Report an Incident - One Stop Shop
Plagiarism is the purposeful use of another's publication, idea, or concept without giving proper citation or credit. Before making a plagiarism accusation, please review the official Academic Integrity policy in the Academic Catalog. Make sure the plagiarism is intentional and not simply the lack of academic rigor or understanding. Instances of plagiarism are reported to the Moody Student Development office for appropriate action and determination if a pattern of plagiarism has developed with an individual student. To learn more about plagiarism please visit
Phone harassment
What is meant here is the use of your contact information by a student to solicit support for mission trips, plea for money or other handouts, or calling instructors as all hours of the day or night. Make sure you clearly state your contact preferences in the “Your Instructor” tab of your course. If this type of abuse occurs after you have asked for it to stop, notify our office at
Student complaint
Student complaints can be due to course content or rigor, clarity of course instruction, dislike of an instructor, or a myriad of issues. Please respond to student complaints directly, but if the complaint snowballs into something beyond your "pay grade," feel free to email for resolution.
Expressing comments that demean or unconstructively criticize another student's idea, the instructor, or course material (though the students should feel free to disagree with the course material and other presented ideas, it must be in a courteous and respectful manner).
Inappropriate personal disclosures
A type of personal disclosure where inappropriate personal information is shared openly, such as a confession to a serious moral failing.
Use of profanity or other crude language including "hate" speech.
Verbal/written harassment
Comments that attack another person directly for who they are (race, sex, belief, etc.) making the learning environment uncomfortable for everyone.
Intentional distracting
Comments with topics not related to the course that detracts from the course's purpose and goals.
Other comments deemed as inappropriate or harmful by faculty. Please provide your reasoning.