desire of their son to provide financial assistance to Moody students preparing for Christian ministry to children. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving undergraduate students of Moody Bible Institute who are enrolled in the Institute's Children's Ministry major and are intending to serve the Lord as a Children's pastor.
Mrs. Patti Eilene Bastian
Patti Bastian came to know the Lord as her Savior as a young girl attending Longfellow Grammar School in Chicago. One year, she was allowed to leave the school building each Wednesday for a time of religious instruction at a nearby Mennonite church that was taught by PCM students of the Moody Bible Institute. One such day, this lost little girl responded to God's grace to follow Jesus and took joy knowing her name had been written in the Book of Life.
In the years to come and through high school, she was taught and discipled by Christians of Bethany Baptist Church. In 1961 she enrolled at Moody Bible Institute and graduated in 1964 with a degree in Christian Education. Following her graduation, she married classmate Reverend Douglas Karl Bastian, and served the Lord as a pastor’s wife, a loving mother to her children, and in ministry to women, children, and youth. She served the Lord faithfully until He called her home to Himself on Christmas day, 1996.
It was Patti's desire that her vision for equipping people to minister to children would be accomplished through her son, Karl. "Like David who longed to build the Temple, but was told by God that his son would build it instead, so God has told me that my son will fulfill my ministry dreams after I am gone." This scholarship is part of her vision of helping to equip and encourage those who minister to children.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's Children's Ministry major, be intending to serve the Lord as a children's pastor, and have proven financial need.
Paul C. Hartford Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Ms. Sherry Dunn to honor the lasting legacy of her father, Reverend Paul Hartford, well known as a "founding father of Missionary Aviation." This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's Missionary Aviation students.
Reverend Paul Hartford, affectionately known by many as the "Flying Preacher" came to Christ as a young child, but fell away from the faith in his teenage years. At the age of nineteen, Paul rededicated his life to Christ and soon thereafter he left to serve in foreign missions to Cuba.
In the months that followed, Paul and his wife experienced many challenges that threatened to derail his vision of using aviation to further the spread of the Gospel through missions. As the expenses piled up, he committed to do all within his power and then wait for the Lord's leading. Soon thereafter, a position at the airport provided him opportunity to increase his flight time and mechanical knowledge.
After completion of his flight training, and following much prayer and trusting the Lord and His timing, Paul was blessed with a plane that he promptly employed in missions to Mexico. He was determined to prove that the plane was a "practical means of covering wide areas and speeding gospel work by years."
After two months in Mexico, Paul resigned from his pastorate and began to look for a spot where an airport and training station for missionary and preacher students could be set up. God led him to eighty acres outside of Fort Wayne, IN, that would come to be known as Victory Field airport, home to Victory Sky Pilots, Inc, a faith flying school and center for ministers and missionaries whose motto is "God is My Co-Pilot."
Paul and his wife remained actively involved in the ministry for many years, training over 120 students in missionary aviation and seeing many graduates serving the Lord through flight to foreign countries around the world.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's Missionary Aviation program, maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and have proven financial need.
Paul and Hazel Lomske Scholarship Endowment
This endowed scholarship was funded by the family of Paul and Hazel Lomske to honor this couple's lasting legacy of love for Jesus and compassion for the disabled. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students experiencing physical challenges themselves, as well as those preparing for Christian ministry service to individuals affected by physical impairment or military injuries.
Paul and Hazel Lomske were faithful followers of Christ who possessed a deep conviction for the care of individuals living with disabilities. As a Purple Heart recipient who served in the First Marine Division during World War II, Paul sustained injuries during the battle of Okinawa that changed his life. Having dealt with physical impairment personally, as well as watched others close to him endure such difficulties, Paul recognized a great need for support by the Church to the disabled community.
Following his years of military service, Paul and his wife Hazel relocated from Chicago to Detroit, Michigan. In 1946, they helped establish Covenant Baptist Church with a handful of other families. This small congregation with humble beginnings in a basement, eventually grew into a large Christian fellowship able to build and worship in a beautiful stone Gothic church, serving the needs of others in the community in the name of Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, and demonstrate financial need. Additionally, recipients must either be an individual living with a physical disability, an individual injured while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, or be preparing for ministry to others living with physical disabilities.
Paul and Marilyn Johnson Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given as an expression of love from friends and family to acknowledge the years of faithful Christian service by Paul and Marilyn. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and students preparing for Christian ministry.
Paul and Marilyn were an integral part of the Moody family for many decades. He served as a board member for thirty years and as chairman of the board for eleven years. During his years at Moody, he had the privilege to serve with Dr. Sweeting, Dr. Stowell, and Dr. Easley as presidents.
During Moody's 2008 commencement, Paul was awarded an honorary Doctorate for his work with the Institute, and he also received another special honor in the form of this scholarship, founded by his family to honor the memory of his beloved wife, Marilyn, who went home to be with the Lord in December of 2007.
Dr. Paul Johnson continues to serve the Lord and His people on the board of Moody Bible Institute as Trustee Emeritus.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and show potential in their chosen field of study. Additionally, all applicants must be able to prove financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Pauline Stradtman Vaughan Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Mr. Frederick Stradtman as a means to honor his aunt, Mrs. Pauline (Polly) Stradtman Vaughan, a 1925 graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a woman who dearly loved the Lord. Ms. Vaughan shared a story with her family of her failing first semester Greek at the Institute. At the time, Ms. Stradtman was quite involved with church activities which included a Christmas pageant that was to be shown right around the time final exams were held. This early failure did not hold her back though and after four years of study, she was the only student in her class still studying Greek. On one exam of her New Testament translation, her professor wrote, "I can give you no less than A+." This scholarship was endowed to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students.
Moody Class of 1925
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school and be able to demonstrate financial need. Additionally, all recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and show definite promise of usefulness in future ministry.
Peter and Valborg Torjesen Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Peter and Valborg Torjesen. Peter and Valborg Torjesen were born in 1892 in Kristiansand, Norway. Peter's family had for generations been the master chimney sweeps of Kristiansand. Valborg's father was the captain of a commercial three master that sank in a North Sea storm before any SOS was possible. Valborg was the oldest of three young children.
At age 17 Peter attended a talk by a missionary back from China. Right there he got "the call" to help bring the gospel to China. When the collection plate came by, be added a slip of paper with three words, “og mit liv"-"and my life". His Sunday school teacher, who counted the collection, recognized the handwriting and quietly kept the note.
To prepare for his China calling, Peter sailed to America in 1911. He studied first at the newly formed Free Church Bible School in Rushford Minnesota (which over the next century expanded to Minneapolis, to Chicago, and now is Trinity University in Deerfield, IL).
In 1914 Peter enrolled in the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. When he was $38 short in bis tuition payments, he took a semester off to work on a Wisconsin farm. He graduated in 1917. Peter applied to become an American, but the judge gave him a choice: be an American or go to China. So, Peter returned to Norway, fulfilled bis World War One military draft, and courted his childhood friend, Valborg.
As the oldest of Kaptein Tonnessen's three children, Valborg had helped her mother to endure that endless year or more of waiting for any news of the shipwreck, and to care for her younger siblings/ And now Valborg shared Peter’s China dream. She gave up a promising business career in Kristiansand for training as a nurse, first in Norway, and then w England.
Peter sailed for China in 1918, Valborg in 1921. They fulfilled their required three years of Chinese language study before they could be married.
And then their assignment was to introduce Jesus to the people of Hequ, a remote city at the Intersection of the Great Wall and the Yellow River. To reach Hequ back then, you took the train to end of the line, and then five days by mule over the mountains. Over time, a small but vibrant Chinese Christian community was growing in Hequ and beyond.
(And four babies had arrived. They grew up bilingual in Norwegian and Chinese, and learned English when they arrived at the British school for missionary children at Chefoo on the coast.)
China in the l930's was roiled in a three-way war between Japanese invaders, the Chinese Government, and the Communist insurgents. Hequ often changed hands, amid much violence. The mission station was often crowded with refugees and the wounded.
On December 14, 1939, Japanese planes destroyed the mission station in a targeted air raid. Peter Torjesen's body lay buried in the debris. His teenage pledge had been paid in full. Valborg survived the blast. As she surveyed their broken home, she notal the daily calendar was still hanging on a standing piece of wall That morning she and Peter bad read the days verse together:
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9)
Valborg stayed on for several months in Hequ to help with plans for reconstruction. But she was determined to get back to her children on the coast. This took many weeks, part of it by foot through edges of the Ordos desert to avoid enemy lines.
The journey finally yielded a wonderful reunion with her four children in Chefoo. Valborg was then asked to fill a vacancy as director of the Chcfoo home for visiting and retired missionaries. And when Edvard, her firstborn, graduated from Chefoo, she arranged to him to sail to the US and live with a distant uncle.
Then came Pearl Harbor. All Western countries declared war on Japan, and the Japanese regarded all Westerners as the enemy. All their possessions -were now the property of the Emperor, including the campus of the Chefoo School, which the Japanese urgently wanted.
In August 1942 the several hundred Chefoo students and their teachers walked several miles across town to Temple Hill, where a former compound had been converted to an internment camp. Most of the grownups went by truck or rickshaws. The children marched in three columns, the older boys, the older girls, and the younger kids, accompanied by teachers. To the amazement of onlookers, they sang hymns most of the way. One of the teachers, Stanley Haughton, had written and taught them a hymn for the occasion, based OD Psalm 46.
God is our refuge, our refuge and our strength.
In trouble, in trouble, a very present help,
Therefore, will not we fear. Therefore, will not we fear.
The Lord of Hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge.
Temple Hill had four fairly large homes which now had about 70 persons in each of them. Three of them were for the Boys School, the Girls School and the Prep School for the youngest children. The fourth, led by Valborg. was for older missionaries, with a few dozen helper boys in the attic. All children bad jobs to do, and school continued.
Eleven months later the same group made a grim journey by cargo ship and train to the much larger internment camp at Weihsien. It held about 1,500 westerners from Northern China. This included Eric Liddell, the Olympic hem and China missionary, whose story became the movie, "Chariots of Fire.” He became everybody’s surrogate father and friend. Again, the teachers continued the Chefoo school and made life as normal as pos51"ble for the children.
As the years progressed, food got shorter and morale was harder to sustain. Children shared school books and clothing with younger children and walked barefoot in the summer to save shoes for winter.
The internments had lasted for three years, and the prisoners were vaguely aware that the war was nearing an end. One morning a plane flew over that sounded different from the Japanese planes. It returned, waving its wings and was obviously an American plane. The prisoners ran around wildly, shouting for joy! Then they saw an incredible sight. Seven paratroopers were floating down outside the prison walls. They all bad the same instinct. They ran for the main gate, where the Japanese guards backed off. Not a shot was fired! The seven paratroopers were lifted above the prisoner's heads and carried into the camp. There the Japanese commander banded his ceremonial sword to the American commander. The paratroopers bad liberated the camp. One of them was a graduate of the Chefoo school who had requested the assignment.
