With Moody Aviation, you can train to be a missionary pilot mechanic or maintenance specialist and develop technical and spiritual skills to equip you for the rigors of mission work. Experience comprehensive training that will prepare you to meet the challenges presented by missions flying and maintenance in diverse environments.
When you major in Missionary Aviation Technology, you decide a speciality focus—Flight or Maintenance—and train using a wide variety of mission-specific equipment, including tailwheel and high performance aircraft.
Biblical, Theological, and General Studies
The first year of the program includes biblical, theological, and general studies courses. After completion of the first year, these courses continue throughout the remainder of the program, with modular or semester courses taken simultaneously with technical training.

Bachelor of Science in Missionary Aviation Technology
Building on over 75 years of experience in missionary aviation training, the Bachelor of Science in Missionary Aviation Technology degree program provides graduates with biblical, theological and general studies coursework and the technical training required to prepare them for their vital role in serving the world’s flying missions.
Pilot and Mechanics and Maintenance Specialists will train for proficiency using a wide variety of mission-specific equipment, including tailwheel and high performance aircraft.

- Flight Major
- Maintenance Major
Flight Major
The Flight major coursework trains students to qualify for their FAA Private, Instrument and Commercial certifications. Program distinctions include a 1,500-mile extended cross country project, wilderness survival and first aid instruction, as well as training in a wide variety of aircrafts used currently on the mission field.
Maintenance Major
The Maintenance Specialist major builds on the foundation of Moody’s comprehensive AMT training. It includes engine overhaul, airframe rebuild, turbine engine maintenance and repair, avionics systems and installation and much more. Graduates also gain excellent inspection and troubleshooting skills to ensure the mission fleet they manage remains safe and airworthy.
Moody Aviation students are trained by seasoned pilots, experienced maintenance specialists and mission agency members.
Studying under veteran missionary pilots and mechanics, Missionary Aviation Technology majors earn Private, Instrument and Commercial certifications while gaining advanced maintenance training, all with a solid biblical foundation.
"Today the need for missionary pilots and mechanics is greater than ever, making possible the work of Bible translation, church planting, disaster relief, emergency aid and transportation to the most remote regions of our world.
"Those who are called to share in the exciting work of mission aviation look forward with eager anticipation to watching the light of Christ dawn in dark places as the news of Christ's love reaches the ends of the earth for the very first time."
Serving Him,
Cecil Bedford
Professor Emeritus, Moody Aviation

Learning Experiences
As part of the B.S.M.A.T. training, students complete a required, 6-week internship to gain exposure and real-life experience working within a cross-cultural context. During this internship, you will gain an understanding of life in other cultures, as well as confidence in your ability to live and serve wherever the Lord sends you on mission.
Additionally, Flight majors participate in an unparalleled 1,500-mile extended cross-country project, including wilderness survival and first aid instruction.

Missions Internship
Students take part in a required Ministry Internship any time after the completion of 60 course credits. The purpose is to allow students to serve short-term in a missions, aviation and cross-cultural context—confirming their fit in this exciting and rewarding field of service.

Learn More About Becoming an Aviation Student
Review Moody's admissions requirements and application process.
See how you might qualify for federal and other aid.
Read more about college life on and off campus.
Get more info on the cost of a Moody education.
Learn more about scholarship and grant opportunities.
View the list of services available to all Aviation students.