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Course Content Report

Course Content Report - One Stop Shop

Course Content Report

To view academic policies please refer to the Academic Catalog.

Instructor Information

Course Information

Urgency of Request

Multiple or single choice

Reason(s) for Report

Check all that apply

Test/Exam/Quiz Issue

Concern about a test question or format of a question or answer, difficulty in answering the question by students, test question not covered in course materials, etc.

Incorrect Reference

References that point to wrong Scripture verses or other incorrect reference material. These are more often than not urgent requests as they deal with live courses with active students and need attention immediately.

Course Design Issues

Normally of the non-urgent type and associated with clarity of instruction within the course or syllabus or materials such as improper assignment instruction, ambiguity with directions, etc.

Broken Link

Website links in course return an error message or no longer point to the described address or content. These are more often than not urgent requests as they deal with live courses with active students and need attention immediately.

Required Reading Issues

Reading materials unavailable due to book edition changes or material seems above the level of student comprehension. May be connected with broken links.

Other or Instructor’s Lounge Issues

Other comments or concerns not addressed in the above list as well as issues with the instructional documents found in the Instructor’s Lounge of each course. Include suggestions on how to improve the course to better textbook materials or assignment suggestions.