It took many months to devise plans for evacuations to many countries. The Torjesen family finally sailed on a Liberty ship to Canada, and then on to the US. Two children, Kari and Hakon, stayed in America. Valborg and her youngest son, Torje, returned to Norway. In 1949 they returned to unite the family in the US. All the children eventually became US citizens. Valborg began a small Bible class with Chinese students living in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. This over time grew into the largest Chinese American church in Minnesota. In 1952, at age sixty, Valborg went to Taiwan to work with Chinese refugees from mainland China. During her three years in Pingtung she helped to establish three churches among Mandarin speaking people from China.
In 1955 Valborg returned to Minneapolis and continued her work with the Chinese students. In 1964 she went out one cold winter morning and slipped and broke her hip. After 45 years in ministry to the Chinese people she returned to Norway in 1966 to retire. She moved to Heaven on December 12, 1970.
In 1988 family members were able to return to Hequ. There they learned that Peter and Valborg Torjesen were still warmly remembered. City officials of Hequ offered to build a monument in their honor. They allowed the Torjesen family to write the inscription in Chinese. Many family members attended the dedication in I 990. Subsequently they established the Shanxi Evergreen Service in memory of Peter and Valborg. Hundreds of Christians from China and the Western World have worked in the Evergreen Project in Shanxi, including in Hequ. This project continues to the present.
The Hequ monument includes the Chinese version of this inscription from Jeremiah 17:7-8.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by the water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when the heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.
In memory of Peter and Valborg’s commitment to seeing the advancement for the gospel in China, recipients of this scholarship must be international students from China who are intending to serve in ministry in China.
Peter G. Tanis Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship given by the Tanis family honors the lasting memory of Moody alumnus Peter G. Tanis (class of 1959), beloved husband of Mrs. Betty Tanis and faithful servant to the Lord. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen of Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program who are preparing for future service in missionary aviation ministry.
Moody Class of 1959
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their junior or senior year of studies in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and demonstrate promise of usefulness in future aviation ministry. Each recipient must also demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and have proven financial need.
Peter J. and Florence J. Link Endowment Scholarship Fund
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Peter J. and Florence J. Link, this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute.
Each recipient of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Phil Penner Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the family of Philip Bryan Penner (class of 2001) to honor the lasting legacy of this faithful Saint who known for his "love for Christ, his love for the lost and his faithfulness to obey Christ no matter the cost."
This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students preparing for vocational Christian missions.
Phil Penner was born in McPherson, Kansas on December 9, 1978, the son of Dr. Rich and Eldora Penner. A graduate of the Moody Bible Institute in 2001 in Chicago, he then went on to earn a master's degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, in Deerfield, Illinois in 2003.
In 2005, Phil married Esther Lim, whom he had met while in Chicago. Soon thereafter, in September of 2006, Phil and Esther began their work in Southeast Asia, where they were involved in community outreach and preparing to teach English classes.
In 2008, after a short Illness of Dengue Fever and pneumonia, Phil Penner passed on to glory while living with his wife and daughter in Bandung, Indonesia. His life was well lived carrying out his passion, that of serving his Lord, Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools in preparation for Christian missions, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Additionally, all applicants must be currently serving in local church ministry during their time as a student.
Pohli Family Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Richard and Susan Pohli to honor the faithful Christ-centered legacy of the Pohli family and in recognition of Moody Bible Institute’s commitment to training students for full time work in world evangelism. The annual award is to be granted to deserving undergraduate students preparing for vocational Christian missions.
Mrs. Ruth Pohli (Mother of Richard Pohli)
Ruth Pohli was born Ruth Tucker in 1914 in Hackettstown, New Jersey and was educated at Centenary College and Rutgers University. In 1936, she married Clifford Pohli and in the years that followed they were blessed by two sons, Richard and Alan, as well as five grandchildren.
Ruth became a Christian in her early 20s and became active in Hydewood Park Baptist Church in North Plainfield NJ., serving with her husband to oversee the Junior Church for several years. Ruth was also the director of the Vacation Bible School, a board member of Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Jersey, organized a Good News Club, and conducted teacher training classes for Child Evangelism.
In her later years she organized a "Christian Stitchers" group in her home to sew and make clothing for various missions. In the last decade of her life, she lived in a retirement community where she and two colleagues started a thrift shop to raise money to purchase special beds for a nursing home in the center. The thrift shop also benefitted needy workers of the community.
Richard and Susan Pohli
Richard and Susan Pohli. Richard, a lifelong evangelical Christian, led Susan to the Lord before their marriage, 33 years ago.
Richard grew up In Dunellen NJ, and was baptized at Hydewood Park Baptist Church, No. Plainfield NJ at age 17. He graduated with honors from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He earned an M.A. degree in history from Rutgers University, and an M.A. In Personnel and Guidance from Montclair University. He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps as a lieutenant during the Berlin Crisis.
A lifelong educator, he was a high school English teacher, a guidance counselor and an administrator for 40 years in the Hillside NJ school system. During that time, he taught "Bible as Literature" and was an adviser to the high school Bible Club. He was also founder of Traveling Friends, Inc. a group travel business in Bloomfield NJ for 30 years.
His Christian work Includes teaching Sunday School at Brookdale Baptist Church in Bloomfield NJ and serving on their Mission Board. At Calvary Church In Essex Fells, NJ, he headed the Mission Board. He and Susan were part of a Calvary Home Fellowship group for more than 20 years, often hosting the group in their home.
At Montgomery Church, he has served on the Mission Board, participated in the Men's Bible Study, and helped organize a church group for seniors. He and Susan lead a Home Fellowship group that meets via Zoom currently.
Susan Pohli graduated from Caldwell College and worked in public relations for The Prudential in Newark NJ. Since becoming an evangelical Christian, she has been involved in a Women's Bible study In her community. She also served on the Deaconess Board at Montgomery Church.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student of the Intercultural Studies Program (World Missions) preparing for vocational service in Christian missions, as well as be in good academic and disciplinary standing with genuine financial need.
Rachmiel Frydland Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, made possible by the generous gifts of Messianic Literature Outreach, honors the memory of its founder, Mr. Rachmiel Frydland. A Jewish scholar and Holocaust survivor, he committed over 40 years of his life to missionary work by reaching the Jewish people with quality literature that continues to present the message that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. This fund is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students enrolled in the Institute's Jewish Studies major and preparing for ministry to the Jewish people.
Recipients must be in their senior year of studies in the Institute's Jewish Studies major and be preparing for ministry to the Jewish people. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and model promise of usefulness in the ministry to the Jewish people.
Randal A. Robinson Missions Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was founded by a loving sister, the late Matilda Robinson to honor her brother Randal Robinson. Randal was a loving brother, uncle, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. This scholarship is established to be awarded to Moody Bible Institute's Undergraduate and Graduate students who are preparing for global missions in various academic majors including but not limited to Communications.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate and graduate school with good academic and disciplinary standing. Additionally, recipients should show genuine financial need and be preparing for a life of Christian service in their field of study.
Raymond G. and Ada M. Cornelius Student Aid Fund
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Raymond G. Cornelius and his beloved wife, Ada. This fund provides financial assistance to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody Bible Institute’s undergraduate, graduate, mission aviation, or online Distance-Learning schools, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Reid Berry Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by friends and family to honor the lasting memory of Reid Berry, Moody alumnus class of 1959. This committed servant of the Lord devoted 33 years of his life to helping men and women prepare for missionary service, and particularly for Christian service through missionary aviation ministry. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving upperclassmen of Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program who are preparing for future service in missionary aviation ministry.
Moody Class of 1959
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their final year of studies in Moody's Missionary Aviation Technology program, and intending to enter into Christian missionary aviation service upon completion of their studies. Recipients must also demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3, demonstrate an exemplary Christian life, and exhibit promise of usefulness in Christian service through missionary aviation.
Reverend Abram L. Gish Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Raymond D. and L. Elaine Huber in loving memory of her father, the Reverend Abram L. Gish. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students preparing for future service as a Pastor or teacher of the Bible.
Reverend Gish was a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. His commitment to know and represent the truth of Scriptures led this untrained farm worker to complete a series of Moody Bible Institute's correspondence courses, culminating with the Scofield Bible Course. Then until his death 45 years later, Reverend Gish continuously served as the instructor of multiple Scofield Bible Course study classes for students enrolled in Moody's correspondence school. He even taught a class by radio known as the Scofield Bible Class of the Air. An outgrowth of his teaching ministry was Reverend Gish's founding and pastoring of Word of Life Chapel in Bainbridge, PA, where he served for 40 years.
Throughout the years of Reverend Gish's ministry many lives were changed. Some individuals came to saving faith, and many lackluster Christians were powerfully transformed into bold witnesses for the Kingdom of God. A number of his students also went on to serve the Lord in full-time Christian service as teachers, home missions workers, missionary pilots, and even the president of a Bible Institute.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need. Qualifying applicants must be intending to serve as a Pastor or teacher of the Bible upon completion of their studies.
Reverend Barney Kinard Children's Ministry Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Barney and Sharon Kinard. It is this couple’s desire "to perpetuate the vision of creatively reaching and teaching the next generation of children by preparing children's leaders to do this great work." The annual award is to be granted to deserving students preparing for service to the Lord through Children's Ministry and Evangelism.
Reverend Barney Kinard and his wife, Sharon
Rev. Barnette (Barney) Kinard, (’64), known as the Kidhelper, is a veteran Children's Evangelist with Creative Children’s Ministries. Rev. Kinard completed Moody’s Pastor's Course before receiving his Bachelor’s from Azusa Pacific University in Biblical Literature and Theology in 1966. He holds a Master's in Youth Ministries with a research emphasis in Children’s Ministries from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1972.
Barney became a believer at the age of 10 in a neighborhood Good News Club with Child Evangelism Fellowship. He had various Practical Christian Work assignments while attending Moody, but a Released-Time Class forged his resolve to creatively reach kids for Christ, like the C.E.F. teacher had done for him.
Over the next ten years, Barney served five churches, becoming ordained in 1972. In the summer of 1972, at Forest Home Christian Camp in Southern California God called Barney to become a children's evangelist. That summer, Barney was given a non-profit organization, Share Time International, which later became Creative Children's Ministries. Creative Children's Ministries seeks to reach and teach a generation of children with the gospel in creative ways. Barney became a popular speaker using ventriloquism, puppetry, storytelling, and gospel illusions and reached thousands of children in his kid’s crusades and outreach programs.
Reverend Kinard and Barnacle Nard
Another aspect of his ministry included training children's ministry leaders in churches, workshops and seminars. He partnered with Sunday School conventions, camps, other para-church ministries including Children's Christian Ministries Association, Celebrate the Child, and Children’s Pastors' Conferences. He also joined the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association to conduct children’s crusades in the state of Maine.
