Michael Rydelnik
Department:Intercultural Studies
School:Undergraduate in Chicago
Start Date:January 1994
Educational Background:
Diploma, Moody Bible Institute
BA, Azusa Pacific University
ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary
DMiss, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School -
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy: Studies and Expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament, co-authored with Edwin Blum. Chicago: Moody, 2019.
The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53, with Walter Kaiser, Michael Brown, and Darrell Bock (Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House, 2012), DVD.
The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Messianic? Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2010.
My Search for Messiah. Grand Rapids: Discovery House, 2009.
Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict: What the Headlines Haven't Told You. Chicago: Moody, 2007.
They Called Me Christ-Killer! Grand Rapids: Discovery Booklets, 2005.
Translation Work:"Joel" and "Obadiah." The Holman Christian Standard Bible. Translated by the HCSB Translation Team. Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2013.
Old Testament Translation Team for The Holman Christian Standard Bible (Joel and Obadiah)
Book Chapters:"The Hermeneutics of the Conflict." In Israel, the Church, and the Middle East: A Biblical Response to the Current Conflict, edited by Mitch Glaser and Darrell Bock. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publishers, 2018.
"Israel: Why the Church Must Be Raptured before the Tribulation." In Evidence for the Rapture, edited by John Hart. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2015.
"Song of Solomon," "Daniel," "Joel," "Habakkuk," "Haggai," "Isaiah," Zechariah," "Malachi." In The Moody Bible Commentary, edited by Michael Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2014.
“Israel: The Linchpin in Biblical History and Prophecy.” In Storm Clouds on the Horizon, edited by Charles H. Dyer. Chicago: Moody, 2001.
"Study Notes on Daniel." In the Holman Standard Study Bible, edited by Edwin A. Blum. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2011.
"Daniel." In The Quest Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
"Preaching Historical Narrative." The Moody Handbook of Preaching, edited by John Koessler. Chicago: Moody, 2008.
"The Messiah of the Hebrew Bible." In The Apologetics Study Bible. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2007.
"Proclaiming Jesus from the Hebrew Bible: The Virgin Birth as Predicted in the Hebrew Scriptures." In Proclaiming Jesus: Essays in Honor of Joseph M. Stowell, edited by Thomas Cornman. Chicago: Moody, 2007.
"Ground Zero: The Centrality of Israel in Bible Prophecy." In Prophecy Light of Today, edited by Charles H. Dyer. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2002.
"Messianic Jewish Theological Education." In Voices of Messianic Judaism, edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Baltimore: Lederer Publications, 2001.
Articles:"Was Paul Anti-Semitic? Re-visiting 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16." Bibliotheca Sacra. (Winter 2008).
"An Extended Review of Paul the Convert." Mishkan. (1995).
"His Blood Be Upon Us." Mishkan. (1987).
"Inner-Biblical Perspectives on Messianic Prophecy." Mishkan. (Fall 1998).
"Is The Gospel 'To The Jew First'." Chosen People Magazine. (January 1991).
"Jewish People and Salvation" Bibliotheca Sacra (Oct 2008).
"Preaching in a Messianic Congregation." Kesher. (Winter 1995-96).
"The Problem of Mistaken Identity - Isaiah 52:13-53:12." Chosen People Magazine.
“The Teacher of Righteousness” Bibliotheca Sacra (April 2019).
"Using Intermarriage as a Jewish Evangelistic Strategy." LCJE Bulletin. (1995).
"Using Rabbinic Sources in Preaching and Teaching." Kesher. (Fall 1997).
"Who Are The Christ Killers?" Moody Monthly. (October 1985).
Videos:My Search for Messiah (3 Episodes),J Discovery House Publishers, 2014.Jerusalem: City of Tears, City of Hope (2 Episodes) Discovery House Publishers, 2014.The Unbreakable Promise: The Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic Covenants (3 Episodes), Discovery House Publishers, 2014.Mart De Haan, The Jewish Roots of Christianity (2 Episodes), Discovery House Publishers, 2014.Jimmy DeYoung, Crucified: Take Up Your Cross (2 Episodes) Discovery House Publishers, 2014.Mart De Haan, Israel and the Church, Who Killed Jesus? (2 Episodes) Discovery House Publishers, 2014.The Three Faiths of Jerusalem (3 Episodes)The Mount of Olives in Prophecy.The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53 (4 Episodes). Day of Discovery, 2012.Promise of Messiah (3 Episodes). Our Daily Bread, 2014.Avner Boskey, The Appointed Times (4 Episodes), Discovery House Publishers, 2014.Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ, Lions Gate Films, 2007. -
Professional / Personal Interests:
Research Interests: Messianic Prophecy, Use of the Old Testament in the New, The Relationship of the Law of Moses to the New Covenant Believer, The History of Jewish Christianity, Jewish Missions, and Jewish/Christian Relations, Zionism and Modern Israel, The Bible as Canonical Literature
Baseball, politics, literature, preaching, taking students to Israel, hiking and biking