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This page contains information about different resolutions to Title IX reports.

Three Options for a Report Resolution:

Resolutions that involve NO investigative process:

  • Support-based resolution: The supportive measures offered/accepted are enough to resolve the matter, which are normally on the day of the report.
  • Informal Resolution: An informal resolution allows for a mediated agreement between the two parties, facilitated by the Title IX Coordinator. A Formal Complaint will still have to be filed for an informal resolution to take place. This usually takes 30-60 days.

Resolution that involves an investigative process:

  • Formal Resolution of a Formal Complaint. A Complainant must file a Formal Complaint against the Respondent. There will be an impartial, neutral investigation. After both parties and necessary witnesses are interviewed and evidence collected, a decision-maker is assigned to the case to make a determination. This process usually takes 90-120 days.


More on Informal vs Formal Resolutions

  • Informal: must take place after the filing of a Formal Complaint but before a Live Hearing.
    • Resolved through Negotiated Agreement
      • Respondent must accept responsibility for the alleged Prohibited Conduct.
      • Parties can negotiate through the Title IX Coordinator on appropriate sanctions.
      • Parties are encouraged to submit mitigation/impact statements.
      • The Title IX Coordinator may propose other terms for the resolution.
  • Formal: includes the investigation and a hearing
    • Responsibility and disciplinary sanctions are determined by a decision-maker.