Motivated by a desire to help leaders creatively evangelize children, he designed and manufactured puppets, object lessons, story sticks, and gospel illusions to attract and educate children. Now CCM is placing Kidhelper Resource Centers (like a lending library for evangelists) in Mexico, India, Pakistan, and Vanuatu that have no ministry resources for kids. Barney's Kid-Mission trips have taken him to over 20 countries. Barney not only travels abroad to reach kids, he also trains leaders to do the same through the resources he has created.
Barney has successfully leveraged his years of experience by writing a mentoring/coaching curriculum for Kidology, Inc. This personal coaching ministry has grown and leaders are becoming successful children's ministry leaders.
Recipients of this scholarship must be in their Junior or Senior year of undergraduate studies preparing for vocational Children’s Ministry and Evangelism, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing with genuine financial need.
Reverend Donald and Joan Reeser Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by the church family of Bethany Baptist Church in Highland, Illinois. This scholarship honors the rich legacy of Moody Alumni Reverend Donald (class of 1954) and Joan Reeser (class of 1956) and their years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This endowed scholarship is uniquely set-up to provide half of all earned income for the purpose of training men and women for Christian service through the Institute's donor funded Tuition-Paid Model. The remaining half of earned income is awarded through direct scholarship awardings to qualifying Moody students having financial need.
Joan and Donald Marion Reeser met during their studies at Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. They were united in marriage in August of 1954. During their 49 years as husband and wife, the couple served the Lord faithfully in both foreign and domestic Christian missions.
As a young couple, Donald and Joan moved their family to Seeheim, Germany with Greater European Mission to serve at the Bibelschule Bergestrasse (German Bible Institute). Later, after returning to Illinois, they remained involved in ministry, where Joan served alongside her husband at the Bethany Baptist Church in Highland, Illinois.
Through Donald and Joan's faithful witness, many came to hear the joyous news of salvation available through Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and demonstrate financial need. Qualifying applicants must provide a testimony giving evidence of his or her calling to Christian ministry.
Reverend Dr. John R. and Mrs. Nellie Gunn Memorial Scholarship
This grant was funded by a generous legacy gift from Mr. James Gunn to honor the lasting memory of Dr. Reverend John R. Gunn and his beloved wife, Mrs. Nellie Gunn (nee Higgins).
Dr. Reverend John R. Gunn and wife, Nellie
Dr. Gunn was an esteemed pastor, scholar, and author who shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with great joy and passion. He and his wife shared a commitment to serve the Lord faithfully throughout their lifetime.
John Gunn was born in Georgia in 1877 to Robert and Mary Elizabeth Gunn. His father passed away following the end of the Civil War and his mother endeavored to raise her 4 young boys in a small cabin. It was during his youth, as his mom would read to her family and take comfort and hope in the promises of the Lord through the Bible and prayer, that his own faith was also taking shape.
At the age of ten, John Gunn joined the Baptist church that had been founded by his maternal grandfather and continued to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Young John Gunn knew he wanted to be a preacher when he grew up and at the age of 14 he was licensed to preach. This passion for preaching grew steadily even as he attended high school and then college at both Mercer University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Reverend John Gunn
John married his wife, Nellie in 1902 at the age of 25 years old. Together they raised a family of 5 children, having lost a 6th child in infancy. Despite trials and loss, the couple shared a deep joy and faith in their Savior and a commitment to each other and their family. Nellie also shared her husband's passion for writing, contributing articles and photographs to the Atlanta Constitution (Journal).
Dr. Gunn wrote a daily column in Fort Wayne's The Journal Gazette called "Short Sermon For Today" for over 36 years. He also authored a great number of books, many of which are still published today, including: At Jesus Feet, Under the Gunn: Inspiration for Preachers, A Lamp Unto My Feet, One Hundred Three-Minute Sermons, Good Morning Lord-The Hope of Glory, Be the Best at Who You Are: 75 Life-Shaping Bible Proverbs, and Those Loving Feelings: The Song of Solomon for Newlyweds (2013).
Qualifying applicants of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody Theological Seminary in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need and preparing for the pastorate upon completion of their studies. Recipients must also demonstrate an ability to share the Gospel, lead, and disciple others effectively.
Reverend C. Gordon Clews Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the family of Reverend Clews (class of 1934) to honor the lasting legacy of this faithful Saint and his years of faithful and committed service to the Lord’s work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students preparing for vocational Christian ministry.
Moody Class of 1934
Reverend Charles Gordon Clews was the son of a minister and himself became passionate to share the Gospel with all mankind, regardless of race or social standing. Serving as President of his class, he graduated from The Moody Bible Institute in 1934 and entered directly into ministry upon completion of his studies. He served as a minister in the United Methodist Church in Virginia, Indiana, and Maryland for over 60 years. During those years he faithfully preached the Gospel and the redeeming love of his beloved Savior.
Recipients of this scholarship must be the descendant of a Christian minister or missionary and be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate school in preparation for vocational Christian ministry.
Reverend Gust Emil Carlson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous legacy gift from the Carlson Estate and honors the lasting memory of the Reverend Gust Emil Carlson and his years of faithful Christian service. This scholarship was endowed to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students preparing to serve the Lord through pastoral ministry.
Gust Emil Carlson was born on September 23, 1902, in Sumner, Nebraska, to immigrant parents from Sweden, Pontus and Hildur Carlson. Following the passing of his father when he was only 3 months old, he was raised on their family farm by his mother, and later by a stepfather. Gust and his family were not wealthy, with few material possessions, but he understood the value of hard work and accomplished the tasks the Lord called him to during his time on this earth.
At the age of 16, Gust Carlson received the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Gust's call to Christian ministry was more gradual, teaching in the junior high for a few years in the Sumner school system before attending Grand Island Baptist College, which he graduated from in 1929. That same year, he also was ordained to the gospel ministry at the First Baptist Church in Central City, Nebraska. He went on to attend and graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1932. Following seminary, he continued to serve as pastor of the church in Central City and began to also pastor the Stromsberg Baptist Church in Stromsberg, Nebraska.
Eventually, the Lord led Reverend Carlson to the Chicago area, where he served faithfully on the staff of the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary for a number of years before he took a serving opportunity with the Presbyterian Ministers' Fund, a life insurance organization for minister, missionaries, and their dependent children. He eventually retired from formal Christian service, but continued to serve the Lord and others until the Lord called him home to heaven in 1991.
Reverend Gust Emil Carlson loved the Lord and enjoyed praising Him through good gospel music, which he sang and played often on the piano. He was completely dedicated to his Lord Jesus Christ, and he personally experienced the challenges many face when trying to gain a good Christian education. It was his desire that this scholarship would provide assistance and encouragement to others who have been called to the Gospel ministry, but needed financial assistance to reach this calling.
This scholarship is available to undergraduate students in their junior or senior year of studies only, as well as all graduate students of the Institute. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be able to demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and model evidence of developing the qualities of character, skills, and commitment consistent with effectiveness in pastoral ministry.
Reverend Fay and Irene Parker Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship honors the memory of Moody Bible Institute alumni, Reverend Fay Roy Parker and his wife, Julia Irene Parker. This couple spent their lives serving their Saviour and Lord through pastoral ministry in the local church. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students of the Moody Bible Institute who enrolled in their junior or senior of study and are preparing for pastoral ministry to expand the church of Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be entering their junior or senior year of studies at the Institute and have expressed a commitment to serve in pastoral ministry with a focus on continued expansion of the church of Jesus Christ. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate promise of usefulness in Christian service in future ministry.
Reverend Keith E. Seelig Scholarship
This scholarship was funded by Mrs. Vera Seelig in loving memory of her husband, Reverend Keith E. Seelig, to honor this faithful servant of Jesus Christ for his lifelong service and ministry to others. The annual award is to be awarded to deserving graduate students having financial need and are preparing to serve Christ in vocational ministry upon completion of studies.
Keith Emerson Seelig was born in the rural town of Clifton, Kansas on April 11, 1923, and departed this life on May 8, 2015. Keith was raised in Clifton and graduated from Kansas State University in 1948. Keith's college education was interrupted when he enlisted in the Army Air Corps. and served as a pilot in the Pacific during World War II. Keith met and married Vera June Jackson, his surviving wife of 68 years, while attending KSU.
Keith graduated from Northwestern Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1951 and received his Doctorate of Ministry degree in 1977. During his ministry career Keith served as pastor of a number of Kansas Presbyterian churches as well as Central Presbyterian Church of Huntington, Long Island, and 1st Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Keith also served as an Air Force Reserve Chaplain.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time graduate student preparing to enter into vocational ministry upon completion of their studies. Additionally, recipients must be U.S. citizens in good academic and disciplinary standing with genuine financial need.
Reverend Paul F. Robinson Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was endowed to honor the legacy of Moody alumnus, as well as the founder and long-time director of Moody Aviation, Reverend Paul F. Robinson. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students preparing for vocational Christian service through Moody's Aviation Technology program.
Paul Robinson at desk with plotter
In a tribute to Reverend Robinson, Dr. Joseph Stowell wrote, "Once in a long while, God raises up particular individuals to do something above and beyond for the Kingdom of His Son. Paul Robinson was one of those . . . A man dedicated, disciplined, and willing to believe in things beyond himself."
As a young pastor and pilot, Paul had a vision of how the airplane could be used to "speed" the spread of the Gospel beyond jungle barriers. On April 24, 1946, he approached the Moody Bible Institute's Board of Trustees with the challenge of beginning a Missionary Aviation training school. In his memoirs, Paul wrote of that meeting, "At an appropriate moment, Robert W. Nicholas rose from his chair and said “Gentlemen, I don't know how you feel about this matter, but if you feel as I do, if this young man will help us, I feel that we should proceed . . . and I should like to have the privilege of buying the first two airplanes for the program." Today, Reverend Robinson's dream, Moody Aviation, continues to produce young men and women who are highly skilled aviation technicians.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled as a junior or senior in Moody's undergraduate Missionary Aviation program. Additionally, recipients must model an exemplary Christian life, show promise of usefulness in missionary aviation ministry, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3.
R. Glenn and Marjorie B. Greenwood Grant
This grant is given by the family of Moody Alumni Reverend R. Glenn Grant and his wife, Marjorie, to honor the couple's rich legacy of Christian service over more than 50 years of marriage. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students intending to serve in their local church upon completion of their studies.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. All recipients must have proven financial need and be intending to serve the Lord and His people through Christian Education or the Pastorate.
R. Harry and Lyda R. Corradi Scholarship
An annual scholarship is given by R. Harry and Lyda R. Corradi in gratitude for God's faithfulness in their lives. Harry was a committed layman who spent fifty years in the railroad industry and whose avocation was advancing the cause of Christ in the church. Lyda served more than sixty years in ministries of teaching and counseling. The recipient is to be a male student in his final year of preparation to serve Christ in youth ministry.
This scholarship was given by R. Harry Corradi and his wife, Lyda R., as a means to praise God for His faithfulness in their lives and family. Harry was a committed layman who from the age of fifteen years worked for the New York Central and Penn Central Railroads until he retired at the age of sixty-five years. He was a fine Christian man who was very supportive of young people pursuing advanced educations as well as advancing the cause of Christ in the church. Lyda came to saving faith as a young woman in her twenties and served the Lord faithfully for over sixty years in the ministries of Christian teaching and counseling. It was this couple’s desire to bless others as the Lord had blessed them both in their walk with Him by providing financial assistance through this endowment to male students of the Institute preparing for Christian service in youth ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a male undergraduate student entering his final year of studies at the Institute in preparation for youth ministry and be in the top 50% of his class. All recipients must be able to prove financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and show definite promise of usefulness in future youth ministry.
Richard and Carolyn Hilligoss Memorial Scholarship for Bible and Music
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Richard and Carolyn Hilligoss, this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to undergraduate students of the Institute enrolled in the Music major or Bible major who are currently training for Christian service.
Each recipient of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student enrolled in Moody's Music or Bible major, be preparing for future Christian ministry, and show proven financial need.
Richard and Judy Harbrecht Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by the sons of Richard and Judy Harbrecht to honor their parents and their legacy of faithful Christian service and their pursuit of Godly knowledge and wisdom. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing to serve the Lord through vocational Christian ministry.
Richard and Judy Harbrecht
Richard Harbrecht was an imperfect but Godly man. Once he received salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, he developed a thirst for wisdom that only the Lord and His Word could satiate. His sons recall he was constantly reading, studying, and learning and "it would be his desire that this scholarship would go to a Godly person to do the same things he had done."
During his post-salvation life he served his Lord and Savior by becoming a member of his church, then as deacon, elder, and finally as a senior elder. He would serve in this role until his final days.
Richard Harbrecht and his wife, Judy, proclaimed their love for the Lord and His Word up to the day He called each of them home to glory.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All applicants must be U.S. citizens and intending to teach the Bible upon completion of academic studies.
Richard and Mary McLennan Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by friends and family to honor the rich Christian legacy left by Reverend Richard Earl McLennan and his beloved wife, Mary. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate students as they study and grow in preparation for Christian service
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school, manifest an exemplary Christian life, shows definite promise of usefulness in future ministry, maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and demonstrate financial need.
Richard L. Flickinger Lighthouse Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Lisa Clapp and Robin Clift to honor the rich legacy of their father, Richard L. Flickinger, a humble and godly man who sacrificed his life in service to the Lord. He lived his life dedicating years of faithful service to their family, his church and community, and to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Richard was a longtime friend and supporter of Moody Bible Institute through his continuous and faithful giving.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
Richard L. Flickinger
Richard (Dick) also known as "Flick" was born June 1, 1936, in Lanark, Illinois to Ralph and Marie Flickinger. He was raised on a farm with his parents and 4 siblings. He attended Wheaton College in IL where he graduated in 1957 with a degree in Business and Economics. On August 30, 1957, Richard married Marilyn Jean Fair of Akron, Ohio. They celebrated 60 years of marriage in August 2017, shortly before his passing on March 2, 2018.
He served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army while he made his home in the Wheaton area for 20 years where he and Marilyn raised their family. He worked as an accountant and started a school bus business, Rich Lee Vans that transported special needs children. He was an active member at Wheaton Evangelical Free Church. Richard and Marilyn settled in Grants Pass, Oregon in 1984 where he served at River Valley Community Church as Business Administrator for 20 years. He led Crown Ministries and served as Chaplain at Three Rivers Community Hospital, Highland House, and Royal Gardens Nursing Home. Richard was a teacher, servant, and giver and had a gentle and kind-hearted spirit.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody’s Aviation Program. Recipients must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing and be able to demonstrate financial need.
Robert A. Day Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Mr. and Mrs. James R. and Virginia J. Day in loving memory of their son, Robert Day. Robert was a student and faithful Christian leader within the Moody community up to his passing onto glory in December, 1957. This scholarship is intended to assist deserving Moody students as they prepare for Christian leadership in their chosen fields of study.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and have exhibited proven leadership skills. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have proven financial need.
Robert and Jo Ann Conrad Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Wycliffe Bible Translators to honor the rich legacy of Moody Alumni and missionaries Robert and Jo Ann Conrad and their years of faithful service to the Lord and others. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving upper-class Applied Linguistics majors.
Moody grads, Robert (class of 1960) and Jo Ann (class of 1961) joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1960. In 1962, after training in Mexico the couple traveled to Papua New Guinea where they served in ministry together for over 40 years. As faithful servants, Robert and Jo Ann were active partners in the translation of four New Testaments into the tribal languages of Bukiyep, Muhian, Filifita and Arapesh.
Robert and Jo Ann were committed to sharing the love of God with others. Through their faithful service, many have come to hear the joyous news of salvation available through Jesus Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a junior or senior enrolled full-time in Moody's Applied Linguistics major. All applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, have proven financial need, and have expressed interest in Bible translation with Wycliffe.
Robert and Dorothy Rimington Scholarship
This endowed scholarship honors the lasting legacy of Robert Rimington and his wife, Dorothy, and their years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Protestant students of the Institute who have financial need and are preparing for ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need and intending to serve in Protestant ministry upon completion of their studies.
Robert and Virginia Oldham Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by John Oldham and Mary Milby to honor the lasting legacy of their parents, Robert and Virginia Oldham. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's needy and deserving students as they grow in preparation for Christian service in foreign lands.
Robert Oldham was a professor of Moody Bible Institute, teaching speech, homiletics, and preaching in Moody's Pastoral Department. His wife, Virginia, was the Culbertson Hall front desk 'Mom' to many of the Hall's young men and was always an upbeat, optimistic woman, finding the glass always at least half full and offering encouragement to all she came in contact with. They served the Lord together for 60 years.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate school (Junior or Senior only) or graduate school and preparing for Christian service in International missions. All candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and be able to demonstrate financial need.
Robert L. Iler Moody Men’s Choir Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded through generous gifts given by the alumni of the Moody Men's Glee Club and Collegiate Choir to honor the lasting memory of Moody Alumnus and professor, Robert Lawrence Iler (class of 1949). This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving students participating in the Moody Men's Collegiate Choir.
Recipients of this scholarship must be proven participants of the Moody Men's Collegiate Choir in their 4th or 5th year of service. All applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and demonstrate financial need.
Robert W. and Shirley L. Shultz Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Robert W. Schultz and his wife, Shirley L., in gratitude to God for His faithfulness in their own lives and their commitment to the continued advancement for the cause of Christ. It is this couple's desire to encourage and assist others as the Lord had done in their own lives by providing financial assistance to students of the Institute preparing for Christian service in vocational pastoral or missionary ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate or graduate student preparing to serve Christ in vocational ministry as either a pastor or a missionary outside the continental United States upon completion of their studies. Recipients must be able to prove financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, manifest an exemplary Christian life and demonstrate traits and growing skills appropriate for effectiveness in future Christian ministry.
Rock of Our Salvation Grant
This grant was given by a generous donor as an expression of their appreciation for the Moody Bible Institute and the Rock of Our Salvation Evangelical Free Church of Chicago, Illinois. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students attending the Institute who come at the recommendation of Rock of Our Salvation Church leadership.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody's Undergraduate or Graduate schools and be in good academic and disciplinary standing with financial need. All candidates must be current members of Rock of Our Salvation Church in Chicago, Illinois and provide proof of recommendation by the church's leadership.
Ron and Marcia Baker Missionary Children's Fund
This scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Debra Horne, to honor the legacy of MBI alumni missionaries, Ron and Marcia Baker. During the years of faithful service, the Baker family made many sacrifices to serve the Lord and share in the Great Commission. At times, as their children were growing up and attending school, the Bakers had difficulty affording the expenses necessary to pay for their children to return home and see family. This scholarship was founded to help alleviate some of the costs to parents serving as missionaries who wish to see their children continue their education at the Institute.
Recipients of this fund must have parents currently serving in Christian missionary work outside the North American continent. All recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, able to show proof of financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and show definite promise of usefulness in future ministry.
Ron Royce Aviation Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by friends and family to honor the memory and legacy of Moody alumnus, Ron Royce (class of 1969). For over forty-one years, Ron served the Lord faithfully as a flight instructor with Moody Aviation. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody Aviation students preparing for service as a missionary pilot.
Ronald (Ron) Royce
As a committed follower of Jesus Christ and a graduate of Moody's BS in Missionary Technology program, Ron was the perfect candidate to fill a role teaching and 'shepherding' Moody Aviation students. In 1964 Ron joined the faculty of MBI as a Professor/Flight Instructor for Moody Aviation in the Chicago-O'Hare area. A few years later in 1967 when Moody moved the program from Illinois to Elizabethton, Tennessee, Ron and his wife Loretta, and their son traveled East as part of the initial group of faculty and students charged with establishing the program in its new location.
During his tenure with Moody Aviation, Ron served in a variety of roles, including Flight Instructor, Chief Pilot, Principal Ground School Instructor, Flight Training Supervisor and Manager of Flight Training. He had opportunities to teach and encourage hundreds of individuals training to become missionary pilots and the eternal impact of his life and ministry reaches around the globe.
Ron was a "legend" among missionary aviators who understood the perils that came with delivering missionaries and their supplies to the remote locations and difficult terrain that were typical of most destinations. He was known for his faithfulness to Jesus Christ, as well as his commitment to maintaining the highest of standards in every role he undertook, including that of teacher and mentor.
Following his retirement from Moody Aviation he continued to train missionary pilots and provide professional pilot services to various organizations. And although Ron's passion for flying and teaching was extraordinary, his greatest love was for the Lord, his wife, Loretta, and his family and it was these that were his primary focus until the day the Lord called him 'home' to Himself in 2009.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's Missionary Aviation program in preparation for service as a missionary pilot. All applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and have proven financial need.
Ronald Harrison Gray Memorial Grant
This grant was funded with a generous gift from Mr. Donald W. Gray to honor the life and legacy of his twin brother and Moody Alumnus (’40-’42), Ronald Gray, and his service to God and our country. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute who exhibit a desire to cultivate and maintain ‘community’ with those they minister to.
Ronald Harrison Gray
After graduating high school in 1936, Ronald worked for two years at Spun Steel in Canton, Ohio. He saved enough money to pay expenses to enroll at the Ohio State University’s College of Engineering to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. After four quarters at Ohio State, Ronald decided that what he really wanted was to become a Protestant Minister. He then transferred to The Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where he studied from 1940-1942. He excelled in his studies and his Greek professor said Ronald was his best student of Greek in Ronald’s housing unit.
During this time at Moody, Ronald worked part time in a downtown Chicago department store, served as a Sunday school teacher, and visited the sick in a nearby hospital. As one would expect, World War II interrupted Ronald’s life. He made the difficult choice to leave school and join the war effort. He enlisted and was accepted by the Army Specialized Training Program.
Unfortunately several things happened that would set Ronald on a different course from that which he had planned. His pre-induction physical revealed a previously broken nose had not been set properly and affected his breathing. It was determined his nose had to be medically rebroken and set properly before he could join the Army.
By this time his parents had moved to Cleveland and Ronald returned to their home for a time to heal. Ronald was very popular with the children in his parent’s neighborhood and would entertain them by walking on his hands. He contracted mumps from one of the children, which pushed back his time of healing even further- and his opportunity to serve in the Army Specialized Training Program.
When Ronald’s mumps were cured, the Army Specialized Training Program had been shut down to provide more combat infantrymen. Ronald received his infantry training at Camp Fannin, Texas. He was given combat training during the week and enjoyed assisting the Army Chaplain during religious services on Sundays. Ronald went on to serve overseas with the 130th Infantry of the 33rd Division in New Guinea, Morotai and the Philippines.
During his time of service, Ronald was sent out on a patrol to locate or gather further information regarding the whereabouts of a comrade of theirs who was missing in the vicinity of Baguio, on the island of Luzon, Philippine Islands. Ronald was mortally wounded from a Japanese gunshot wound through the neck during that patrol and died before medical aid could reach him.
This faithful man of God went home to the Lord on Luzon on May 18, 1945, while serving both his Lord and country.
Recipients of this scholarship may be an undergraduate or graduate student modeling strong interpersonal skills and is intentional in building community. Recipients must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Ronald W. and Beverly J. Ocasek Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Ronald and Beverly Ocasek out of gratitude for God's grace and His unfailing faithfulness in their own lives. It was this couple's desire to help others as the Lord had blessed their family through the years by providing financial assistance through this endowment to students of the Institute preparing for pastoral ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student preparing for pastoral ministry. All recipients must demonstrate an exemplary spiritual life, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5, be able to prove financial need, and show definite promise of usefulness in future service to Christ and His church.
Ross and Gladys Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Ross and Gladys Campbell, this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to students of the Institute who desire to serve the Lord through Christian ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship may be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate, graduate, or external studies programs and be preparing for service in future Christian ministry. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, exhibit acceptable academic progress, and demonstrate definite promise of usefulness in future ministry service.
Roy H. and Louise S. Anderson Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Roy E. Anderson and his wife, Louise, as a means to honor their many friends who have served Jesus through overseas ministry. It was this couple's desire to provide financial assistance through this endowment to students who are the children of foreign or home missionaries or of parents otherwise involved in Christian vocational service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be preparing for Christian service following completion of their studies, as well as be the offspring of parents actively serving as either foreign or home missionaries or actively serving in vocational Christian ministry. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, able to show proof of financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, and show definite promise of usefulness in future ministry.
Ruberg Commemorative Scholarship
This fund was endowed by the Reverend Rodney Ruberg and the Ruberg family in commemoration of and thanksgiving for the years of faithful ministry to Jesus Christ and His church by multiple generations of Ruberg family members who have attended Moody Bible Institute. In all, ten of the Rubergs have attended the Institute, beginning with Reverend Ruberg's grandparents. His grandfather, Swan Clarens Ruberg, attended Moody in 1907, and his parents, Rodney and Evelyn (Price) Ruberg, met while attending the Institute in the 1940s, and his uncle, Delbert Ruberg, met his wife Maurine while at Moody. Reverend Ruberg also attended Moody in preparation for his ministry as a pastor of a rural church. This rich legacy inspired the Ruberg family to create the Ruberg Commemorative Scholarship, awarded each year to a pastoral ministries student who desires to serve the rural community.
The Ruberg family in front of Checkrow Community Church in Avon, IL.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a male undergraduate or graduate student in his last year of studies and preparing for vocational Christian ministry, with a preference given to students having originated from rural churches or intending to enter into rural ministry. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and able to prove financial need.
Russell and Dorothea Glazier Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Moody alumnus Dr. T. Timothy Chen (Class of 1991) and his wife, Mrs. Meei-Ming Chen to honor faithful servants of Jesus Christ, Russell, and Dorothea Glazier. Russell Glazier graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1926. Then, together with his wife, they served as missionaries in China. He first ministered under China Inland Mission from 1940 to 1951, then served in the Philippines from 1954 to 1962. After that, he founded the Chinese for Christ, Chicago Center, and Church from 1962-1972. Russell Glazier was willing to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ to anyone-anywhere-anytime. He visited many international students in the Chicago area. He often demonstrated his love and kindness to people and his dedication to the Lord.
Recipients of this award must be undergraduate international students at Moody Bible Institute with good academic, and disciplinary standing and able to show genuine financial need.
Russell P. Goddard Memorial Missionary Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Dr. David Coleman and his wife, Mrs. Barbara Coleman, to honor the rich legacy of her father, Mr. Russell P. Goddard, and his years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's deserving undergraduate students as they prepare for Christian service through overseas missions, with preference will be given to those seeking to serve the Lord through radio and communications ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be currently enrolled as a junior or senior in Moody’s undergraduate program, and be preparing for Christian service outside the North American continent. Additionally, recipients must model an exemplary Christian life, show promise of usefulness in future ministry, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and have proven financial need. Special consideration will be given to all candidates meeting the above criteria, and are currently majoring in Communications or are intending to serve in foreign missions in the fields of communication or radio ministry.
Salt and Light Foundation Scholarship
Funded with generous gifts from the Salt and Light Foundation, this scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving Moody students preparing for Christian service in vocational Christian Missions.
The Salt and Light Foundation, started in 2014, is a family foundation with a heart to share the love of Jesus thru good works and give glory to God. Inspired by Matthew 5: 13-16, the Salt and Light Foundation provides funding and support to non-profit organizations in the United States and India.
Matthew 5:13-16, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Applicants must be enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate or graduate schools and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, with proven financial need. All recipients must be intending to serve in vocational Christian Missions upon completion of their studies.
Sarah S. McLeod Grant
Funded by a legacy gift from the Estate of Mrs. Sarah S. McLeod to ensure that even those individuals originating from the most impoverished regions in the United States might still have opportunity to study the Word of God at The Moody Bible Institute. This generous grant is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students attending from rural or mountainous regions within the U.S.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All applicants must be U.S. citizens and be originating from a rural or mountainous region.
Scott Nesbitt Grant
This grant is given to honor the memory of Moody alumnus, (Phillip) Scott Nesbitt (class of 1996). This award is intended to recognize a Moody men's soccer player or varsity athlete that best represents Scott Nesbitt’s heart for the Lord Jesus Christ and for serving others.
Scott Nesbitt and youth
Scott, a native of Buffalo, NY, was a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a member of Moody's 1994 NCCAA Championship men's soccer team. Upon graduation, Scott and his wife followed the Lord's leading to establish their own ministry and open an adventure camp in Vermont for troubled teens and inner-city youth. In the summer of 2000, while preparing to launch the first summer of the camp, Scott and his brother-in-law were called home to the Lord following a canoeing accident.
Recipients of this award must be active as a Moody men’s soccer player or varsity athlete and possess the following characteristics of compassion, encouragement, love, and service towards others. Additionally, all applicants must be seeking to live intentionally and with integrity through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.
Shofar Scholarship Endowment
This endowed scholarship was established through a generous gift from by Ms. Evelyn Rhines, and is intended to assist Moody students serving in Moody's Symphonic Band by covering the cost of private music lessons.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student and a member of Moody's Symphonic Band. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, have proven financial need, and currently be growing their musical skills through private, off-campus music lessons.
Smith Family Trust for Children of Missionaries Grant
This scholarship grant was generously funded by a legacy gift from the Estate of Robert and Helen Smith. Is to be awarded to students who are children of Missionaries enrolled in Moody Bible Institute’s Undergraduate and Graduate schools.
Bob and Honni were born and reared in the suburbs of Des Moines, Iowa. Neither of them went to college but they were both self-educated. Bob joined the U.S. Navy out of high school and was trained in electronics. They married in 1950 and moved to San Diego, CA where Bob was employed by Pacific Bell Telephone Company. He started out by climbing the poles and gradually rose the ranks to become a fleet purchasing manager for the California and Arizona region.
Honni learned typing and shorthand and was employed as an executive secretary at Non-Linear, Ryan Aeronautics, I. Magnin and Meryvn's Department stores as well as others in the bay area before becoming the secretary for the senior pastor, Louis Evans, Jr. at the National Presbyterian Church in Washington D. C. They were devout Christians and best friends of the Evanses. They returned to California when Rev. Evans retired and they ended up living side by side in Fresno, CA.
Bob and Honni never had children, but they welcomed many people into their home over the years who needed assistance. In the late 1960s, Sutton Chen stayed with them for five years while attending La Jolla High School and UCSD. He became their foster son, and his children became their grandchildren. They were generous people and left all their estate to help further the work of our Lord.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate or graduate schools. All applicants must be in a good academic and disciplinary standing and demonstrate financial need.
Smith Family Trust for Ethnic Minority Students Grant
This scholarship grant was generously funded by a legacy gift from the Estate of Robert and Helen Smith. The fund is to be awarded to ethnic minority students (including Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Alaska Natives) of Moody Bible Institute’s Undergraduate and Graduate schools enrolled in any field of study.
Bob and Honni were born and reared in the suburbs of Des Moines, Iowa. Neither of them went to college but they were both self-educated. Bob joined the U.S. Navy out of high school and was trained in electronics. They married in 1950 and moved to San Diego, CA where Bob was employed by Pacific Bell Telephone Company. He started out by climbing the poles and gradually rose the ranks to become a fleet purchasing manager for the California and Arizona region.
Honni learned typing and shorthand and was employed as an executive secretary at Non-Linear, Ryan Aeronautics, I. Magnin and Meryvn's Department stores as well as others in the bay area before becoming the secretary for the senior pastor, Louis Evans, Jr. at the National Presbyterian Church in Washington D. C. They were devout Christians and best friends of the Evanses. They returned to California when Rev. Evans retired and they ended up living side by side in Fresno, CA.
Bob and Honni never had children, but they welcomed many people into their home over the years who needed assistance. In the late 1960s, Sutton Chen stayed with them for five years while attending La Jolla High School and UCSD. He became their foster son, and his children became their grandchildren. They were generous people and left all their estate to help further the work of our Lord.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate or graduate schools. All applicants must be in a good academic and disciplinary standing and demonstrate financial need.
Stanley Eng Asian Student Endowment
Funded through a generous legacy gift from the Estate of Stanley Eng, this endowed scholarship provides financial assistance to Asian students of the Institute.
Born Jan. 15, 1926, in China, he later came to the United States, calling Pennsylvania and then Ohio his home. He served his country honorably in the U.S. Army in both World War II and the Korean War.
Mr. Eng was a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in Chemistry, working as a chemist at Lonza Incorporated for almost 40 years. After his retirement, he became increasingly active in community service as well as ministry.
Mr. Eng was well-respected in the Asian-American community in which he lived in Ohio. He founded and led several organizations, but was best known for his work on behalf of the poor and elderly residents of the Eastside neighborhood known as Chinatown. Mr. Eng was the neighborhood's liaison to City Hall, the police, and cultural and ethnic groups. He also was a much-needed translator of American Culture. A modest, soft-spoken man, he took a quiet approach to change that fit his community's personality and led to his positively influencing both the neighborhoods and the people he cared for.
He was also a member and volunteer at the Cleveland Chinese Christian Church for more than 35 years. He organized English courses at the Cleveland Chinese Christian Church and taught many of the classes himself.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate Asian student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need.
Stephen Yeh, Sr. Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by the generosity of Dr. Stephen Yeh, Sr. and his family to honor the rich legacy of Dr. Yeh's faithful service and dedication to the Lord, and the Lord's grace and faithfulness to His servant in life, business, and ministry. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students of the Institute preparing for Pastoral ministry among the Chinese community of North America and abroad.
Stephen Yeh, Sr.
Stephen Yeh Sr. was a 1948 graduate of Moody Bible Institute. Born in Changzhou, China on July 15, 1917, he went home to be with the Lord at the age of 95, August 9, 2012. The scholarship fund exemplifies one of the many means by which Mr. Yeh's entire life was dedicated to the service of the Lord.
Born into a Buddhist family, he was initially antagonistic to the Christian faith. Eventually, acts of kindness and selfless generosity he witnessed in the life of Christian missionaries won his mind and heart for Christ. Through a series of personal miracles during the Japanese-Chinese conflict at the beginning of World War II, he made it his vision to serve the Lord through preaching the gospel, even if it meant closing down the profitable businesses he had started. In spite of many obstacles posed by the war, he arrived at Moody in 1944 with his wife and a young son, with the intention of returning to China.
After graduation, Mr. Yeh was unable to return to China because of the country's fall to communism. He started his own business, and his family grew to include five sons. He became a very effective layperson, and under his visionary watch, the Chinese Christian Union Church of Chicago grew from a small struggling mission church in the 1940's to a church on multiple sites serving multiple language congregations. His leadership extended to national Chinese church organizations and to Central America where he helped to found a church in Panama, now with several congregations.
In his 70's, he spearheaded an effort to establish the Pui Tak Center, a Christian social-service organization housed in Chicago's Chinatown. In his 90's he became part of yet another church plant. He received an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, Moody Bible Institute, on May 12th, 2007.
All his life, Dr. Yeh was sympathetic with the aspirations of young persons who wanted to serve the Lord in ministry. Many were motivated by his example of great servanthood. It is hoped that this scholarship fund will be a lasting encouragement to such men and women.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time student of the Institute's undergraduate or graduate schools and enrolled in the Pastoral Ministry major, with secondary preference given to non-Pastoral majors. All candidates must demonstrate a commitment to and an involvement in ministry among the Chinese people and a capacity to effectively minister to the Chinese people, with intent to enter into vocational Christian service to the Chinese community of North America or to serving the Chinese abroad, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Sterner Family Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Dr. Gerald P. Sterner, Terry W. Sterner, and Larry W. Sterner in honor of their parents, Reverend Dr. C. Wilbert Sterner (Moody alumnus, class of 1942) and his beloved wife, Elizabeth Ann Sterner. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody students preparing for pastoral ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be studying full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools and be intending to serve as pastor of a church upon completion of studies. All applicants must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need.
Stuart Family Scholarship
This fund was endowed by Ms. Dorothy J. Stuart in loving memory of her father, Charles Stuart, his brother, Thomas Stuart, and their parents, Reverend and Mrs. Benjamin C. and Ruth Stuart (Moody Alumni, class of 1916). This scholarship is intended to financially assist Moody students exhibiting a passion for continuing the rich legacy of playing the pipe organ in the church.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Moody's Sacred Music major and studying the art of playing the pipe organ. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have proven financial need.
Student of Promise Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by Mr. and Mrs. Erik and Carolyn Olsen. This endowed scholarship is intended to encourage Moody students who have proven skill in teaching the Word of God with passion to a world in need.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate school with experience as a teacher and expositor of the Word of God. Additionally, all recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have proven financial need.
Tedd and Ruth Bryson Scholarship
This annual scholarship is given in loving memory of Tedd Bryson, Moody alumnus, class of 1952. It is the desire of his family to honor his legacy by offering financial assistance to students preparing for Christian ministry who demonstrate financial need.
Both Tedd and Ruth grew up in New Jersey and attended Hawthorne Gospel Church where George Sweeting, former MBI President, was their youth pastor. After high school, Tedd attended Moody Bible Institute and Ruth chose the nursing program at Wheaton College. Their courtship involved many hours of riding the Chicago transit and El lines between Oak Park and Chicago, IL.
In his junior year, Tedd joined a Moody men's quartet and began traveling on weekends singing at youth rallies and churches. In 1949 the quartet was asked to take a year off from school and represent Youth For Christ (YFC) and Moody Bible Institute in Europe, where opportunities to minister to young people recovering from the devastation of World War II were abundant. The year proved so rewarding each of the men returned to Moody, finished their education and became leaders in Youth ministry.
Tedd joined YFC in Montana after he and Ruth were married. Together they served the Lord through YFC across the country for 23 years until accepting the leadership of Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Michigan in 1974. Tedd brought new life to the Maranatha summer conference program and introduced the popular Moody Week, which continues to carry on the Moody tradition of excellent Bible teaching. He was always grateful for his training and experience at Moody and served as Alumni President from 1978 - 1979.
Following his 14 years at Maranatha, Tedd joined International Aid Inc. serving as director of development until his retirement at age 75.
Ruth worked alongside Tedd in each ministry wherever they lived while maintaining her nursing career and a hospitality home.
Before Tedd went to be with the Lord in November of 2012, he and his family set up this memorial scholarship as an ongoing investment in the lives of young men and women committed to serving Christ.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be in good academic standing, and demonstrate financial need. Qualifying applicants must be recognized by faculty and peers as having a strong Godly character.
Tena Huizenga Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by the Huizenga family to honor the lasting memory of their Aunt Tena (Trientje) Huizenga, a Moody alumna from the class of 1935. This faithful young nurse served in the slums of Chicago until the Lord called her to Nigeria in 1937, where she served and labored on the mission field for over seventeen years. In October, 1943, Tena A. Huizenga, missionary nurse in Africa, wrote: "My second term on the field is drawing to a close. During the past six years the Lord has indeed undertaken for me in a remarkable way. Not only do we care for fifty patients daily in the dispensary, but we also treat one hundred and twenty-five lepers who come for treatment each week." This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to students preparing for missionary service to the people of the continent of Africa.
Moody Class of 1935
Recipients of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student intending to serve the Lord as a missionary to the continent of Africa, with special consideration given to those called to serve as a missionary in Nigeria. Additionally, recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and able to prove financial need.
The Bobbi Hicks Children and Family Ministry Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in loving memory of Moody Alumna, Bobbi Hicks. She was a beloved wife, mother, and a faithful servant of the Lord. This scholarship is to be awarded to a deserving female student enrolled in the Elementary Education or Ministry to Women Major.
Bobbi Hicks
Roberta “Bobbi” Hicks (nee Gillum) was born September 24, 1932, in Shelton, WA, the only daughter of Irvine and Ethel Gillum. Bobbi’s brother and his wife attended Moody Bible Institute after he completed military service in World War II. Bobbi joined them in Chicago after she graduated from high school and matriculated at Moody in 1950. After completing her 3-year coursework and earning her diploma in Christian Education, Bobbi returned to Shelton and married Loy Hicks, Jr., also of Shelton, who had enlisted in the U.S. Navy by the time of their wedding.
Loy and Bobbi Hicks, Christmas 1953
Mrs. Hicks loved Jesus, her Lord and Savior, first and foremost. She loved telling children about Him and His love for them. She used the knowledge she gained at Moody to teach children in Sunday School and in neighborhood Good News Clubs, a part of Child Evangelism Fellowship. She also served, with her husband, as a leader in AWANA programs at her local church. Each of the children of Loy and Bobbi came to faith in Jesus through their mom.
Moody Bible Institute always held a special place in her heart. She made it a practice to go to Chicago for Founder’s Week whenever she could. Through his inheritance from his mother, her son is funding this scholarship, enabling others to follow her in service to Christ and His Kingdom. Qualifying applicants must be pursuing an Associate or bachelor’s degree in Children and Family Ministry on campus in Chicago, demonstrate financial need, manifest an exemplary Christian life, be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and through past service experience show they possess the traits and skills appropriate to effectiveness in future ministry service to children and families.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate female student living on the Chicago campus. All recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and must be able to prove genuine financial need.
The Moody Aviation “Go Therefore” Forgivable Loan Endowment Fund
The Moody Aviation “Go Therefore” Forgivable Loan Endowment Fund was founded in loving memory of Nelson and Marcelyn Bennett. This endowment is to be used for loans to be awarded to selected Moody Aviation students and graduates through Moody Aviation's Forgivable Loan Assistance Program for Students (FLAPS). FLAPS provides forgivable loans to aviation students who meet certain requirements.
Recipients of this fund must be enrolled full-time in Moody's Missionary Aviation program and meet the established FLAPS distribution guidelines. All candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need and be intending to enter into Christian service in Missionary Aviation upon completion of their studies.
The Moore Family Grant
This fund was established through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Elaine Moore, and is intended to provide financial assistance to qualifying Moody International students holding citizenship from specified Far East countries.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate school and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, with proven financial need, and maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. All applicants must be able to show proof of citizenship from one of the following countries, including China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Mongolia, North or South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, or the Russian Far East.
The Port Mission of Baltimore City Endowment Fund
This scholarship is dedicated to the Glory of God and in honor of "The Port Mission of Baltimore City, Inc 1881 - 2023" for the purpose of equipping students for intercultural studies and global missions including, but not limited to, Aviation.
Motivated by the inspirational preaching of Dwight L. Moody at a Bible conference in Baltimore, Maryland, nine area Christian businessmen founded the Port Mission in the Fells Point area of Baltimore City in 1881, primarily to reach men of the sea for Jesus Christ. Incorporated in 1885 as The Port Mission of Baltimore City, Inc., the Mission's Articles of Incorporation state that the Mission was established "for purposes beneficial to seamen visiting the Port of Baltimore City, Maryland, helping and advancing their spiritual welfare and aiding them in practical ways."
With respect to the Mission's stated objective, The Baltimore Sun newspaper stated in a May 20, 1892, article "...the seamen had a place where they could go and were welcomed and made to feel at home. They had mail sent there, were given paper and envelopes to write letters, and also had newspapers to read in other languages besides English ..." Always nondenominational, the Mission has never been a church, and its members, all of whom are volunteers, are communicants in various churches. A gospel lighthouse in the community, the Mission at various points in its history offered to the seamen and to area families nightly prayer services, Sunday school classes, curbside gospel services throughout the city, holiday gatherings, and dinners to celebrate important occasions in the Christian calendar, and classes in various trades. One measure of the Mission's impact on the world is that over forty of its members have gone into full-time Christian service as pastors, missionaries, and Bible teachers.
By the late nineteenth century, the Mission had expanded its vision by also bringing the Gospel ministry to area families. Following World War II, the turn-around time for ships calling at the port of Baltimore was shortened considerably so that seamen often had little or no time to go anywhere in the city. The decline in seamen's attendance was further exacerbated by the 1959 opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway resulting in the complete bypass of Baltimore's port by many of the shipping lines. Accordingly, the main thrust of the Mission's ministry now became focused on the community's families.
After a century in this calling, population shifts to the suburbs increasingly intensified such that the Mission's service base eventually diminished to the point where it seemed the Lord was calling upon the Mission's Directors to again refocus the application of the organization's resources. Following considerable prayer and numerous meetings, it was decided to extend the ministry beyond Baltimore and seek to be an instrument in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into "all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" pursuant to Jesus' words as recorded by Luke in Acts 1:8. In 2004, the Mission began disbursing financial support to those actively engaged in the obedient pursuit of Jesus' directive via yearly grants.
Being faithful stewards of the resources, which have been bountifully supplied through the years by the Lord via those who were members of the Mission, the Port Mission now seeks to continue that ministry through the funding of this Moody Bible Institute scholarship, dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Port Mission of Baltimore City, 1881-2023.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody’s undergraduate and graduate school in good academic and disciplinary standing with genuine financial need. All applicants must demonstrate an exemplary spiritual life and intend to serve the Lord through intercultural studies or global missions upon completion of their education.
The Shepherd’s Pastoral Scholarship
This scholarship was funded with a generous gift from Mr. Thomas Greenberg and his wife, Mrs. Barbara Dwyer. It is their desire to further God's kingdom work by providing financial assistance to graduate students of Moody Theological Seminary studying in preparation for future pastoral ministry.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need. All applicants must be U.S. citizens and intending to serve in vocational pastoral ministry upon completion of academic studies.
Thomas Rice Baker Mission Aviation Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mr. and Mrs. John and Betty Rott and family to honor the lasting memory of her father, Thomas Rice Baker and his years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving students enrolled in Moody's Missionary Aviation program who are preparing for future Christian service in missionary aviation.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Institute's Missionary Aviation Technology program in preparation for vocational Christian service in missionary aviation. All recipients must be able to prove financial need and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Thomas J. Stevenin Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by Mrs. Barbara Stevenin to honor the lasting memory of her beloved husband and respected pastor and professor of the Moody Theological Seminary, Dr. Thomas J. Stevenin. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving graduate students of Moody Bible Institute who are enrolled in at least one leadership course during the academic year for which the scholarship is awarded.
Moody Class of 1960
Recipients of this scholarship must be graduate students of Moody Theological Seminary and enrolled in one or more leadership courses during the academic year that they will receive this scholarship awarding. Recipients must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and be able to demonstrate financial need.
T.K. & True Light Ministry Scholarship
This endowed scholarship has been founded by Rev. Dr. Tsu-Kung and Mrs. Marie Chuang. Rev. Dr. Tsu-Kung (T.K.) Chuang and his wife, Marie, began the T. K. & True Light Ministry in 2002. Both T.K. and Marie, while studying at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, were deeply inspired by their hermeneutical professors, with the importance of accurately handling the word of truth, as well as applying the truth in their daily lives. Therefore, expository preaching and Bible study are at the core of their ministry. They believe that these are vital for both evangelism and discipleship.
Since 1995 and for the past 28 years, T.K. & Marie have and continue to faithfully preach through each book in the Bible with expository preaching. They make these sermons into CDs and publish them online. T.K. has published several books about missions and apologetics, and Marie has also published several so-called commentaries, using different formats. All these efforts have been for the purpose of providing Chinese churches with sound biblical truth.
Both T.K. and Marie also have a deep burden for Missions. T.K. earned a Ph.D. degree in intercultural Studies. Marie, who had been studying at Moody for a year, was deeply moved by the amazing responses among the students to the call into the mission field when she attended the Moody Missions Week final meeting while a student there. Considering their ministry calling and service, and these passions and experiences, they desire to set up a permanent scholarship at Moody to train more qualified biblical workers, pastors, and missionaries for God's kingdom.
Recipients of this scholarship must be undergraduate or graduate students either on campus or online, or a student at Moody Aviation, pursuing Pastoral Studies, Theology, Missionary Aviation, or other pastoral/missionary preparatory programs. Applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with proven financial need.
Todd and Michele Hanson Memorial Scholarship
Funded with a generous gift from the parents of Todd Hanson in memory of their beloved son and daughter-in-law. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to married upper-divisional students preparing for full-time Christian ministry.
Todd and Michele Hanson
Todd was the oldest of three children born to Doug and Connie Hanson. Athletic and adventurous, he enjoyed fishing and sports. As a young boy, the older kids all wanted him to play on their baseball team, but the coach would not allow it. In high school, Todd was a skilled and caring teammate on and off the basketball court. He also had a gift with numbers, able to calculate in his mind quickly. This skill eventually led him to pursue a degree at Bethel College, majoring in Business with a concentration on Accounting.
Although Todd had been diagnosed with a debilitating disease, scleroderma, he never complained and instead took hold of the opportunities God gave him to enjoy life and relationships. A kind person and an excellent role model, he was a positive influence and a Godly example to those around him. He also had a strong faith in the Lord and took time to shepherd others, leading the college-age Sunday school class at his church for a time.
Todd married his grade-school sweetheart, Michele, in May of 1988. The two had been friends and grown-up together through grade school, junior and senior high school, spending time together with other friends in Christ-centered homes.
Michele was the only daughter of three children born to Dean and Dolores Smith, and a graduate of ITT Technical Institute, majoring in Senior Accounting. She was thoughtful, well organized, fun to be around and shared Todd’s love for the Lord.
Together, this couple brought joy to those around them, encouraging laughter through their humorous antics and sharing the gift of music in their piano playing. Their love for the Lord their God was apparent and this husband and wife depended on the Lord for wisdom and guidance in their marriage as well as for those they encouraged and counseled.
In December of 1989, following his graduation from Bethel College, Todd and Michele moved to Evanston, Illinois. The young couple was excited to start the next chapter of their life together, with Todd transitioning to his new employment with the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and Michele beginning her job at a local electric company.
Only a few months later on July 14th, 1990, while on vacation in Northern Minnesota to visit family, Todd and Michele were hit head-on by a drunk driver and killed instantly. Both were only 23 years of age.
The families of Todd and Michele were heartbroken and devastated by the loss, but acknowledge that they do not grieve as those who have no hope (I Thessalonians 4:13). Todd and Michele had given their hearts to Jesus Christ, and the family knows with confidence that they will see them again in heaven!
Each recipient of this scholarship must be a married undergraduate student in their junior or senior year of studies preparing for vocational Christian ministry and demonstrate good stewardship of personal resources. Each recipient must manifest an exemplary Christian life, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3, and be able to prove financial need.
Tom Hileman Aviation Scholarship
This scholarship is established in memory of Tom Hileman, February 29,1964 – April 7, 2015, to honor his love of aviation and his commitment to sharing the love of Jesus.
Tom served in the Air Force as an Aircraft Maintenance Specialist, from 1984 – 1990. He earned an associate degree in Aviation Flight and a bachelor’s degree in aviation management from Southern Illinois University. He received his Airline Transport Pilot certificate and was rated as captain in several different planes. At the time of his death, Tom had over 12,000 hours of flight time. Tom also kept his Flight Instructor certificate current throughout his career, as he loved introducing others to the joy of flying.
Tom Hileman
Tom was baptized at age 16 and had an unshakeable faith in God’s grace. He was involved in local and global outreach at his church, and loved to rise early in the morning, brew a pot of coffee, and talk with Jesus. Tom was devoted to his family, his wife, Ami, and children Ben, Adam, Andrea, Luke, and Jake.
Virginia Mae Midkiff Memorial Scholarship
"Let Your Light So Shine" - Virginia Mae Midkiff Memorial Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Carolyn Strahl to honor the memory of her mother, Virginia Midkiff. She was a loving wife, mother, and teacher who let her light truly shine throughout her life as she loved and served others. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving undergraduate students of Moody Bible Institute who are enrolled in the Institute's Children's Ministry major.
Virginia Mae DeBord was a coal miner's daughter born with a dislocated hip in 1921. While growing up in poverty in a family of 9 children, she learned to depend on the Lord to supply all her needs even during multiple surgeries.
She was reborn in her teen years by the grace of God as a Child of the King and her Good Father proved His faithfulness throughout her life. Her disability, which to others around may have seemed to close doors, opened doors giving her a scholarship to college.
Starting life with multiple challenges and a heart for God gave her compassion for those who were hurting and had come from similar circumstances, so rather than "break out" of her impoverished community, after completing college, she returned to teach business classes in the very small high school she had graduated from and to teach Sunday School. Mom understood Jesus when he said "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:44)
Eventually Virginia married Les Midkiff, had 3 children and became very involved in church. She held Good News Clubs for the neighborhood children in our backyard, and taught third graders in Sunday School. She invited others into the family home with graciousness, including the newborn baby of a friend who developed M.S. while pregnant, a nephew during the years he was stationed at the nearby Navy base, and a grandparent when he didn't have a home.
All during this time she continued to give liberally to missions around the globe. Some of those missionaries stayed with the family as well. She listened to friends when they needed someone to talk to and helped to send one young person to graduate school. She understood the words of Isaiah, "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted . . .to comfort all who mourn, and to provide for those who grieve in Zion . . ."
All during these years and her subsequent life as an empty nester, then a widow, she got up before anyone else in the house, usually at 4 a.m., before the distractions of life could consume her, to spend time with her Heavenly Father in her "solitary place" (which happened to be a floral recliner!), read and memorize God's Word, and read books written by men and women of God.
Virginia read the Bible through every year, something she passed down to her son-in-law. She also kept a journal of answered prayer and had a prayer partner of 50 years who came over every Friday. She knew "where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
These disciplines throughout her life became more important as she has grew older. As her vision began to fade away, her family gave her the Bible as well as her favorite authors on CD so her loss of vision didn't slow her down. All the Scripture she memorized through the years was deeply imbedded in her brain, so even though she had some memory loss and had difficulty remembering the "address" where the Scripture was found, she could still remember God's word. She also remembered all the hymns she sang through the years and the family enjoyed "hymn sings" with her during their devotion time together at her nursing home.
In her later years, as Virginia faced health challenges including a heart attack and cancer treatment, she never wavered in her "mountain-moving faith," rather she continued to live an intentional, prayerful life as a witness for Jesus Christ, praying that "others will see Jesus in me." After all, she was a woman who had touched the hem of His garment and seen His power at work. Never far from her mind, was that passage from Matthew 6, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Virigina Mae Midkiff's life was an awesome reflection of God's love and presence at work in and through her to the very end—It was the legacy she left behind that bears witness to the great love and faithfulness of her Savior.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in Moody's Christian Ministry major. Qualifying applicants must demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.2, and submit an essay addressing what Jesus meant when He stated in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven."
Walter and Loretta Krusich Scholarship
This endowed scholarship honors the lasting legacy of Walter Krusich and his wife, Loretta, and their years of faithful and committed service to the Lord's work. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving African-American students studying to serve in ministry through Moody’s online Distance Learning school.
Walter and Loretta were deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ and recognized all men created equal and made in the image of God. The couple devoted much of their lives to helping those in the oppressed African American community.
Additionally, Walter was passionate about teaching others of the risks and possible consequences of indulging in the growing drug epidemic. In response to what he saw taking place in the culture around him, he wrote a number of books on the topic, including Straight Dope on Drugs, Drugs: It Can't Happen to Me, and Drugs: Why Unconcerned Parents Should be Concerned.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an African-American undergraduate or graduate student currently studying in Moody's online Distance Learning program and have already completed at least 10 course credits within the chosen program of study. All candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, have proven financial need, current or previous service in Christian ministry.
Wesley International Student Scholarship
Funded through a generous gift given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Karen Carlson to encourage Moody's International students, this endowed scholarship is intended to assist International students enrolled in Moody’s graduate school and preparing to return to their home country for vocational Christian service in their chosen field of study.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an International student enrolled in Moody's graduate school and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and have proven financial need. All recipients must be intending to return to their country of origin to serve in Christian ministry.
W. Gray and Marilyn Watters Memorial Scholarship
Gray and Marilyn Watters both grew up in the Chicago area and made their home in the Northwest suburbs. They were active practitioners of a Faith built on a legacy that began at Moody Church and continues until this day. The purpose of the scholarship is to train a future generation of pastors and worship leaders to “Declare His glory among the nations!” Both Gray and Marilyn came to a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior at an early age, and together exhibited a lifelong commitment to growing closer to their Savior through Bible study, prayer, and a consistent daily walk with Him. This commitment was also clearly expressed through an active participation in, and leadership of ministry at several local churches through Sunday School teaching, Youth out reach, and Church music ministries. They approached these roles with a willingness to serve, a wish to glorify God, and desire to see others come to knowledge of the Lord and Savior that meant so much to both.
W. Gray and Marilyn Watters
Receipts of this endowed scholarship will be nominated by the field chairs over the Pastoral Studies Major and/or the Music-Worship and Media Arts Major. Awardees must be undergraduate students of Moody’s Pastoral Studies major and be preparing for vocational ministry as a pastor Or enrolled in the Music-Worship and Media Arts major preparing for vocational ministry as a worship leader. Additionally, awardees must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
Wilfred L. Burton Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship honors the memory of the former Director of the Institute's Sacred Music department, Wilfred L. Burton. This scholarship is to be awarded to qualifying students enrolled in the Institute's Music program.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's Music major, with special consideration given to students pursuing Music major with Voice emphases. They must exhibit musical ability, an exemplary spiritual life, and the promise of useful Christian service in Church and Worship Music Ministry.
William James Dobias, Jr. for Christ Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was funded by Mrs. Suzanne Brown to honor the memory of her beloved son, William Dobias, Jr. who is now in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to Moody's undergraduate and graduate students as they study and grow in preparation for Christian service in their chosen field of study.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled full-time in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools, be able to prove financial need, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
William and Loretta Gaunt Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, established through a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. William and Loretta Gaunt, is intended to assist International students enrolled in Moody's graduate school and preparing for vocational Christian service.
Recipients of this scholarship must be an International student enrolled full-time in Moody's graduate school and be in good academic and disciplinary standing, and have proven financial need. All recipients must be intending to serve in vocational Christian ministry upon completion of their studies.
Willard and Carolyn Tumlin Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, established through a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Willard and Carolyn Tumlin, is intended to assist missions-minded students enrolled in Moody's graduate school.
Recipients of this scholarship must be a graduate student in good academic and disciplinary standing, and have proven financial need. All recipients must be intending to serve in vocational foreign missions upon completion of their studies.
WMBW-LeBoeuf Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given by a generous donor to recognize the ministry of Moody's radio station WMBW Chattanooga under the leadership and direction of Leighton LeBoeuf from 1997 to 2013. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to deserving undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute who originated from states in the WMBW listening area.
Leighton LeBoeuf
Leighton LeBoeuf is the retired station manager of Moody Radio Southeast in Chattanooga and Moody Radio Midsouth in middle Tennessee. Leighton was born in Mississippi, but grew up in Georgia and Florida, earning his undergraduate degree from Florida State University in Tallahassee, and a graduate degree from Springfield College in Massachusetts.
Leighton joined Moody Radio in November 1997, serving until his retirement in 2013. Prior to Moody Radio, Leighton served as governor of the Tennessee District of Optimist International and as chairman of the Health, Education and Housing Facilities Board, charged with the responsibility of issuing tax-exempt bonds to health care facilities and education units.
Leighton and his wife, Jan, reside in in Tennessee and enjoy spending time with their three adult children, six grandsons and one granddaughter.
Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate schools in preparation for vocational Christian service in their field of study, be in good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven financial need. All applicants must be legal residents of either Alabama, Georgia, or Tennessee.
Women's Aviation Scholarship
Established with a generous gift from an anonymous donor who has a passion for mission aviation. This scholarship is to be awarded to deserving female students in Moody’s Missionary Aviation Technology program.
Mission Aviation Students in Spokane, WA
Anonymous Donor Testimony:
“I had a love of flying since the first time my dad took me to an airshow in Erie, Pennsylvania when I was ten years old. My dad always wanted to take flying lessons but working and raising a family left no time or money to fulfill his lifelong dream. He served in Europe during World War II and was fascinated by the Allied planes that were headed into battle. To my dad, who was eighteen at the time, those pilots were like royalty. I knew my dad wouldn’t be able to fulfill his dream, but I thought I had a better chance of fulfilling mine. I had loved planes since I was very young and always dreamed of flying through the clouds which, I absolutely knew for certain was where God lived. God had always been a very important part of my life even though I wasn’t raised in a Christian home. It wasn’t until I was 23 that I surrendered my life to Jesus, and I never looked back.
During the mid-60’s was when I knew the time had come to find an instructor. I was 16 years old, attending high school, working every day after classes, saving for college so I knew I would be limited on the amount of time and money I could dedicate to this new adventure. Then I met Frank Lucy. Frank had been flying most of his life and then he shared with me that he had never taught a woman to fly, not because they couldn’t do it, but because none had ever inquired. Frank would accept me only if I could pass his “test”. That test included naming all parts of the plane inside and out. I passed the test, was given a flight log and was told to show up the next day at 8am sharp. I need to divulge here that this was an airfield with no tower, no radio communication, and no runway lights. Also, it was grass and wouldn’t be paved until three years later. This was an adventure of which I was ready to take hold.
A Cessna 150 would be my first experience with flying. The cockpit had barely enough room for two smaller statured adults. But I loved that plane from the first time I took off until I landed. The plane was very rudimentary with no radio and the barest amount of instruments—nothing fancy here.
Being in that Cessna 150 and then later a Cessna 172 was heaven on earth. Flying is where I felt the closest to God and where I could have amazing conversations with Him.
I had been blessed with a small inheritance and that’s when I decided that the aviation program at Moody Bible Institute was where I wanted to invest in the lives of women. I started a scholarship fund for women in aviation because I want them to have the opportunity to do what they love while serving the Lord. The world needs more women who are adventurous enough to take on this huge task. They need every chance to become all God wants them to be. This is near and dear to my heart, and I want these amazing women to know that I’ll be praying for them all the way.”
Recipients of this scholarship must be a female student studying in Moody’s Missionary Aviation Technology program and enrolled per MBI’s Scholarship policy. All qualifying candidates must also be in a good academic and disciplinary standing and have proven genuine financial need.
W. Paul Grant African American Student Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was given in memory of Moody alumnus from the class of 1980, W. Paul Grant, and his years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1977, W. Paul Grant needed a significant sum to register for classes at Moody, and on the final day of registration he received an anonymous gift for the exact amount. It was Paul's desire to be a blessing to other African-American students in the way God had blessed him. This scholarship is intended to provide financial blessing to an African American undergraduate or graduate student who has an enthusiastic heart for our Lord and demonstrates a burden for lost souls.
Moody Class of 1980
W. Paul Grant was born in Ohio and became a Christian at the age of 14 years. At 18 years of age, he decided to enter into ministry and enrolled in the Moody Bible Institute. While at Moody, Paul started a gospel music ministry called the Jubilation Singers. He and the group ministered at many Moody chapels, missionary conferences, and also a Sunday Night Sing. They also travelled across Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana to minister to those in jails, nursing homes, coffee houses, and churches. Paul and his wife, DuRhonda Baskett (class of 1979) also participated in Moody's first black chapel in 1979.
Paul also ministered in a special way to the Evangelical Free Church of America, often leading combined choirs of blacks and whites singing gospel music and he was the first black minister of music to minister at three national EFCA conferences. He also traveled extensively, preaching with a unique and special calling for racial reconciliation.
Pastor Charles Butler, Moody class of 1981, executive director of Circle Christian Development Corporation, said, "Paul led at least fifty people per year (one on one) to the Lord for the last six years. Two o'clock in the morning, five o'clock in the afternoon, skipping breakfast, missing sleep, and he still would show up in the morning to sing, preach, and encourage. He shows me that we need to evaluate what is really important."
Paul served as the minister of music for Rock of Our Salvation Evangelical Free Church and chaplain for Circle Urban Ministries in Chicago until the Lord called him home at the age of 31 years. During his service with these ministries, Paul organized the first choir and the first travel music ministry for Rock Church. He was also the first Circle Urban Ministries chaplain and was considered the "eyes, ears, and mouthpiece for Circle Urban Ministries."
At the time of Paul's home going celebration, over 800 people were in attendance and Glen Kehrein, Moody class of 1969, then executive director for Circle Urban Ministries, shared, "[Paul Grant] left a legacy of a tireless worker in God’s vineyard. None of us left the celebration the same."
Recipients of this scholarship must be of African-American descent, currently enrolled in Moody's undergraduate or graduate programs, and able to demonstrate financial need. Additionally, all recipients must have a burden to reach the lost with the gospel and show definite promise of usefulness in future Christian ministry.
These scholarships and grants were given by generous donors to help students pursue a Moody education. If one of the scholarships or grants particularly speaks to you, please consider contributing. You'll help train the next generation of mission workers and ministry leaders to impact the world for Christ.
To partner with Moody through one of these scholarships, please click the link below and include the scholarship name in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION field.